Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hot Mess: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized by Laurie Palau (VNBtM, guest post, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY)

It is my pleasure to share a guest post from author Laurie Palau who answers my question...

ELF: What was the most difficult thing to overcome on your path to becoming a published author and how did you conquer it?

LP: People often ask, “What made you decide to write a book?”  I’m sure that I get lots of eye rolls when I answer honestly by saying that it was something I always knew I was meant to do.  Now here’s the tricky part, believing that this is something you are supposed to do, verses the fear of actually putting yourself out there and doing it, are two different things.

For years I struggled with insecurity and doubt.  Those emotions led to months of procrastination, which is why it took five years (off and on) to write HOT MESS.

I was the biggest obstacle along the way.

It wasn’t that I didn’t have anything to write; it was the FEAR that no one would care what I had to say that held me back. Shutting off my inner voice of doubt was crucial in allowing me to buckle down and prioritize finishing the first draft of my book.  Once I came to the realization that I could not only do this, but that there was value in the message I was sharing, I was able to forge ahead. 

Thankfully, by the time I did, I had aligned with an amazing editor who helped navigate me through the process, otherwise I can assure you that my manuscript would still be in a word document on my computer!

Now that my book is published, I am cognizant about NOT checking my analytics every five minutes. YES, I want to sell books, heck, I’d love to be on the best sellers list, but whether I sell 100 books or 1,000,000 books, I am equally as proud of my work, and the value it brings to my readers.


by Laurie Palau


GENRE:   Lifestyle



Most of us have too much stuff and not enough places to put it. Combine that with our hectic modern lives, and you’ve got a recipe for clutter catastrophe. Luckily, help is at hand. Hot Mess: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized can show you how to simplify your life—and get control of your stuff.

In this new guide to streamlining and organizing your belongings, your house, and your life, author and expert Laurie Palau gives you all the strategies you need to clear your clutter once and for all. This comprehensive book offers clever storage ideas and decorating tips, but more importantly, it shows you where your clutter comes from and how to change your approach. This makes it the definitive how-to for dropping all the dead weight that’s been keeping you stressed and anxious. Just follow the hacks, tips, and strategies Palau clearly outlines, and you’ll soon be sipping a vodka martini in your beautifully tidy living room.

Whether you’re naturally neat or a total chaos magnet, this informative and amusing guide takes an approach to organizing that’s as unique as you are. Let this witty little handbook be your new secret weapon in the war on disorder!



Before we get too far, I think it’s important that we all get on the same page. For most people, the word clutter conjures up scenes from Hoarders, or Grey Gardens with its mazes of magazines lining the hallways. You may even imagine feral cats, rodent droppings, and indistinguishable mounds of who-knows-what.

I’ll be honest; I can count on one hand (with three fingers to spare) how many times I’ve encountered a true hoarder. Yup, twice—you guessed it! It was very early in my career as a professional organizer, and it didn’t take me long to realize it wasn’t the right fit for me. It’s not so much that I was in over my head (no pun intended); the reality is that their struggles go deeper than piles of paper, overflowing loads of laundry, and rooms filled with toys. I am not a licensed psychologist, although I often like to think of myself as one, and the level of help they need is beyond what I can offer.

The majority of my clients are like you and me. Their days are spent running between work, school, PTA meetings, soccer practice, dance lessons, grocery shopping, overseeing homework, making dinner, looking after ailing parents, and whatever else we can fit into our days.

The result of all this life-madness is often a cluttered home, and with that, I can help.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Laurie Palau is the founder of simply B organized, host of the weekly podcast, This ORGANIZED Life, and author of the book HOT MESS: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized available in paperback and kindle on amazon or Barnes & Noble.
She is a go-to Organizing Expert whose advice has been featured in The New York Times Parenting Section, Family Circle, and Home + Table Magazine.  Laurie can also be seen sharing tips on the CBS Philadelphia’s Morning Show & WFMZ in Allentown, PA. Whether speaking or working with clients Laurie is authentic, relatable, inspiring, and highly entertaining.
When not organizing the world, Laurie can be found at home in Bucks County, PA with her husband Josh, 2 girls (Zoe and Logan) and 2 dogs (Jeter and Oliver).  She loves coffee and Tito’s Vodka (not together), and in her spare time she is actively involved with The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, which raises money for Pediatric Cancer Research.

Visit for a complete list of service offerings including free organizing checklists, links to her podcast, blog and social media.



The tour dates can be found here

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sophie Washington: Queen of the Bee by Tonya Duncan Ellis (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Tonya Duncan Ellis


GENRE:   Children's (Middle Grade)



Sign up for the spelling bee? No way!

If there’s one thing 10-year-old Texan Sophie Washington is good at, it’s spelling. She’s earned straight 100s on all her spelling tests to prove it. Her parents want her to compete in the Xavier Academy spelling bee, but Sophie wishes they would buzz off.

Her life in the Houston suburbs is full of adventures, and she doesn’t want to slow down the action. Where else can you chase wild hogs out of your yard, ride a bucking sheep, or spy an eight-foot-long alligator during a bike ride through the neighborhood? Studying spelling words seems as fun as getting stung by a hornet, in comparison.

That’s until her irritating classmate, Nathan Jones, challenges her. There’s no way she can let Mr. Know-It-All win. Studying is hard when you have a pesky younger brother and a busy social calendar. Can Sophie ignore the distractions and become Queen of the Bee?



In fairytales, everyone’s wish comes true. Jack gets the goose that lays the golden egg. Cinderella finds Prince Charming. Pinocchio becomes a real boy. My happily ever after is much simpler. I want a pet goldfish. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. But my parents do. For the past year they have been putting me off every time I beg them for a pet. 

“I’m allergic to cats and dogs,” says Mom. There’s no way we could keep a furry animal in the house.”

“Well, what about a fish?” I ask. 

“I don’t know if you’re responsible enough to take care of a goldfish, Sophie,” says Dad. “You might drop the bowl and get water all over the place.” 

For a ten-year-old I am very responsible. If you forget about the time my brother, Cole, and I had a water fight with the sprinkler in the garage, or when I tied Cole up to a tree to keep him from tagging along with me and my friend Chloe, I’m a model child. I get good grades in school. I’m nice to my friends. And I help out in the house when Mom and Dad ask me to. 

Today, I’m making my dream come true! I’m going to convince Dad to let me get a pet goldfish. I march toward the kitchen in my pink and white polka-dot pajamas and lime green fuzzy slippers. After glancing in the hallway mirror, I push down my two, thick black braids, which stick out on each side of my head like handlebars. “Good morning,” I say to my mother, who is busy in the kitchen making my favorite breakfast of bacon, eggs, grits and homemade pancakes. 

Since Dad is not up to hear me beg for a fish again, I make my way to the family room to watch a recording of a television show I taped during the school week. Cole rushes into the room before me and grabs the remote control from the end table before I can reach it. “Get back!” I yell. He turns on “Video Rangers”, his favorite TV show. Then he puts the remote control under a pillow, sits on it and passes gas. “Eeeewww! Give me that remote, Cole!” I shriek. “You knew I was getting ready to use it.” 

“Moooom! I was here first, and now she wants to change the channel,” he whines. 

Buy links:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tonya Ellis loves reading so much that as a child she took books with her everywhere rather than put them down. She knew she wanted to become a writer after an article she wrote was published in her hometown newspaper when she was fourteen years old. Since then, Tonya has worked as a journalist, written for newspapers and magazines and won awards for her books. She is the mom of three spelling bee champions, and has judged several spelling bee events. SOPHIE WASHINGTON: QUEEN OF THE BEE is her debut novel in a series about Sophie and her friends. Currently, Ms. Ellis lives in Missouri City, Texas with her husband, daughter, and two sons.


The tour dates can be found here


My review:

5 stars

Sophie Washington: Queen of the Bee by Tonya Duncan Ellis is an inspirational yet fun read about a ten-year-old girl dealing with normal things…a little brother who likes to tease, the desire for a pet, and teaching a know-it-all classmate a thing or two.

I love kids’ books that encourage growth and education and I think this author did a great job of evoking realistic situations and emotions and portraying positive yet by no means perfect children. I like that there were consequences to behavior, including rewards for perseverance, and concrete support for difficult tasks such as learning long lists of words. It’s wonderful to see a nuclear family that works and plays together, parents who are supportive of their children, and a healthy sibling rivalry that doesn’t detract from the affection between Sophie and her brother. I enjoyed the suspense of the spelling bee (and remembered my own terror of public speaking in school) and I thought the illustrations were a delightful bonus and added to the entertainment.

I think this book provides an intriguing glimpse of regional color—some of which was a little intimidating, lol—as well as a positive message and I look forward to seeing much more of Sophie Washington!

A copy of this title was provided to me for review

Monday, February 26, 2018

Forbidden Song by Brooklyn Ann (VBT, guest post, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

 I have the pleasure of a guest post by author Brooklyn Ann, who shares the answer to my question...

ELF: What is one of your hobbies and how has it enriched your writing?

BA:  I like to work on cars. Yes, cars. As in being my own mechanic. My interest began as a necessity since I had been too poor to take my car into a mechanic’s shop, so I had to fix it myself. When my first car died and people mocked me for thinking I could bring her back, it only made me more determined to prove them wrong. Necessity is the mother of invention – my photo is next to that saying. I rebuilt the engine and suspension of my beloved Datsun, and the car took me to college, where I got my degree in automotive technology. I worked as a mechanic for a couple years before I injured my shoulders and decided to go back to college to get my English degree and focus on my writing.

I still work on cars when I have the time and my experience turning wrenches has definitely enriched my work. There’s a subplot in With Vengeance (Hearts of Metal book 2) where the heroine’s ex sabotages her car and she and the hero bond as they fix it. Research is great, and I recommend it to everyone, but there’s nothing like the real thing – knowing how to fix a car put flow into writing those scenes, which made the characters’ interactions more intimate and realistic.

Alas, there isn’t much car stuff happening in Forbidden Song, the newest installment in the series, but my love for classic cars will reappear in the next novel in the Hearts of Metal series.


by Brooklyn Ann


GENRE:   Romance



After having one of the worst experiences a young teenager could endure at the hands of cruel musicians, Christine Mayne's rock star brother Quinn tried to lock her away from the world. She had to fight to live her life, go to college, get her master's and enter her PhD program. Now, she's determined to complete her research on group dynamics by touring with Bleeding Vengeance, even it means deceiving her brother and lying to the band's fabulous lead singer, Cliff Tracey.

Cliff Tracey hates being manipulated, lied to and deceived. He'd know, having gone through a string of exes who had done just that. When he thinks he's found a kindred spirit, and a beautiful babe to boot, imagine his surprise - and disappointment - when he learns she played him so she can tour with his band to complete her PhD. When he finds out why, he knows he's in double trouble because Quinn Mayne will kill anyone who touches his sister, and Cliff Tracey has all sorts of plans for Christine Mayne that involves more than either of them ever expected.



Weaving his way through the backstage crowd, pausing to sign autographs along the way, he embarked on his search for the raven-haired beauty.
Luck shone upon him. There she was, off in a corner by the stage left exit. Alone.
She looked up at him and smiled with an intriguing combination of shyness and curiosity. Oh, man. Those green eyes.
He gathered his formidable charm and grinned as he approached. “Hey, are you the new girl Kat and Kin hired?”
She nodded with a slight frown and extended her hand. Fuck. He remembered Kat telling him to quit calling women girls.
“I’m Christine.”
“Cliff Tracey.” He gave her a long, slow smile, and was gratified to see her blush. Good, now he was back on the right track.
His fingers curled around hers. Damn, her skin was soft. No calluses, so she likely wasn’t a musician.
A light laugh tumbled from her lips. “I know. I really enjoyed your performance tonight. Your voice is incredible, and that solo during ‘Sorrow’s Harvest’ gave me chills. In fact, I’d wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh?” He kept his tone light and teasing to hide his excitement. She’d admired his performance. That was usually the first thing chicks said before the flirting began. Maybe he’d mistaken what he’d thought was lack of interest earlier. “About my solo?”
“No, though I’ll admit your talent does blow my mind.” She took a deep breath as if gathering her composure for some big announcement. “Aside from writing for Metalness, I’m working on my doctorate in occupational psychology and could use your help for my dissertation.”
Cliff blinked. “Oh. Uh…I only got as far as my associate’s, so I don’t know how much good I’d be. What’s the topic of your paper?”
“I’m studying the effects of group dynamics within metal bands under high stress conditions.” Her clinical tone was comical even as it was disappointing, what with her seeming lack of response to him.
“You want to study me?” he joked. In return, he could study her.
“The whole band, really,” she replied. “But I figured, since you’re the lead singer, I’d have to ask you. You see, my goal is to be able to travel on the road with a band and document my observations. I was hoping I could tag along, not only for the rest of this Metalfeed tour, but also your regular tour that starts next week.”
Cliff puffed up, happy that for once someone had acknowledged him as the leader of the band instead of Klement. Then: “Did you talk to Kat about it?” Since Christine worked for Kat, maybe the guitarist had suggested it.
Christine nodded. “She said she’d love to have me, but that she doesn’t have the seniority in the band to make that kind of call.”
Well, I’d love to have you, Cliff wanted to say, but he didn’t want to overplay his hand. “Let me think about it….”



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Formerly an auto-mechanic, Brooklyn Ann thrives on writing Romance featuring unconventional heroines and heroes who adore them. After writing historical paranormal romances and urban fantasies, she now explores the chaotic realm of heavy metal music— a difficult world to find love in.

Brooklyn Ann lives in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho with her son, her cat, and a 1980 Datsun 210.


Social Media:


The tour dates can be found here

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Chasing Ordinary by Pandora Spocks (spotlight, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) RBC

 Chasing Ordinary
By Pandora Spocks
is an ADULT title 

About the Book: 
Red-haired Petey Cavanaugh is a sculptor who welds steel and glass creations.  A young widow, she lives on her in-laws’ sheep ranch in Montana where she helps out during the day, working on her art at night.
Looking to raise money to expand the ranch’s business, she gratefully accepts her art school roommate’s offer of a gallery show in Manhattan.  It’s been years since she was in the city, and she’s happy to visit her old friend.
Nik is in New York on business.  He’s been traveling for nearly a month, enduring endless meetings, attending obligatory dinners, and battling jet-lag.  On his way to yet another business dinner, his world collides with Petey's one rainy Manhattan night.
Their mutual attraction is immediate, but Nik’s skeptical.  Could it possibly be that this gorgeous, enchanting artist has no idea that he’s Europe’s most eligible prince?
Spending time with Petey is Nik’s first-ever taste of ordinary.  What will happen when she finds out the truth?
Release Date: February 13, 2018
Genres: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Heat Level: Erotic  


Howard had been talking nonstop for twenty minutes.  Each time Petey thought she’d found the opportunity to extricate herself, he continued his rambling, while edging ever closer, invading her personal space, and chatting about his work and his home in New Jersey.  He seemed to be one of those individuals who was completely inept at picking up on social cues.
She’d just worked up the gumption to simply excuse herself the next time he came up for air, when she heard a familiar voice.
“There you are, darling!”  Nik swooped in, handing her a glass of wine.  “I’m so sorry I’m late.  Will you ever forgive me?”  He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
Stunned, Petey stammered a bit.  “Um, yes.  Well…darling, yes, you certainly are late.  What’s up with that?  I’ve been waiting for you.”
“I know.  But traffic was a nightmare, what with the rain.  You just wouldn’t believe it.”  Nik turned to Howard.  “Who’s your friend?”  He smiled pleasantly at the confused man.
“Oh, sorry.  Nik, this is Howard.  Howard, meet Nik.”
Howard worked his mouth, but was blissfully silent.
Nik reached to shake his hand.  “So nice to meet you.  If you’ll excuse us, I need to make up for lost time.  Come, darling.”
He grasped Petey’s hand and led her to the opposite side of the gallery.  When they reached a quiet corner, he turned and smiled at her.
She gave a relieved laugh.  “Oh, my God, for the second time tonight, you saved my bacon.”
Nik laughed, too.  “The exasperation on your face said that you needed rescuing.  Who was he anyway?”
“Some guy that my friend Jules thought I should meet.  I mean, he’s nice enough, but he had absolutely no sense of personal space.  And he would notstop talking.  Sheesh!”
“He’s probably just shy in the presence of such a pretty woman.”  Nik’s blue eyes sparkled.
Petey rolled her eyes.  “Yes, I’m sure that’s it,” she said sarcastically.  “I guess you ditched your business dinner?”
Nik nodded. “I did.”
She eyed him curiously.  “What kind of business are you in?”
He paused a beat.  “I’m in international finance and development.”
Warmth flooded her face, and she knew she was blushing.  A sheepish smile curled her lips.  “I have no idea what that means.”
He smiled, too.  “I travel and meet with business people, mostly, occasionally politicians, and we discuss ways to improve our national economies, and ways to assist developing economies as well.”
“Oh.  I’m sure Jules would understand completely.  She has a sharp business mind.  I’m just so,” she gave a self-deprecating chuckle, “right-brained.”
She fanned herself lightly with her hand.  “So, you’d had enough of finances and development for one night?”
Nik nodded agreeably.  “I’ve worked all day.  As I sat listening to more business conversation, all I could think was that I’d like to attend the gallery opening of a promising young sculptor.”
Petey’s eyes sparkled mischievously.  “Well, if I hear of any, I’ll let you know.”  They both laughed together.
“I just watched your video.  Such an interesting way to introduce yourself to patrons.”
“Oh, that.”  Petey blushed.  “Jules flew out to Montana a couple of months ago.  She hired a film crew to follow me for a day, do interviews and stuff.  Then they just put it together.”
He regarded her curiously, eyes sparkling.  “What are the chances you’d give me a guided tour of this incredible exhibit?”
She pretended to consider his request.  “Well, you did see to it that I was put back together after being blasted by that tidal wave.   And, you rescued me from being talked to death by a close-talking dentist.  I’d say your odds are pretty good.”  She laughed.  “I think bringing me a glass of wine put you over the top, though.”
Nik laughed, too.  “Lucky for me, then.”
“Lucky for you.  Okay, let’s take a tour.”

Buy Links:  Amazon |  Other Links Here


Author Bio:
No automatic alt text available.
Pandora Spocks is a sassy ginger and hopeless romantic, living her happily ever after in South Florida.  She enjoys reading and writing literary erotic romance. 
She is the author of the three-novel epic romance Rannigan’s Redemption, and a naughty little romantic novella, Just One Night.  Her Dream Dominant Collection is a series of light BDSM stand-alone novels featuring sexy Alpha males and the strong red-haired submissives who can’t resist them.  The collection currently includes three novels: Luke & Bella, Lost & Bound, and For Sparrow.
Pandora is busy on her laptop, working on her next spicy romance.

Connect with Pandora:

Book+Main Romance Bites                   
Pandora’s Box Unleashed Newsletter (Sign up and get a free book!)



Pandora is giving away The Dream Dominant Series 3 Book Bundle to three lucky winners. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Reading His Submissive by Brandi Evans (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT ADULT title

Reading His Submissive
Brandi Evans
is an ADULT title


I’ve spent my life depending on one person: myself. I’ve learned the hard way other people will only let me down. I’ve worked for everything I have, but thanks to my drug-addicted mother, I’m about to lose the one thing I’ve craved for years. Needing to make some extra cash, I ask my boss at Restrained Fantasies, a Dallas BDSM club, for some extra shifts. Much to my chagrin, Master Carter Burkes is with him, and Carter leaps to my rescue, bound and determined to save me—only I’m not the kind of girl who needs to be saved.


I can’t sit by while Raven, a recurring figure in my fantasies, is in trouble. My job as a detective keeps me busy, but I’m not looking for a relationship, just a sub to assist with a class I’m teaching: Reading Your Submissive. Raven always claimed she wasn’t a member of the lifestyle, so imagine my surprise when I discover a budding submissive inside her. She gets under my skin in ways I can’t fight, but emotions are dangerous. I learned that the hard way. Is getting close to Raven a mistake? Will I destroy her life like I destroyed the life of the only woman I’ve ever loved?

This is book two in the Restrained Fantasies series but can be read as a standalone.

Publisher’s Note: This romance is intended for adults only. It contains elements of danger, suspense, mystery, BDSM, sensual scenes, romance and adult language. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.


Carter did a double-take.

Raven stepped into the dungeon anxious out of her mind. She stood with her arms crossed, her spine as rigid as the stone walls surrounding them. She was fidgety too, both hands and feet, as if she were fighting the urge to run, and her soulful eyes were dark, pupils wide, and swimming with fear. None of her anxiety, however, affected him more potently than the sight of her decked out in full bondage gear.

Be still his throbbing dick.

A blood-red corset wrapped her torso, accentuating her curvy figure and lifting her breasts to a point where they commanded absolute respect and undivided attention. On her feet, she wore a pair of black combat boots with a flair of decoration; sexy leather-and-rivet straps wrapped the ankle. Talk about submissive perfection.

It was the parts between the corset and the boots, however, which drove him to the outer edges of sanity. A cutoff jean skirt showed off thick, powerful legs wrapped in wide fishnet stockings. The ensemble played with his mind, and the black four-poster bed behind her only added to the picture.

She was a fucking powerhouse. What would those strong legs feel like locked around his waist as he rammed into her? The mere thought had his cock swelling to full attention behind the zipper of his leathers.

This would be an agonizingly long class.

Adjusting himself before taking a step, his boots soft against the tile floor, Carter went to her. “Wow. Just… wow. You look positively edible.”

A smile broke through her obvious discomfort. “Thanks. Viv took me shopping. I wasn’t sure I could pull this off, but she insisted.”

“And I’m so very glad she did.” He made a twirl-for-me motion with his index finger. “Turn. I want to see the back.”

She hesitated a few heartbeats before complying, and he had to bite his lower lip to keep from groaning. He’d always admired her ass when she’d been behind the relative safety of the bar. He’d ordered many a drink for the sole purpose of making her squat and stretch to reach seldom-used bottles of alcohol, putting her round ass on full display, but now, no bar stood between them, just a small swath of skin-tight denim.

“I’m going to touch you,” he said matter-of-factly as he stepped around her and stood toe-to-toe. “Before anyone gets here, so you can, at least, feel a little more comfortable with me and your role in class.”

Yeah, comfort was the reason he wanted to touch her.

Amazon link


About the Author:

Brandi Evans was raised by a caravan of traveling Gypsies. She spent her days learning the ways of her people and her nights lost in legends as old as time. Okay, not really, but that's way more interesting than the truth!

In reality, Brandi grew up the oldest child of an ordinary family. Grade school, middle school, high school. Nothing extraordinary happened until she left the nest. She joined the military, went to college, got married, and became a mom. And somewhere along the way, she discovered she liked to read—and write!—stories hot enough to melt eReaders.

Want to visit the author’s Reading His Submissive  Pinterest Board? See the images that inspired the book.



This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Brandi Evans will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The tour dates can be found here