Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Exiles by L.J. Ambrosio (VET, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT




L.J. Ambrosio




GENRE:  Literary Fiction/Coming of Age






In this final chapter, Ron's story concludes from Reflections on the Boulevard (2023). Michael's wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul of the city. Ron's journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons along the way. The final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, which started with A Reservoir Man (2022).






The morning arrived, and Ron and Julia anxiously awaited Lily. A knock on the door and there was Lily with Louie. They began to move the baggage out when Julia loudly said Rhonda needed to be walked.


Louie volunteered to walk Rhonda, his new friend. Ron told him he had to pick her up and take her to the park and then put her down.


“Why?” asked Louie.


“She cannot walk on all those cigarette butts on the sidewalk. She cries as if she is walking through fire. Just take her downstairs, and we will put her into the car. Hey, watch out, she is blind in one eye.”


Buy links:

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AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at 7 Universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.











a Rafflecopter giveaway

The tour dates can be found here

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Silent Partner: Fox Hollow Zodiac #3 by Morgan Brice (ADULT title) Spotlight and review


Release Tour & Giveaway

Silent Partner Banner

Silent Partner

Fox Hollow Zodiac, Book 3


Morgan Brice

Silent Partner Cover

A psychic moose shifter. A handsome guy who is psychically silent. The chance for a fresh start, and a threat from the past that might get in the way.

Brandon Davis is a psychic and a moose shifter. He makes his living as a wilderness guide in Fox Hollow, NY—a town that is a haven for misfit shifters and psychics. Brandon has a profitable business, a found family of close friends, and a cozy cabin in the woods. Life is good, but he wishes he could find a special someone to share it with. Then he picks up the unmistakable scent of his fated mate--a handsome man who isn't a shifter of any kind and whose thoughts he can't read. The chemistry is undeniable, but can he fall for a silent partner?

Riley Henderson escaped a bad relationship with an ex-boyfriend he suspects is a psi-vamp. He left town and got a scholarship to the Fox Institute to explore his rare ability—his thoughts are mostly closed to being read by psychics. Getting away from his ex was worth being studied for his unusual silence as a “nil” or an “immune.” Especially since the situation comes with a stipend, an apartment, and a regular gig as a musician at one of the local hotels. Riley intends to go boy-sober until he meets a tall, dark-haired stranger with whom he has a sudden, intense connection. When he realizes Brandon is both a psychic and a shifter, Riley needs to figure out how they can overcome those differences to be together. And in the back of his mind, Riley worries—what if his ex shows up to ruin everything?

Silent Partner is a MM shifter romance filled with found family, a snarky moose, a soulful musician, sexy shifters, small town winter fun, fated mates, helpful psychics, lots of snow and a very happy ending.

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Exclusive excerpt:

Fox Hollow Grocery didn’t look fancy from the outside, but as soon as he stepped inside, Riley felt amazed by the sheer variety of items the store stocked. He grabbed a cart and began working his way around the aisles slowly, looking for the items on his list and making mental notes of what he might need to buy in the near future.

The smell of baking bread tempted him from the bakery, and the produce aisle was remarkably fresh, considering the season. Riley wasn’t planning on cooking any fancy dinners with his minimal kitchen, but the meat counter offered mouth-watering options. He picked up basics—peanut butter, jelly, bread, lunch meat and sandwich fixings, chips, coffee, and a few other staples just in case he really did get snowed in.

A couple of frozen entrees and small pizzas got added to the cart, next to a case of beer. He had brought a few fifths of whiskey with him and figured he would have time to figure out where the nearest liquor store was before his stash ran low.

Where do they keep the microwave popcorn?

Someone bumped into him, and Riley looked up—and up. The dark-haired man was at least three or four inches taller, with broad shoulders. Dark brown eyes widened as their gazes met.

Riley registered a couple of things in those first few seconds. The stranger was handsome, probably hid an amazing body beneath his parka, and had the prettiest eyes Riley had ever seen.

“Sorry.” The stranger sounded adorably embarrassed.

“No problem,” Riley stammered. “Do you know where the microwave popcorn is?” he blurted.

Tall Guy told him, and Riley thanked him, not sure how to carry on the conversation he wanted to have while standing in a grocery aisle.

Smooth move, he berated himself. That was the hottest guy I’ve seen in a long time, and all I could do was ask about popcorn?

Then again, it’s a small town. I’m likely to see him again.

Aargh. And he’ll remember me as “popcorn man.”

Riley felt a surge of excitement as Tall Guy lined up behind him in the checkout lane. They chatted about the town and the weather. Riley admitted that he was new but didn’t mention the gig at the hotel.

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Silent Partner!

You can also enter the giveaway on our Instagram post or click here for your chance to win an e-copy of your choice from Morgan or Gail's backlist!

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About the Author:

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!

Connect with Morgan/Gail:



My review:

3.75 stars


“Silent Partner” by Morgan Brice is part of the Fox Hollow Zodiac series and features Brandon, a wilderness guide, and Riley, a musician, who discover that they are perfect for each other…provided each is willing to share his secrets.

This adult gay paranormal romance features a type of shifter who doesn’t normally get much time in the spotlight, and it was fun to read about him. I love the repartee between Brandon and his moose alter-ego, and I was fascinated by the idea of a psychic nil being peaceful for a telepath to be around. I was a bit disappointed that the suspense and action were resolved a bit quickly and seemed to be secondary to the sex scenes, and I thought the guys got pretty hot and heavy very early in their relationship.

I was happy to see some of the characters from previous stories, and was very happy to be armchair traveling through the vivid descriptions of hiking through snowy weather. Just like his moose, Brandon is a larger-than-life personality, and I was delighted to make his acquaintance. Fox Hollow is a fun place to visit, and I enjoyed seeing other characters from the series. 

A copy of this title was provided for review

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Husky Love (Friend of Gaynor Beach Animal Rescue) by Gabbi Grey (spotlight and excerpt)


Husky Love

Friend of Gaynor Beach Animal Rescue 

ADULT title



I may be young, but I've done a hell of a lot of growing up in the past year. I watched my big brother deal with the challenges of loving someone, went through some medical stuff myself, and changed my career plans and ultimately, my city. Gaynor Beach is smaller than where I was, but it has two attractions—my brother's big new house, where he's letting me live for now, and Rob Dunn. When I met Rob, just, damn. Like my brother, I wanted to help that sweet, stubborn guy and his cute kids get back on their feet. Maybe the rescue husky wasn't the right gesture, despite Rob’s connection to her, but a dog is love on four paws, and I plan to be there to help all the way.


I fled my abusive husband with my two kids and the clothes on our backs. I'm grateful every day for the support the Gaynor Beach folks have given us…okay, I'm not sure I'm precisely grateful for the rambunctious young husky Danny Reynolds gave us, but Trouble makes my kids smile, and that's a big win in my eyes. I'm determined to get back on my feet. I hate relying on other people to help us, but somehow it doesn't bother me as much when it comes from Danny. It's nice to have a real friend after all those isolated years, but do I want to keep him in the friend zone?

This slow-burn small-town gay romance novel is about fresh starts, accepting help, two sweet kids, and an adorable husky named Trouble.


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Exclusive Excerpt

As I ushered Danny into the house, with him carrying Thomas, it struck me that this was the first time someone else had hauled the carrier for me. Gerard certainly had never done it. And we’d been within walking distance of the medical clinic and stores, so I’d just pushed the double stroller.

In other words, no one had ever helped before.

I blinked rapidly. He’s just carrying your son. Don’t make a big deal out of it. And I wouldn’t, I promised myself. I glanced over my shoulder at the other two men, but they just waved us on and turned to peer at something on the porch. I left them to do whatever, and followed Danny.

He moved to the couch, gently placed the carrier on the floor, straightened to his full height, and looked around. “You know, this is my brother’s house and I’ve never seen the inside.”

He spoke in a hushed tone around Thomas, which I appreciated. He needn’t have bothered. Thomas could sleep through anything.

Danny stretched a little, rolling his shoulders back. He was tall, although not as tall as his brother. He was also… I sought the right word. Not fat or chubby or anything like that. Just…solid. Both he and his brother had some heft to them. As opposed to myself who was short and… short and scrawny. No! Slender. Slim. Something that wasn’t a word Gerard had used to make me feel bad about myself. Only now was I realizing just how often I repeated Gerard’s cold criticism in my own head. I was determined to learn not to put myself down.

Gerard did enough of that for the both of us.

Danny smiled broadly. “My brother’s lived here for a couple of months, and I’ve never even seen the place.”

“It’s a great place.” I tried not to think of how small it was in comparison to my LA house because that didn’t matter. We had a roof over our heads. For the moment, we were safe. “I love that Hallie’s going to get her own room.” I didn’t mind sharing a room with Thomas. Having the crib next to the large bed would be a tight fit, but—having met James—I saw why the bed had to be so big. The guy was massive. And Colin wasn’t a slouch either.

As Danny craned his neck, I offered up a smile. “Why don’t you take a look around? Then you can say you’ve seen the place.”

“Oh, I don’t want to—”

“Really, it’s okay.” And Hallie was growing heavier in my arms.

As if sensing the issue, Danny nodded and headed down the hallway to the bathroom, bedroom, and den.

I lowered Hallie to the couch. “Do you want to read a book?”

She nodded silently, her gaze on where Danny had vanished.


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Author bio and links:

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Heartstone by Clemency Crow (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT



Clemency Crow




GENRE:  Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure






Jeremy isn't surprised his grandfather died. He's surprised he had one.

When the family travel to Cumbria for the funeral arrangements, he realises his grandfather had an important job to complete. Jeremy's grandfather was part of the Order of the Magi, who trapped an evil spirit away from our world, using the power contained within heartstones, and hidden in special places around the county.

But the heartstones need recharging every hundred years, so Jeremy and his strange new friend must find each stone, and complete dangerous tasks to prove they are worthy, before the power of the stones runs out and evil has control over the world.






“Good morning, sleepy!” Ben grinned as he spoke. He looked no worse for wear after his ordeal from yesterday. That is, until Jeremy saw the grey arm resting above the cover. Ben followed his gaze and his grin widened. This boy would make a funny situation out of anything, no matter how grim.

“Do you think you convinced your mum?” he asked.

Jeremy shook his head, as the conversation of last night came back to him.

Ben looked at him, his grin melting away. “What do you mean?”

“She said she knows what’s going on, and that her dad was a mage.” Jeremy screwed up his eyes as he tried to remembered the details of the conversation, but all he could concentrate on was the argument blazing downstairs. The more he listened, the more he wanted to hear. “I’m going to get done in the bathroom,” he mumbled, getting out of bed.

“Report back,” Ben said, completely unfooled by his excuse.

As Jeremy wandered along the landing, closer to the stairs, the voices became clearer.

“I’m not staying here long enough to lose my son,” Jeremy heard Dad’s voice snap. He stopped in his tracks in surprise.

“He’s my son, too, David,” Mum replied, equally harshly. “And he’s got no choice in the matter. If Dad chose him, then the damage is already done.”

“No!” Dad shouted. “I will not have him throw away what is going to be a fantastic life.”

“Right,” came the scoffing reply. “And a fantastic life by your standard is a good wage and a respected job. He will get both of these things in this job. When he’s ready to take it.”

“We… are… leaving.”

There was a pause.

“You may be, David,” Mum said, quietly so Jeremy had to concentrate to hear. “But I’m staying.”


Free to read on Kindle Unlimited




AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Clemency is a primary school teacher, children’s author, and illustrator, based in rural Caithness with her family and two needy spaniels. In fact, Clemency is typing this one handed, because Jess cries if she isn’t stroked for five seconds.


When she isn’t writing, Clemency loves designing new parts of her garden, trying to find plants that will withstand the 70mph winds that are likely to batter them. She is oftentimes to be found tearing her hair out at the prevalence of ground elder in the flower borders, while cultivated species struggle to survive.


Clemency’s favourite genre to write, and read, is fantasy adventure. This gives her ample opportunity to put her long suffering characters in perilous situations.


Book Trailer for Heartstone


Website (currently in process of switching to Wordpress, but I’ll keep you updated if it changes)

BlueSky - Social Media 



a Rafflecopter giveaway

The tour dates can be found here


My review

4 stars



Heartstone by Clemency Crow follows the adventure of young Jeremy, who accompanies his parents to Church Brough, Cumbria in England, to deal with the final affairs of a grandfather Jeremy has never heard about. An irrepressible boy named Ben and Ben’s grandfather guide Jeremy on an unexpected adventure that will change his life forever.


This middle-grade fantasy adventure story is inventive and exciting, with lots of fun elements. There are realistic touches, such as when Jeremy witnesses tension between his parents, and mystical aspects as he discovers powers that he never dreamed of and fights against evil. I enjoyed the whimsical nature of the quest as fantastical creatures and startling repercussions evolve, even as Jeremy discovers the importance of friendship and faces the unpleasant specter of betrayal by someone he should be able to trust. This is an entertaining story that is also thought provoking, which will be enjoyed by fantasy lovers of all ages.


A copy of this title was provided for review

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Adulting: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet by Haley Cavanagh (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT


Adulting: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet


Haley Cavanagh




GENRE:  Self-help






Embark on a journey to adulting mastery with Adulting: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet. Unlock the secrets to a well-rounded adult life with clear, concise, and invaluable advice on budgeting, cooking, time management, building meaningful relationships, and so much more! This comprehensive guide is your roadmap to taking charge of your life, offering you the tools and wisdom you need to sculpt the life of your dreams. This book offers practical advice and user-friendly tips that will empower you to make the most of every aspect of your life, ensuring that you become the self-reliant, confident, and accomplished person you were always meant to be. Join author, Haley Cavanagh - military veteran, devoted wife and mother, and award winning author-in waving goodbye to uncertainty and hesitation and embracing the fulfilling life you've envisioned. Don't just drift through adulthood-thrive in it. The future is yours to shape, and this book is your indispensable guide on the journey to living the adult life you truly desire.







Don’t Overthink Everything

Don’t spend too much time analyzing or rehashing things in your head.

Overthinking can rob you of the present and create undue stress and anxiety you don’t need. If you find yourself mentally besieged by something stressing you out, go for a walk to help clear your mind.


It’s Okay to Fail

The average young adult goes through five or six career changes before age thirty. It’s okay if something you’ve dreamt about falls through. Perhaps you were meant to walk a different path. It doesn’t mean you’re any less unique or special. It means you’re growing and about to embark on a different journey than you fantasized about as a teen. And that’s okay. It’s a normal part of life experience.

Failure is a good teacher and a powerful motivator. James Cameron started as a truck driver, and Harrison Ford was a blue-collar carpenter. J. K. Rowling was a teacher and single mom on welfare. Adam Driver got turned down when he first auditioned for the Juilliard School; he joined the Marines, and two years later, when he reauditioned for Juilliard, he got in.


Learn from Your Mistakes

Inevitably, everyone messes up. Despite how together or entitled people might act, nobody knows what they’re doing when they first launch into adulthood. Everyone starts as a fish swimming in the same ocean against the same current. As the Alanis Morissette song goes, “No one’s really got it figured out just yet.” Making mistakes is essential to learning and growing, and it’s how we evolve.



Buy links:


Abe Books


Barnes & Noble


Cedar Fort Publishing

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AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Haley Cavanagh is a military veteran, wife, and mother. In 2020, she won the Silver Quill award from the League of Utah Writers for Retaliation, the second novel in her Oceanstone Initiative sci-fi series. Haley is an alumna of Columbia College and a musical theater nut, and she loves to dive into any book that crosses her path. Haley enjoys spending time with her husband and children when she's not writing. She loves to hear from her readers and encourages you to contact her via her website or social media.


Book Trailer: 


Social media links:











 Cedar Fort Teaser Trailer





a Rafflecopter giveaway

 The tour dates can be found here


My review:


4.25 stars


“Adulting: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet” by Haley Cavanagh is a self-help book aimed at those who are just starting to be independent. There are tips about how to set up a budget, how to save money, keeping a living space clean, etc., and templates for things like meal planning, budgeting, and other checklists.


This is a fun and easy-to-read compilation of various tips. I enjoyed reading through and analyzing how I would react to some of the suggestions, particularly if I was just moving out of the family home as an adult. The author’s voice varies between motherly and big-sisterly, and she reminds the reader of various important things to take note of and to establish routines for. I was entertained by some of the things that were included as standard line items in the sample budget (Netflix, cable, Sirius, and yoga classes) since I consider those non-essential, and I think there are other venues to think of when choosing eye exams and eyeglasses such as Costco and similar membership stores. I laughed at the recipe section (and definitely marked some to try out) because it starts with dessert rather than other items. The hacks are arranged in a kind of stream-of consciousness fashion, but are definitely helpful.


I think this is a wonderful resource that should be recommended reading for anyone who is moving out on their own for the first time, and I think it would make that scary first step much easier and less stressful.


A copy of this title was provided for review


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Love is All, Volume 7 (Spotlight and review) Adult titles


Love is All

Volume 7


 Gabbi Grey

Xio Axelrod A.D. Ellis Susan Scott Shelley

Lee Blair Piper MaloneR.L. Merrill,

Sophia SoamesSkylar M. CatesChantal Mer 

Adult titles



Get ready to turn the page on love, acceptance, and making a difference with Love Is All: Volume 7!

This limited-edition anthology features swoon-worthy novellas and short stories by ten award-winning and bestselling authors, including A.D. Ellis, Chantal Mer, Gabbi Grey, Lee Blair, Piper Malone, R.L. Merrill, Skylar M. Cates, Sophia Soames, Susan Scott Shelley, and Xio Axelrod. Second-chance sweethearts, steamy encounters, and heartwarming friendships all await you.

All proceeds from the anthology will benefit Advocates for Trans Equality, an organization dedicated to protecting and empowering transgender individuals.

Love Is All: Volume 7 is only available for a limited time.




Universal Link

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Barnes and Noble




The Charities

All proceeds from this year’s collection will benefit Advocates for Trans Equality.

Founded in 2024, A4TE brings together the National Center for Transgender Equality (a previous LIA beneficiary), and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund - two powerhouse champions of trans equality.



Gabbi Grey

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell. 

Xio Axelrod

Xio Axelrod is a USA Today bestselling author of different flavours of contemporary romance. She also writes what she likes to call strange, twisted tales. Xio grew up in the music industry and began recording at a young age. When she isn’t writing stories, she can be found in the studio, writing songs, or performing on international stages (under a different, no-so-secret name). She lives in Philadelphia with one full-time husband and several part-time cats.

Chantal Mer

Chantal Mer is an author and optimist. Her stories explore relationships and what it means to be family. When she’s not writing about strong women, strong men, and strong love, she can be found walking her adorable dog, volunteering at her kids’ school (in the library, of course), teaching at the local university, and reading.

Chantal lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband, kids, Toffee the Wonder Dog, and vicious cat, Gracie.

Susan Scott Shelley

USA Today bestselling author Susan Scott Shelley writes stories with heat and heart, where love always wins. Her romances give readers lighthearted and emotionally satisfying escapes into happily ever after. In addition to crafting stories, she is also a professional voiceover artist and enjoys lending her voice to a wide range of projects.

She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and is an avid fan of her hometown sports teams. Her favorite things include running (honestly, it's more like jogging), sports (especially hockey), hard rock (but will listen to anything from heavy metal to show tunes), and writing about people from all walks of life finding their special someone.

Lee Blair

Lee Blair is a queer author from Oregon who writes low angst, funny, M/M contemporary romance. She's constantly amused by the antics of her two ginger cats, considers daydreaming about future trips to Scotland a part-time job, and is obsessed with Schitt's Creek to an alarming degree.

Piper Malone

Piper Malone is an award-winning author of sweet and sexy romance.

Dog lover. Reader. Foodie. Coffee, please.

A.D. Ellis

A.D. Ellis is an Indiana girl, born and raised. She spends much of her time in central Indiana as a teacher in the inner city of Indianapolis, being a mom to two amazing teens, and wondering how she and her husband of nearly two decades haven't driven each other insane yet. A lot of her time is also devoted to phone call avoidance and her hatred of cooking.
She loves chocolate, wine, pizza, and naps along with reading and writing romance. These loves don't leave much time for housework, much to the chagrin of her husband. Who would pick cleaning the house over a nap or a good book? She uses any extra time to increase her fluency in sarcasm.
A.D. uses she/they pronouns.

R.L. Merrill

Whether she’s writing contemporary romance featuring quirky, queer, and relatable characters or diving deep into the supernatural to give readers a shiver, R.L. Merrill loves creating compelling stories that will stay with readers long after closing the book. Ro writes inclusive romance for the Happily Ever After collective, contributes paranormal hilarity to Robyn Peterman’s Magic and Mayhem Universe, and pens horror-inspired tales and music reviews for HorrorAddicts.net. A mom, wife, daughter, and former educator, you can find her rocking out in her Bronco with Great Dane pup Velma, being terrorized by feline twins Dracula and Frankenstein, or headbanging at a rock show near her home in the San Francisco Bay Area! Stay Tuned for more…

Skylar M. Cates

Skylar M. Cates loves a good romance. She is happy to drink coffee, curl up with a good book, and not move all day. Her novels feature strong and passionate men. Skylar loves to craft stories where realistic characters are challenged with emotional situations. Although lately the laundry room is the farthest place she has visited, Skylar loves to chat with folks from all around the globe.

Sophia Soames

Sophia Soames is a Scandinavian, UK based, Author of contemporary MM romance. She writes stories of everyday people with kids and families living real life fairytales.



My review:

4 stars


“Love is All, Vol. 7” is an anthology of m/m and f/f romance novellas and short stories by Gabbi Grey, Xio Axelrod, et al. Each tale artfully depicts the challenges of following one’s heart and the joys of finding love.


Each story is set up with a unique twist, yet all celebrate love. I lean more toward reading m/m rather than sapphic romance, but this collection gave me a chance to read stories by several new-to-me authors, and I appreciated the opportunity to expand my horizons. Even better, this is a charitable endeavor to benefit transgender individuals.

I continue to be a fan of Gabbi Grey, and enjoyed her tale of discovering something that’s been in front of you all of the time; I was intrigued by R. L. Merrill’s exploration of the feminine archetypes as portrayed by someone who is exploring such and finds more than she bargained for, including whether you actually can go home again; and Piper Malone’s rebound vacation romance tale was fun and I adored the secondary characters who styled Bram. All of the stories were entertaining and easy to read and a delightful celebration of love. I am happy to add new authors to my list of those to keep an eye out for.


A copy of this title was provided for review