Monday, March 14, 2016

Phantom Riders MC - Hawk by Tory Richards (VBB, excerpt and GIVEAWAY) ADULT title GFT

by Tory Richards
ADULT title

GENRE: erotic suspense romance



Ultimate betrayal leaves Hawk, the president of an outlaw motorcycle club, distrustful and hating women. He only wants them for one thing now, and once he’s satisfied his animal urges he casts them aside without a second thought. But then Audra shows up, threatening his club and his way of life, and Hawk has to decide to turn the sexy, pint-sized package of trouble loose, or claim her for his own.



I quickly scooted out of the booth, realizing Hawk was right behind me. Before I could question him, he grabbed my arm and proceeded to jerk me in the direction leading to the back of the bar. I glanced around the bar wildly, but I didn’t see Dane’s men anywhere.

“They left, but they’ll be back.” We entered a dark hallway and halfway down he stopped us at a door. I expected him to knock, but he lifted his leg and kicked the door in, causing the occupants in the room to scream out in fear. “Out!” he snarled.

I barely had time to acknowledge the naked couple before they snatched up their strewn about clothes and rushed past us. As the man passed me I recognized him as one of Hawk’s men. We made eye contact long enough for him to wink at me. Once they cleared the threshold, Hawk pulled me inside and slammed the door behind him.

“Take your clothes off.”


“Take your clothes off.”

I know my jaw dropped at his demand. When I realized that he meant it I began to back up, slowly shaking my head. “You’re crazy!” I whispered sharply.

“Take your fuckin’ clothes off!” So far he hadn’t moved from his spot, yet I’d backed up until my back was against the wall. “Those men knew how to find you, which means there’s a bug on you somewhere.”

I tried to decipher what he was saying, but my brain wouldn’t wrap around the words that he thought I had a bug on me. He took a menacing step toward me, and that was all I needed to do what he wanted. Strangely, I wasn’t afraid of Hawk, only of what having his hands on me would make me feel. I was attracted to him in a strange way that left me feeling confused. Maybe it was because I knew that he wasn’t attracted to me.

I quickly removed my hoodie and handed it to him, kicking off my shoes at the same time. As Hawk began going over it, I unzipped and rolled down my jeans. I’d reached for the bottom of my t-shirt when a memory slammed into me.

“Just a minute.” I waited for him to look at me. “There’s no way there can be a bug in these clothes because they aren’t mine. I took them from a dryer in the laundromat.”

He hesitated for only a second. “I want everything.”

Deciding not to argue with him, I removed my t-shirt and threw it at him. He caught it to his chest and I swear I saw the tiniest curve of his mouth showing amusement at my irritation. He examined my clothes thoroughly, finding nothing, as I’d expected. Then he turned those dark eyes on me, running his gaze up and down my body, missing nothing.

“Everything,” he demanded. “Or did you borrow your underwear, too?”

No, the underwear I had on were mine. An expensive, sexy, thong and bra set Dane had purchased for me from Victoria’s Secret. The way Hawk’s gaze moved over me turned me on when it shouldn’t have. I was no stick figure, my short height gave me curves I’d spent half my adult life hiding, until I’d realized that some men liked meat on their women. The coffee eyes on me now revealed that Hawk was no exception.

I swung around and reached up to unhook my bra, hearing Hawk’s hiss. Tossing the bra to him, I waited, unsure if I would be able to remove my thong. This was silly because my backside was completely naked to him in that moment. I pulled it down, catching another hiss from Hawk when I bent slightly to work it over my knees and down my legs. I tossed it over my shoulder in his direction. Completely nude, I reached for the top sheet on the bed before facing him again.

“Satisfied?” I nearly swallowed my tongue when I saw that he had my thong in his hands. There was no way a bug could be hidden in that tiny, see-through thing.

Hawk’s expression was savage. Something strong and basic controlled him. He reminded me of a bronze statue, solid and powerfully intimidating. I was a prisoner, held captive by the intensity in his eyes. Slowly his hand moved upward to his face, pausing right beneath his nose. His nostrils flared and his eyes closed as he crushed the bunched thong and inhaled deeply.

Ohmygod, I’d never seen anything so compelling, so erotic. Lust slammed through me, flushing heat over my whole body. I held my breath and watched as his eyes opened slowly, lazily, revealing the truth. He was as turned-on as I was. No, scratch that—he was ravenous!

“Toss me your shoes.”

What? Was I reading him all wrong, seeing something I only wanted to see? But then everything I’d learned during my short acquaintance with Hawk came back to the surface, reminding me that he ignored his emotions and his body’s cravings. I didn’t think that he was afraid of letting go, he didn’t strike me as a weak man, but as someone who thrived on absolute total control. That made him very dangerous.

I grabbed my Valentino sneakers and tossed them to him. He caught them with one hand. He examined them thoroughly, frowning when he came to the pyramid studs decorating the side. One of them appeared to be loose and with little effort he was able to remove it. He held it up for me to see but I had no idea what he wanted me to acknowledge.

“It’s decoration.”

He shook his head. “It’s GPS.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tory Richards is a fun-loving grandma who writes smut. Born in 1955 in the small town of Milo, Maine, she's lived most of her life in Florida. Today she lives with her daughter and her family. She has her own woman-cave which she shares with four felines whose main goal in life is getting as much cat hair on everything that they can.

Penning stories by hand and then on manual typewriter at the age of thirteen, Tory was a closet writer until the encouragement of her family prompted her into submitting to a publisher. She's been published since 2005, and has since retired from Disney to focus on family and writing. 



The tour dates can be found here


  1. I like the background image of your blog! Very relaxing. Thanks for sharing the link!

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment Catherine."

    2. Thanks, (I think I read that you like to be called Noony, right?). The background reminds me of the lovely sunrises and sunsets in Hawaii! I appreciate you dropping in!

  2. Replies
    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "You’re very welcome Danielle! Glad you were able to make it by today."

    2. Thanks for visiting and good luck, Danielle!

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt, thank you.

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "So glad you enjoyed the excerpt, Rita. I’m thrilled that you liked it."

    2. Good to hear, Rita. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Great giveaway. I hope Hawk is a really dark "hero".

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Well, Anne, he was a very hard character to write because he’s so cold and uncaring toward women, because of tragic circumstances that happened to him years before. I was worried at one time that I wouldn’t be able to finish the book."

    2. Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment, Anne!

  5. What a really great excerpt. I loved it.

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Hi MomJane, glad you enjoyed the excerpt. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. "

    2. Isn't it a fun excerpt, Jane? Thanks so much for popping in!

  6. How did you come up with the GPS disguised as a piece of decoration on the the shoe?

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Hey Catherine, believe it or not I Googled expensive sneakers and studded Valentinos caught my eye. The studs gave me the idea of where to place the tracking device. Plus I needed to come up with an idea for it to be located on Audra on something that she would keep with her. Shoes seemed a good bet."

    2. That is a great detail in the excerpt and I loved the idea. Thanks for dropping by, Catherine!

  7. I absolutely love MC romances and this one sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Hey Victoria, you and me both! And there’s a ton of books out there, too. I hope if you get the chance to read Phantom Riders MC that you enjoy it and will leave a review. Thanks for coming by."

    2. Thank you!! I'll definitely be checking it out :)

    3. Glad you've found a new MC story to enjoy, Victoria! Great to see you!

  8. Replies
    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "You’re welcome Karla. I’m glad that you made it by."

    2. Happy to share, thanks for coming by, Karla!

  9. Thus is a new to me author and would love to check out this book. This is a new author and series for me. Looks great, love MC stories.
    My question is how many books are in this series? Also what is your favorite genre to read? To write?

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Hey Chrisbails, Phantom Riders MC isn’t part of a series. But if you read Wild Marauders MC and Dark Menace MC you’ll see that there is a brief connection between the clubs in all three books. All are stand alone with no cliff hangers. My favorite genre to read right now is erotic romance with bikers, and shifters. I’m so glad you came by today!"

    2. Thanks for visiting and asking questions, Chris!

  10. Great excerpt & giveaway!!---Rae

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Thanks Rae! Happy you liked the excerpt."

    2. Happy to see you, Rae! Thanks for visiting and good luck!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! I like the excerpt. :)

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Hi Cali, I’m so glad! Good luck on winning the giveaway and thanks for stopping by."

    2. Glad you like it, Cali. Thanks for dropping in!

  12. Thanks for the giveaway!


    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "You’re welcome Thomas! I’m glad that you stopped in."

    2. Thank you for visiting, Thomas, and good luck!

  13. Thank you for the giveaway and excerpt!

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "You’re welcome Tiffanee! Thanks for coming by."

    2. Thanks for popping in, Tiffanee, and good luck!

  14. I liked the excerpt and Congrats on your book!

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Hi Beautiful Disaster! Thank you for the congrats."

    2. Thanks for taking the time to visit, BD!

  15. Thank you for the excerpt and the giveaway.

    1. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "You’re welcome Tanja!"

    2. Thanks for dropping in, Tanja!

  16. The author is having trouble leaving comments and has asked us to share them for her: "Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop in and leave a comment. I’m sorry for not responding until now but I did try several times yesterday and was unable to for some reason. I’m still unable to but Goddess Fish has kindly offered to post my responses. Thanks Goddess Fish!"

    1. Thank you, Goddess Fish! I appreciate all of you do for the authors and bloggers!

  17. This book sounds great, and I love the excerpt! I can't wait to read it! :)

  18. I hope you enjoy it, Haley. Thanks for dropping by!

  19. What a tease! Can't wait to read more.
