Monday, August 15, 2022

She's the One Who Won't Behave by S.R. Cronin (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

She's the One Who Won't Behave

Adult title


S.R. Cronin




GENRE:  Historical Fantasy






Gypsum, the sixth of seven sisters, has always been a rebel. Yet no one thought she would go so far as to join the reczavy, a group living in tents on the edge of the desert and known for their sexual promiscuity and playful ways.


But as the date of the Mongols’ return draws near, Ilarians of all types must work together if they are to have any hope of surviving. And the reczavy, for all of their odd ways, do have plenty of tricks up their sleeves. Well, up their sleeves whenever they are bothering to wear clothes, that is.


Gypsum is touched when her oldest sister Ryalgar comes to call, and brings an olive branch with her. Ryalgar recognizes that the reczavy have as much to lose as anyone, and as much to contribute. Will Gypsum accept a key role in the plan to stop the invasion? Of course she will.


Unfortunately, her playmates don’t all feel the same sense of urgency. Many would rather simply enjoy the time they have left. A few claim to be allergic to long term planning. And some are too busy with their own poorly-timed plans to overthrow the government Ilari already has.


Good thing needlepoint is the one traditional skill at which Gypsum has always excelled. She will need to thread a fine needle in order to coax this recalcitrant group into becoming life-saving warriors of a very different kind.






Curled up naked beside him on his lumpy bed, I learned of the ill-advised pranks that forced him to change schools. Stupid things. I thought his school over-reacted until I learned his closest friend received no punishment at all.


“They decided I had to be the bad influence. Best to get rid of me, you know? Probably shouldn’t have let me in to begin with…”


“Because your name is Sheep Scump?” Despite my joke, I sat up, indignant for him.


He sat up as well, and wrapped a blanket around both of our shoulders.


“No. Because my friend has a father who teaches there. They look out for their own.”


Maybe this wasn’t the time to tell him my father taught also.


“Your parents weren’t inclined to intervene on your behalf?” I saw the displeasure on his face before I finished the sentence. “Wait. I remember. They don’t care that you’re in school.”


“Oh, they care; they just don’t care which one. Anything that keeps me from herding goats pisses them off.”


I only knew one place in Ilari where goat herding was common. I scooted away from him without thinking.


“You’re an Edser?”


“Yes.” He met my gaze with a look saying you want make something of it?


I didn’t. Edsers were known for being cranky, intolerant, and ignorant. So far Sheep Scump had only shown signs of crankiness. I didn’t want to encourage it.


“So. You’re an unusual Edser who wants an education.”


“I thought I did. And what are you? The cherished daughter of a  …”


I interrupted him. “Don’t go there. I’m not a cherished anything. I’m the sixth daughter of wheat farmers, and I’m the child both parents wish had never been born.”


My eyes met his. Top that they said.



Amazon buy link



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sherrie Cronin writes stories about people achieving the astonishing by developing abilities they barely knew they had. She’s made a lot of stops along the way to telling these tells — living in seven cities, visiting forty-six countries, and working as a waitress, technical writer, and geophysicist. She’s lost too many beloved cats to mention, but has acquired a husband and three children who are all doing fine, despite how odd she is.


Today she lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina where she writes, answers a hotline, and occasionally checks her phone for a message from Captain Picard. She still hopes to get the chance to pursue her remaining dream in life and become Chief Science Officer on the Starship Enterprise.


Author Social Media Links:






Amazon author page


Author blog



a Rafflecopter giveaway

The tour dates can be found here



My review:

4.25 out of 5 stars


“She’s the One Who Won’t Behave” by S.R. Cronin is Book 6 of ‘The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters’ series and features Gypsum, the sixth of the seven sisters. Her ongoing discomfort with her place in the family and lack of connection to her mother, plus the relationship she forms with a fellow student she affectionately calls Sheep Scump, leads her on an adventure she never would have dreamed of. Her habit of imbuing her needlework with a sentiment morphs into an amazing journey of self-realization and bolsters her self-appointed task of finding a way to help oppose the invasion of the Mongols. Like her sisters, Gypsum has hidden depths, and her refusal to be forced into the expectations of others will make her into a force to be reckoned with.


This intricately plotted fantasy portrays a massive, world-changing invasion as seen and reacted to by seven very different sisters. The excellent world building allows the reader to clearly picture the various factions that must learn to cooperate in order to defeat their common enemy. Gypsum’s frustration, both with her family and with those who are vital to resist the usurpation of their part of the world, comes through clearly and vividly.


I enjoyed watching Gypsum as she navigates life and grows into her role and into self-acceptance. The unfolding of her relationships as she learns to search for the truth rather than just accepting what she is being told is inspirational and compelling, and I was fascinated by the way I changed my opinion about some of the characters as I learned more about their motives and backgrounds.

The stories in this series explore the various aspects of love…romantic, patriotic, and familial. Gypsum’s journey requires that she learn certain truths, but also that she finds a way to gently bend and coax rather than demand. Although this is part of a series, I think one could read it without having read any of the other stories because there are recaps of major events, but it is even better savored when one learns more details about the adventures the other sisters are having. Even though I haven’t read all of the stories prior to this one, I had no trouble becoming immersed in the struggles and adventures portrayed in this tale.


I like the mixture of pragmatism and the mystical as well as the life lessons that are portrayed, and I look forward to learning more about the last sister.


A copy of this story was provided for review