It is my pleasure to host one of the WRP Roses today as author Jeny Heckman answers my question...
ELF: What scares you the most or makes you the happiest about writing?
JH: Being a new
writer has its ups and downs. There are many moments of elation, and then times
you want to boil your keyboard in acid. My mom always said at dinner to eat the
things you hate first, like squash, and cover them up with the good, like flank
steak, so I’ll take her advice here.
What scares me
about writing isn’t the story or plot or anything to do with the actual writing
of a novel. I’ve never, knock on wood, had writer's block or any of those other
kinds of writing challenges. My provocation comes in all the things that follow
such as editing, marketing, and social media. Everyone appreciates and values
their time, so it’s hard to know what things people will like or be interested
in for all the giveaways, blogs and shares, at least it's a little difficult
for me. And editing is like carving up a loved one. You spend hours, upon days,
upon weeks, upon months, creating characters that become your friends, settings
you want to live in and plots you’d like to be a part of. The hardest thing in
the world is giving it to someone else and have them say they want to cut this
scene or that character. Things you wrote that are vital for the story, at
least in your mind. It’s so challenging. However, I must admit, most things my
wonderful editor has corrected or suggested have been choices that ultimately
aided or progressed the story and made it better. There was even one instance
she cut something and said use it later as a plot twist and I was incredulous
because it wasn’t the obvious choice but worked brilliantly.
What I love or
what makes me happiest about writing is just that, writing. When you have a
million ideas and nothing but time in front of you, is pure bliss. That is
exactly what happened last week when I was able to write eight to ten hours
each day. You get on a roll and become so involved in your story, you can
forget about the time. You wind up coming out of your den only when your
stomach growls and even then, not always. I love developing characters and
giving them a voice. I love how they interact with each other and their world.
Sometimes all your carefully laid out plotting goes right out the window and
the characters like to take control of what’s happening, or at least mine do. I
suppose being a writer isn’t unlike being an actor and trying new people on for
size. Sometimes a character can be infuriating, like Raven. You want to run up
to her and say be strong, you can do this. However, people are wonderfully
flawed and thankfully unique. Sometimes they need to learn things for
themselves, for it to take root. Sometimes they must learn that on their own
timeline. It’s also been fascinating to go to some of these places I set my
scenes in. You can write a scene and maybe look on Google Earth or pictures, to
get your bearings, but you can’t authentically write about arriving at a
Hawaiian airport and the smells, humidity, sounds, and atmosphere, unless
you’ve been there. Finally, I love hearing the response of readers. It’s been
fun to find out which character is people’s favorite (so far, it’s been a
resounding Dee) and who they hate (an equally resounding Donovan). It’s that
investment someone else has made into something you created, and it’s a true privilege.
I’d like to
thank Reading Addict, for having me here today. I appreciate the time you've
devoted to me and I’ve had a lot of fun. To those of you that joined me, thank
you for doing so. I hope you'll come visit me on my website.
I'd be happy to answer any questions
you may have. I sincerely hope you enjoy The
Sea Archer.
by Jeny Heckman
GENRE: Paranormal Romance
Hunter, a musical prodigy, flees to the Hawaiian Islands to pick up the pieces
after her
marriage to her manager collapses. Instead, she experiences extraordinary and
events that are beyond her understanding.
in paradise, marine biologist, Finn Taylor has
the unconscious but effortless ability to understand the needs of the animals
he cares for. His playboy lifestyle is most men's fantasy. That is, until the
night he meets the shy and elusive new island resident. Suddenly his life no
longer feels like his own.
attraction is undeniable. However, vastly contrasting lives, peculiar dreams,
and an unbelievable proclamation that they could be the direct descendants of
Poseidon and Apollo threaten to divide them forever. Will they accept their
destiny and begin the quest of a lifetime or will they remain in their
comfortable yet separate existence?
"Where's the one place you've never been?" Que
asked, trying to keep her on track.
“Someplace you've always wanted to go to?" Wyatt asked.
Enjoying herself, Raven turned pink.
"You'll think it's stupid."
"No, I won't," both said in unison.
"I've never been to Hawai‘i."
"Hawai‘i?" Que's brow furrowed. "That's here.
Don't you wanna go to, like, the Bahamas or something? How have you not been to
"Donovan always wanted to play the massive arenas and
big cities, and for some unfathomable reason that didn't include the
"You should do it then. Take some time, figure it
"What about my tour dates?"
"You'll get ‘em from, whoever, then call and cancel
them. Hell, you can even interview new people to run the works while you're
there. You're in the position to do that now, Rave. People would fall all over
themselves to come to you. The point is to go away and figure it all out."
She bit her bottom lip and thought about all the problems
this idea would bring until her brother spoke the next words.
"What're you afraid of Rave? What do you have
Links for Purchase:
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Jeny Heckman, loves romance. She especially loves romance with a
paranormal and/or historical twist. When not ignoring her family and friends by
writing you will find her time exclusively on them and photography. Jeny lives
in Stanwood, Washington.
The tour dates can be found