A Curse of Magick
Diane Gallagher
GENRE: YA Romance
“A desperate princess, a handsome warrior, and an ancient magick
to determine their fate.”
daughter to the High King, love doesn’t come easily to Gráinne. Having turned
down hundreds of suitors, she is being forced to marry Finn, an old, ugly yet
powerful general. While outside the marriage hall, Gráinne bumps into Diarmuid,
Finn’s handsome foster son. From that moment, Gráinne knows if she is to have
any chance at love, he is the one she must marry. She begs him to take her away
from this unwanted wedding. When Diarmuid refuses, Gráinne, desperate, places a
curse on him; help her or die.
is a warrior who only wants to serve loyally, but when the princess sets her
sights on him and casts her curse, he must make the most difficult choice of
his life. Does he help her, taking their chances with a vengeful Finn, or does
her refuse her, leaving her to her fate, and risking his own death?
both their lives on the line, Gráinne and Diarmuid must fight to use Ireland’s
ancient magick to escape from Finn, either bringing them together in passion or
in death.
Curse of Magick is a passionate tale of love, betrayal, revenge, and
redemption. A retelling of an ancient Irish myth, A Curse of Magick takes the
love and romance of Romeo and Juliet, and the exhilaration of King Arthur, and
mixes it together for a satisfying adventure all will love.
Once the cave opened, Diarmuid grinned at Gráinne in the dim
light. The walls of the caves were lined with crystals. Even in the darkening
light of the sunset they twinkled and reflected the deep orange glow. Gráinne
“Wait until you see it with a fire,” Diarmuid said. “I’m
going to go and gather as much dried wood as I can find. Wait here.”
As he left the cave, Diarmuid listened carefully. There was
no sound of Finn’s men. He didn’t expect another message from Oisin saying they
were on the move. He knew they were on their own now. He gathered up a tangle
of branches he found at the foot of a tree. He hauled them back into the cave
and dropped them in a heap on the cavern floor.
“Hand me that bag, will you?” Diarmuid pointed to a small
bag he’d left near Bran. “That’s the flint bag. We can never lose that, or we
will be in trouble.”
“I know that,” Gráinne bit back. “I have my own. Look.” From
just under the collar of her dress she pulled out her own leather bag.
Diarmuid grunted and turned his attention to the fire.
He piled the branches carefully so that air would draw from
below and used his flint to light the fire. As the fire sparked and took, the
light reflected against the crystals that covered the ceiling of the cavern,
making it look like a thousand tiny stars twinkled above them.
“Oh, how beautiful!” Gráinne cried, pressing her hands
together beneath her chin.
“Yes, it was Angus that showed this to me. It is like
magick, isn’t it?”
Gráinne nodded and smiled at Diarmuid, looking up at him
from beneath her lashes, her momentary ire forgotten.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Diane Gallagher is a novelist and Druid priest. She is the author of three novels: A Curse of Magick, Greenwich List, and the Bastard of Saint Genevra. She has long roots stretching into her Celtic past, although she splits her life between two islands—Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada, and Sicily off the toe of Italy’s boot. She writes young adult romance based on ancient Celtic myths of the powerful women of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. She currently teaches creative writing at Cherry Hill Seminary.
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