Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Loves of our Lives by A.C. Chenier (VBT, excerpt and GIVEAWAY) GFT

I have the pleasure of having a guest post from author A.C. Chenier, who answers the question...

ELF:  What scares you the most or makes you the happiest about writing?

ACCThis is an interesting question. I don’t think any of us like to admit that we have fear in our writing. But I suspect we all do. Of course a fear I think any artist has is that the general public won’t like what you are doing, be it art, music or writing. We all want to make money at what we do. After all, money is what makes the world go around, or at least it pays the bills; and don’t we all have those.

For me, the scariest part was getting past my own doubts about my ability to write. I’m an accountant by training. I’ve been conditioned through years of work and school to logically approach a problem and to find the solution. A perfectionist by nature, numbers and finances were my life. Writing is so far on the opposite end of the spectrum of my old environment. That leap to creative/ right brain activity was the scariest thing I could do. And then to take that final step, and actually put it out there for people to read; that was huge. The first few times I gave any of my work to someone to read, I was so nervous; would they like it, was I really good enough, would it ‘speak’ to anyone. I gradually decided that if I felt it was good enough, then there would be others who would embrace it as well

On the other end of the spectrum, the happiest moments are when I get so lost in my writing that the hours just fly by. I can sit down at my computer at 7pm, and the next thing I know its midnight. I’m so lost in what I’m writing that time stands still. That is an amazing feeling to have characters come to life right in front of you. They want their stories told, their voice heard. It all springs to life from my brain to the keyboard. The voices clamouring inside my head is quite wonderful, if a bit overwhelming sometimes.

Loves of Our Lives

by A.C. Chenier


GENRE: Romance



For Katie Benjamin, finding the perfect soul mate was just a fairy tale until a chance encounter on a train changes everything. What she discovers takes her on a journey that spans lifetimes.



“I had this commissioned for you to have. I want you to wear it close to your heart and know my heart is now and will always be yours.” He opened the case and displayed a gold locket. She gasped at the beautiful locket within the case. It was a white cameo in a pale pink background.

“Turn it over,” he said.

She did and read the words he had engraved on the back. Forever in my heart, forever in my soul.

She felt tears running down her face as she looked at the beautiful words and then into Jonathon’s eyes. She looked deep into his eyes and felt her own soul connecting directly to Jonathon. He said to her, “Forever in my heart, forever in my soul. I will find you again.” He then wrapped his arms around her and took her lips in a passionate kiss. Her heart was hammering in her throat as she kissed him back. To her it felt a bit like a good-bye kiss, but a kiss filled with the promise of reuniting in time.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I am a CPA, CGA and live in Southern Ontario. After working for many years in the high pressure worlds of banking and IT, I decided that it was time to have a change in pace. Leaving Toronto behind I embarked on a new career in retail sales. The change was wonderful, but I felt something was missing.

Then, the unthinkable happened, and I was widowed at 46. That was a truly life altering experience. In time, I was introduced to the books and work of Dr. Brian Weiss. I discovered in his research a new purpose in life, and was driven to start writing, something I had always enjoyed, but never thought of as a career choice.

And now here we are in 2015, and my first novel is ready to be published. My second, also in the Past Lives series, will follow shortly. I continue to write and dream of a future that I had never even considered in my wildest dreams.





The tour dates can be found here


  1. What is your favorite family vacation?

    1. I like to vacation near water and golf. Florida is good for that in the winter. I also like historic areas especially in Europe.

  2. Great concept. How do you decide on names for your characters?

    1. Debby, most of my characters name themselves, at least their first names. I am very conscious in my historical sections to utilize names that were "from the time" so to speak. So I did a lot of research on names from England in the 1700's and Civil War era for this book.

      Middle and last names usually come from how the entire name flows together. And again, taking care to have names that were "common" in the time.

  3. thanks for the quick Q&A...congrats to AC on the new release.

    1. Thanks Sandy. I enjoyed thinking about this question. It really made me consider what I love and hate about writing.

  4. Who was your inspiration for your characters? And do you have a favorite character? If so which one?

    1. I don't have a specific inspiration for my characters. They just seem to come alive for me as I start to write their stories.

      I've been asked which character I would want to be, and that is my heroine from my next novel, Kelly Taylor. She gets to travel to some fascinating places during the course of her adventure.
      As to my favourite character, again, probably from my second book, and would be the hero Neil Adams; a sexy, dynamic and very rich man.

  5. Interesting blog post. That's for giving us a little more information about you. And thanks for adding an excerpt, I love reading a little excerpt because it gives a little look into the book.

    1. Thanks. That excerpt is one of my favourite. When I started writing the novel, the cameo and its link from the past to the present was such powerful image for me.

  6. Great post and wonderful question Elf! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I agree, it was a wonderful question. And caused me to really think about what writing has become to me on my journey through life. The fears and the joy are all part of the process.

  7. Enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you. I certainly enjoyed writing it. I'm happy you enjoyed the excerpt.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you. That particular scene creates incredibly powerful images for me, almost like I can see the actors playing out their roles.

  9. Great concept, thanks for the chance to win! Book sounds great

    1. Thank you. The true story of love found through the ages from the Dr. Brian Weiss book "Only Love is Real" was the catalyst for the concept in this book.

  10. An interesting interview thank you.

  11. I'm happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. I enjoyed the interview and the excerpt. Thank you so much for sharing.
