Flower Girl Novella sequel
Merida Johns
GENRE: women's fiction, women's domestic suspense
fiction, women's psychological fiction, domestic abuse
Suzanna Jordan suppressed the memories of
Jonathan’s abuse for thirty-six years, but when a tell-all journal surfaces
after his death, a legacy of cruelty haunts her from beyond the grave. But will
Jonathan’s darkness, bared for all to see, drag Suzanna into despair, or will
these revelations free her soul to bear witness to his abuse and finally offer
her the closure she so desperately seeks?
“Are you Suzanna Jordan, my father’s previous wife?” he asks.
The slight nasal tone and clipped cadence of his voice are
too familiar. It is one thing to know Jonathan is dead—another to have his
rebirth materialize before my eyes. Sweat bubbles in the creases of my palms
and under my arms. The priest casts his eyes downward and says nothing. The air
turns into a block of ice, and the birdsong stops as if the feathered creatures
in the trees sensetrouble brewing.
“Yes, I was Jonathan Spencer’s first wife. The death notice
didn’t mention a son named Jonathan. Who are you?”
The priest offers me the envelope. “I want to give you this.
You deserve to see what’s in here.”
I reach for the ordinary office packet. The words “Trojan
Horse” burst into my head as I read the white address label on the package,
typed with my name.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Johns writes about the human experience—which often is messy. She shows how
ordinary people tackle challenges, live through sorrow and betrayal, and
struggle with doubt. But despite this, they gather the strength to act on their
aspirations and achieve flourishing lives.
insight into the power of fiction came during a conference call in late 2017
with fellow life coaches when I asked, ‘What would it be like to help people
achieve a flourishing life through storytelling instead of another self-help
that phone call, I got started answering that question. Five years
later, the result is the publication of my debut novel Blackhorse Road and a second novel, Flower Girl. Both works are women’s fiction, and the
driving force of the stories is the protagonist’s journey toward a flourishing
I’m thrilled about the recent release of Flawless Witness—a
story of a woman who has suppressed the memories of her ex-husband’s abuse for
three decades. But when a tell-all journal surfaces after his death, a legacy
of cruelty haunts her from beyond the grave.
writing fiction, I was a professor, author of health informatics and leadership
textbooks, and leadership coach focusing on helping women break the glass
ceiling and fulfill their leadership and economic potential.
My husband
and I reside in the beautiful Midwest countryside. This is where I
find the serenity and space for bringing to life the
stories of everyday people who face and overcome
extraordinary challenges by finding and following their North Star.
Twitter: @MLJohnsAuthor
3.5 of 5 stars
“Flawless Witness: Flower Girl Sequel” by Merida Johns is a
sequel to the domestic thriller novel, “Flower Girl”. It gives insight to the
chain of events that shaped Suzanna Jordan’s life and forces her to face
unpalatable truths and explore the strength that has made her into the woman
she is now, only if she has the courage to examine the evidence that has come
to light.
This psychological fiction novella is both chilling and
inspiring. I was a bit challenged by its evocation of distasteful past history,
even though I have thankfully never experienced the horrors that the heroine
has, and at first, I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue reading. Those who have
triggers about domestic abuse should use caution about reading this story, although
glimpses of Suzanna’s present circumstances underscore that she has travelled
through her dark times and found happiness. Some things were a little clunky
for me, but that may be partially because I’ve never been a fan of reading
constant flashbacks, and partly because I haven’t read the companion novel that
this story is designed to clarify.
I think that this tale would probably serve as a great
teaching tool for those who are connected to someone who has experienced
domestic abuse. I feel it might be a challenge for those who have already dealt
with that heartbreak and betrayal of trust unless it helps provide a catharsis
and not a reminder of all they’ve endured. The author does a good job of
evoking the horrors sometimes experienced by victims and reminds us that there
is not necessarily public justice for some actions but private victories that
are the best reward for surviving and overcoming negative experiences.
A copy of this title was provided for review