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Blond Cargo
John Lansing
October 20, 2014
The second Jack Bertolino thriller by John Lansing
“An unyielding pace, vigorous characters and explosive ending.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“A fantastic read…This extremely fast and well-thought-out thriller will remind some of James Patterson’s early works.”
—Suspense Magazine
Cargo an extraordinary, must-read detective thriller. Can’t wait for
the next installment! Look out Patterson, someone’s gaining on you!”
—Amazon Reviewer
Cargo is the highly anticipated second Jack Bertolino installment from
New York native and now Los Angeles author John Lansing. This gripping
eBook from the former writer/producer of Walker, Texas Ranger and
Co-Executive producer of the ABC series Scoundrels continues the story
that began in The Devil’s Necktie.
Jack Bertolino is back…in the sequel to John Lansing’s bestseller The Devil’s Necktie!
son, Chris, was the victim of a brutal murder attempt and Vincent
Cardona, a mafia boss, provided information that helped Jack take down
the perpetrator of the crime. Jack accepted the favor knowing there’d be
blowback. In Blond Cargo, the mobster’s daughter has gone missing and
Cardona turned in his chit. Jack discovers that the young, blond mafia
princess has been kidnapped and imprisoned while rich, politically
connected men negotiate her value as a sex slave.
John Lansing taps into the real life world of cops, crime, drugs and murder in Blond Cargo to deliver another sizzling whodunit.
Bertolino moved briskly down the polished terrazzo floor of the
American Airlines terminal at San Francisco International Airport. He
walked past travelers who were deplaning, waiting to board, eating,
drinking, and queuing up at ticket counters. Through the windows on
either side of the crowded terminal he could see a line of Boeing MD-80s
and 737s.
Jack had his game face on. One thought only: take down the manager at NCI Corp who was dirty.
Dearling had been hired as one of five project managers, developing a
new generation of semiconductors meant to challenge Intel’s control of
the market. Yet the new engineer was plotting to steal the proprietary
architecture for the company’s most advanced technology and sell it to
an Argentinean competitor.
Jack had done a thorough
background check on Dearling and found no skeletons in the man’s closet,
no gambling issues, no drugs, no priors; it was greed, pure and simple.
Cruz Feinberg, Jack’s new associate, had arrived in Silicon Valley two
days prior and wirelessly inserted a program onto Dearling’s iPad while
the stressed-out manager was sucking down his daily chai latte at the
local Starbucks. Any text or e-mail sent to or from Dearling was cloned
and sent to Cruz’s laptop. A piece of cake to pull off for the young
tech whiz. Jack was being well paid to catch the thief in the act—let
the money and the technology change hands, and then drop the hammer.
Dearling had made reservations at the Four Seasons Hotel in East Palo
Alto. A car would be waiting at SFO to ferry his Argentinean counterpart
to the suite where the exchange was scheduled to take place.
had booked Cruz into that same suite two nights earlier, where he had
set up wireless microcameras and wired the room for sound, to be routed
to the suite next door, where Jack’s team would document the crime.
lived for these moments. Outsmarting intelligent men who thought they
were above the law. Badge or no badge, Jack loved to take scumbags down.
minutes ago, Flight 378 from Buenos Aires had flashed from black to
green on the overhead arrivals screen. Dressed in a gray pinstripe
business suit and wheeling a carry-on suitcase, Jack walked toward a
limo driver stationed near the exit door of the international terminal.
The man held a sign chest-high that read emilio bragga.
reached out a hand toward the driver, who was forced to lower his
placard, shake Jack’s hand, and make quick work of grabbing up Jack’s
bag. Jack headed quickly toward the exit, explaining to the driver that
he was traveling light and had no checked luggage.
soon as the two men exited the building, Jack’s second employee, Mateo
Vasquez, dressed in a black suit, moved into the same spot, carrying a
sign that read Emilio bragga.
Jack and Mateo had once
been on opposite sides of the thin blue line, Jack as an NYPD narcotics
detective, Mateo as an operative for a Colombian drug cartel. When Jack
busted the cartel, he made Mateo an offer—spend thirty years in the big
house, or come to work for the NYPD as a confidential
informant. Mateo had made the right choice and Jack had earned himself a loyal operative when he became a private investigator.
seconds later, the real Emilio Bragga walked up to Mateo, stifled a
yawn, and handed off his carry-on. He was short and stocky with a
rubbery face.
“Buenos días, Señor Bragga. I hope your flight was acceptable?” Mateo asked deferentially.
First class isn’t what it used to be.” Bragga’s accented English was
spoken in clipped tones. “Take me to the First National Bank. I have
business to attend to.”
Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars’ worth of business, Mateo might have added, but refrained.
arrived at the Four Seasons, generously tipped the limo driver, and
hurried up the elevator to the suite where Cruz was waiting. Once Jack
stripped off his suit jacket, he joined the young genius by his array of
“They should make these baby ketchup bottles
illegal,” Cruz said as he tried to pound the condiment out of the room
service minibottle of Heinz. Growing frustrated, Cruz shoved a knife
deep into the viscous ketchup and poured a heaping red mound onto his
fries. Happy with the results, he chowed down on three drenched fries
before wiping his hands on his jeans and returning his gaze to the
“It looks like he’s getting ready for a
date,” Jack said as he took a seat. Cruz kept his eyes trained on the
four screens corresponding to the four different camera angles of the
room they were covering.
“Guy’s squirrelly,” Cruz said, biting into his cheeseburger.
watched as Todd Dearling twirled a bottle of champagne in the ice that
had just been delivered from room service, along with a tray of finger
sandwiches and crudités. He was a slight, pale, middle-aged man with
thinning hair that he kept nervously brushing back off his forehead. He
shrugged out of his tweed sports jacket, but when he saw the sweat
stains in the armpits of his blue dress shirt, he slid it
back on. He hurried over to the thermostat near the door, appearing on a new screen, and turned up the air.
checked his watch and then his phone to make sure he was receiving
enough bars to communicate with Mateo. “I’m getting a little nervous.
You?” Cruz asked before sucking down the last of his Coke. He crumpled
the aluminum can with one hand and executed an overhand dunk into the
bamboo trash bin.
Cruz’s mother was Guatemalan, his
father a Brooklyn Jew who founded Bundy Lock and Key. That’s where Jack
first met him. Cruz, who took after his mother’s side of the family,
looked taller than his five-foot-nine frame. Darkskinned, intelligent
brown eyes, a youthful angular face, and at twenty-three, he could still
pull off the spiky short black hair.
“I’ve got some energy going,” Jack said, “but it’s all good. You’d have to worry if you didn’t feel pumped.”
then Jack’s phone vibrated and the number 999 appeared on his text
screen, code for It’s a go. Mateo and Emilio Bragga had just pulled up
to the front entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel.
“We’re on,” Jack said with a tight grin.
In another minute, a loud rap on a door made Cruz jump. “Is that here?” he asked, and glanced over at the door to their suite.
“No, it’s next door. Great sound, Cruz,” Jack said, trying to keep his newest charge calm.
and Cruz watched as Dearling’s image moved from one screen to the next,
went over to the door, unlocked it, and ushered in Emilio Bragga. The
man of the hour wheeled his carry-on across the white marble floor,
pushed the retractable handle down into the bag, and gave Dearling an
unexpected bear hug, lifting the thin man off his feet. Once the blush
faded and he had regained his composure, Dearling
was all smiles.
He could smell his fortune being made. “First, tell me you have them,”
Bragga said brusquely, his smile tightening.
“I have
them and more, Emilio. There are even some preliminary renderings for
the next series of chips. Consider it goodwill,” Dearling said.
He lifted the champagne bottle out of the melting ice with a flourish, dripping water onto his dress shirt.
“A celebratory drink and then business.”
“No, business first,” Jack said.
“No. Show them to me. Now,” Bragga ordered, his voice unyielding.
“Now we’re talking,” Cruz said to Jack, barely able to control his excitement.
The next knock was more subdued than the first, just a quick double knock.
here,” Jack said as he slid out of his chair and opened the door. Mateo
was thirty-nine years old, tall, handsome, with striking gray eyes,
long brown hair, and a thousand-dollar suit. He beamed at his old friend
as he walked in, bumped fists, and moved into position behind Cruz,
eyes trained on the computer screen.
Emilio Bragga
placed his carry-on luggage on the couch as Dearling pulled a slim
buffed metal briefcase from behind the table and snapped it open on the
tabletop. Inside was a series of blue, red, silver, and gold flash
drives, seated in foam cutouts next to three bound technical binders.
leafed quickly through one of the binders, visibly relaxed, and placed
it back inside the case. He looked at Todd Dearling and nodded his head.
Then he smiled.
“This is the money shot,” Jack said. “Make it the money shot.”
Bragga walked over to the couch, ceremoniously produced a key, and
opened the lock. The sound of the zipper ratcheting around the
circumference of the bag got everyone’s full attention. And then Bragga
flipped open the canvas top.
Two hundred and fifty
thousand, in crisp, banded hundred-dollar bills. Jack’s team could
almost hear Dearling’s breath catch in his throat.
see those appetizers?” Bragga said, gesturing to the tray of crudités.
“That is what this is.” He turned his gaze to the thick stacks of money
like it was nothing. “Antipasto…before the meal.”
two men shook hands. The deal was consummated. It was all gravy now,
Jack thought. He would contact Lawrence Weller, CEO of NCI, who would
have Bragga quietly arrested at the airport and Dearling picked up
outside his condominium, thereby avoiding any negative publicity
regarding the security breach that could affect the value of NCI’s
“Start taking sick days as we get closer to the
rollout date,” Bragga advised. “Then you’ll take a forced medical leave.
I’ll set you up with a doctor in San Francisco who’s a friend. He’ll
recommend you spend a month at a local clinic to recuperate while we
launch and beat NCI to market. Six months later and with two million in
your account, you’ll give notice and head up my division. Did I ever
tell you how beautiful the women in Mendoza are?”
Bragga’s speech was interrupted by another knock on the door.
“Room service,” a muted voice said.
good,” Dearling shouted as he moved toward the door while Bragga
instinctively closed the lid of his bag, covering the money.
Jack gave his team a What the hell? look. “Who are these jokers?”
“Complimentary champagne from the management of the Four Seasons,” intoned the muffled voice.
“Don’t open the door,” Bragga hissed.
“Don’t open the door,” Jack said at the same time. But Dearling had already turned the handle.
men dressed in navy blue blazers with gold epaulettes pushed a service
cart draped with a white cloth into the room with a bottle of champagne
in a silver ice bucket and a huge bouquet of flowers in a crystal vase.
“Three men on one bottle,” Jack said as he pulled his Glock
nine-millimeter out of his shoulder rig and headed for the door.
“We weren’t the only ones who hacked his computer,” Cruz intuited.
leave the room,” Jack told him over his shoulder. He quickly exited the
suite, followed by Mateo. Cruz nodded, but his wide eyes never left the
computer screen.
The lead man pushed the cart toward
Dearling, but instead of slowing down, he muscled the cart up against
the timid man’s waist, picked up speed, and forced him to backpedal
across the room. Dearling’s eyes bugged, his face a mask of terror. The
flowers and champagne tumbled off the cart, and the crystal vase
shattered on impact. The champagne bottle exploded. Flowers and glass
and water and bubbly
flooded the slick stone floor. Dearling’s
body slammed into the television set on the far wall; his head whipped
back and splintered the flat screen. Glass rained down on the Judas as
he slid to the floor behind the cart.
Bragga placed
himself in front of his bag of cash and took a gun barrel to the side of
his head. The gash spurted blood, drenched his shirt, turned his legs
to rubber, and took him down onto one knee. The gunman made a fast reach
past him for the bag, but Bragga grabbed the thug around one thigh and
tried to bulldog him to the ground.
“I’m gonna shoot you, you dumb prick,” the gunman grunted, rapidly losing control of the situation.
“So much for keeping it on the QT,” Jack said to Mateo as he kicked the door open and followed his gun into the room.
third uniformed man spun as the door smashed against the jamb and
Jack’s fist exploded into his face. The man’s head snapped back, and
blood streamed out of his broken nose. His arms flailed, and his gun was
suspended in midair for a split second before the man and the gun hit
the floor.
The man who’d pushed the cart turned his
weapon on Jack, who fired first, blasting the man in the shoulder. The
force of Jack’s bullet propelled the gunman’s body backward onto the
cart before he flopped to the stone floor, landed on his shoulder in the
broken glass, and cried out in pain. The gun discharging in the close
confines of the hotel suite stopped the action. The room smelled of
the only sounds heavy breathing and Todd Dearling’s whimpering. Mateo picked up the third man’s pistol and covered Jack’s back.
Jack turned his Glock on the second man. “Give me your gun or your friend’s going to bleed out,” he stated with extreme calm.
Jack could take control of the weapon, Bragga stripped it from the
gunman’s hand and smashed him in the temple with surprising violence.
Then he swung the confiscated Colt back and forth between Jack and
Mateo, stopping them in their tracks.
“Nobody move and nobody follow,” Bragga said as he half-zippered the suitcase with one hand and picked up the carry-on bag.
your weapons,” he ordered Jack and Mateo through clenched teeth as
blood continued to drip down the side of his face. They complied,
knowing he wouldn’t make it as far as the lobby. Bragga walked around
the couch on unsteady legs, muscling the heavy bag. His eyes bored into
Mateo, the “driver” who had betrayed him, and ordered him to clear the
doorway with a sharp wave of his gun barrel. Mateo took a half step to
the side, gave the short man just enough room to pass, and pistoned with
his full two hundred pounds of muscle, leading with his elbow and
hitting Bragga in the back of the head, just above the neck. The
Argentinean went down hard.
The overstuffed bag bounced
on the floor, the luggage’s zipper split open, and a green wave of
banded hundreds cascaded out onto the polished white Carrara marble.
“That was a cluster fuck,” Jack said with disgust as he picked up his
Glock and surveyed the carnage in the suite. Mateo collected the fallen
weapons, grabbed a towel off the wet bar, and used it as a compress to
stanch the first gunman’s bleeding wound. He was all business. “Call 911
and have them send an ambulance,” Jack said to Cruz, who he knew could
hear him over one of the multiple microphones.
“That was insane.”
Jack turned around and found Cruz standing, wild eyed, in the hall directly behind him.
“Call 911 and lock the door. Did we get it all?”
“I copied Lawrence Weller and you on your cell, iPad, and laptop.”
“Good man,” Jack said.
really, you, Mateo . . . man.” Cruz shuddered as he pulled out his cell
and dialed the emergency phone line. Jack was not one normally given to
second-guessing, but at the moment he found himself seriously
questioning his new career choice as a private investigator.
a curse, Jack holstered his nine-millimeter, crossed the room, and
proceeded to snap plastic flex-cuffs on the broken assembly of thieves.
Amazon link
Lansing spent five years writing for TV hit
Walker, Texas Ranger, and
another three years studying the life of an NYPD Inspector. What emerged
from his combined writing about a cop and time spent with an actual cop
was Jack Bertolino—a fictional character with very real-life stories.
Lansing was also a Co-Executive Producer for ABC's
Scoundrels. John's
first book was Good Cop, Bad Money, a true crime tome with former NYPD
Inspector Glen Morisano.
The Devil's Necktie
was his first novel. A
native of Long Island, John now resides in Los Angeles. Please visit his
website for more information.

A Last Goodbye
J.A. Jance
November 24, 2014
An Ali Reynolds e-novella
out where fan favorite Ali Reynolds’ new adventure takes her in
A Last Goodbye
as New York Times bestselling author J.A. Jance brings her
trademark breakneck pace to this fun and exciting e-novella, in which
Ali Reynolds takes on double responsibilities as both sleuth and bride.
Ali Reynolds is finally getting married to her
longtime love, B. Simpson. They wanted a simple Christmas Eve wedding,
but nothing is ever simple with Ali. Even as a motley crew of her
friends—Leland Brooks, Sister Anselm, and others—descend on Vegas, the
bride-to-be finds herself juggling last-minute wedding plans and a
mystery in the form of a stray miniature dachshund. Ali’s grandson
rescues the little dog, but Ali’s not in the market for a new pet right
before her honeymoon, and leaves no stone unturned in hunting for the
dog’s owner. But what she finds is more than just a shaggy dog
story…Bella’s elderly owner has vanished, and her son seems to be behind
it. So it’s Ali and B. to the rescue—and still making it to the church
on time!
Ali Reynolds leaned her head back against the pillow in the soaking tub and closed her eyes. With the help of the pummeling water jets, she let the rush of the past few days recede into the background.
She and B. had made it. They were finally in Las Vegas. The rest of the wedding party was there, too.
Back in November, when she and B. Simpson had first settled on a Christmas Eve wedding at the Four Seasons, it seemed entirely doable—a piece of cake. After all, how hard could it be?
Because Ali and B. had chosen to be married in a hotel, much of the planning was done by simply cruising through the wedding planning pages on the Four Seasons website. Arranging the time, date, flowers, type of ceremony—including their preferred verbiage in the vows—was just a matter of making a few mouse clicks on her computer. Ditto for the menus. One was for what they were calling the rehearsal dinner despite the fact that there would be no rehearsal until the morning of the wedding. She also used the website to choose separate menus for both the reception and the post-ceremony supper. Ali stepped away from her computer, thinking that she had most everything handled. Unfortunately, she had failed to take her mother’s reaction into consideration.
Preparations for Ali’s previous weddings had been well beyond Edie Larson’s geographic reach—Chicago for the first ceremony and Los Angeles for the second. Caught up in running the family business, the Sugarloaf Café in Sedona, Arizona, 363 days a year, all Ali’s parents had been able to do on the two previous occasions was arrive in time for the rehearsal dinners and depart immediately after the nuptials.
This time around, Ali wasn’t so lucky. Her parents, Bob and Edie Larson, were both retired now, having sold the restaurant. Bob had found plenty to do in retirement, but Edie, left with too much time on her hands, had hit the wedding planner ground at a dead run, a reaction for which Ali herself had been totally unprepared.
In the past, Ali had found the term “bridezilla” mildly amusing, but when it came to dealing with an Edie who had suddenly morphed into what could only be called the bride’s “momzilla”? That wasn’t amusing in the least. To Ali’s surprise, Edie had whipped out her long-unused Singer sewing machine and set about stitching up a storm. In keeping with the season, Edie’s mother-of-the-bride dress was a deep-green velvet and probably the most sophisticated attire Ali had ever seen in her mother’s wardrobe.
With her own dress safely in hand, Edie had gone on to tackle outfits for the twins, Ali’s grandchildren, Colleen and Colin, who would serve as flower girl and ring bearer respectively. Colleen’s dress was a ruby-red taffeta, and Colin’s tux, also homemade, came complete with a matching rubyred taffeta cummerbund. Once that was finished, Edie took it upon herself to sew identical cummerbunds for all the men in the wedding party.
Ali’s father, Bob, was not an official member because Ali’s son, Chris, would do the honor of walking her down the aisle. Even so, Edie had gone so far as to bully her husband into actually buying a tux as opposed to renting one so Bob would have one to wear to formal dinner nights on their next cruise. Edie had been in despair about Ali’s ever finding a suitable wedding dress, and her sense of dread deepened when her daughter abruptly removed herself from the wedding planning equation. For the better part of two weeks in early December, Ali avoided all the frenetic pre-wedding activity by, as Edie put it, “larking off” to England.
That’s what Ali and B. had both expected her trip to Bournemouth would be—a lark. She went along for the ride when her longtime majordomo, Leland Brooks, returned home to the British Isles after living in self-imposed exile in the U.S. for the better part of sixty years. The trip was actually a thank-you from B. and Ali for Leland’s years of loyal service, including his having saved Ali’s life a month earlier in a nighttime desert confrontation with a kidnapper.
Ali had expected that her responsibilities would entail providing backup in case any of Leland’s long-lost relatives decided to go off the rails. She was also there as the designated driver, since most car rental agencies didn’t allow octogenarians to rent vehicles.
In a role-reversal variation on Driving Miss Daisy, Ali had taken the wheel of their “hired” Range Rover and driven Leland through the snowy English countryside from London to Bournemouth, Leland’s hometown, on the south coast of England. Together they even took a sentimental side trip to one of Leland’s favorite childhood haunts: Stonehenge.
In a small fashion boutique in Bournemouth, Leland had helped Ali find the perfect dress for her third and, as she put it, hopefully last wedding. Even now, her lovely lace-adorned ivory silk knee-length sheath was hanging in its original clear plastic wrap in the closet here at the Four Seasons. Needless to say, Edie was greatly relieved to know that the wedding dress issue had at last been handled even if she hadn’t been allowed to make it or choose it.
Jance is the New York Times bestselling author of the Ali Reynolds
series, the J.P. Beaumont series, the Joanna Brady series, as well as
four interrelated Southwestern thrillers featuring the Walker family.
Born in South Dakota and brought up in Brisbee, Arizona, Jance and her
husband live in Seattle, Washington, and Tucson, Arizona. Please visit