The Truth About Lilly
by Christy McKee
Lilly Talbot never imagined she would be starting her life over
again. Losing her good name for something she didn’t do has driven her to move
into an old lake house she inherited in Vermont. Upon arrival, she is shocked.
Half the roof is about to slide into Lake Champlain. Even more upsetting, the
man who can fix it will only agree if she trades him room and board for his
labor. What will the good people of Haley think of her sharing a house with the
handsome bachelor?
A man with a past…
Connor “Mac” McQueen, once one of the infamous Whiz Kids of Wall
Street, spent three years in prison for insider trading. Only one thing
sustained him during his time inside, the thought of owning Point Cottage, a
home he’d fallen in love with years ago. He plans to turn the house into a
stunning showcase for his eco-friendly home construction business.
Secrets and lies…
Now someone’s trying to drive Lilly from her home. Is it someone
from her past? Mac has secrets of his own-- that could ruin lives if revealed.
But if Lilly and Mac are to have a future together they must first delve into
the past for answers and accept some difficult truths about each other. Only
then, will they know if true love is in their hearts.
Sweet Jesus. Someone was in her house. Lilly froze,
thinking if she didn't move perhaps the intruder wouldn't notice her. Each
breath she took came in a short, painful pant, struggling to squeeze past the
ice cold fear lodged in her throat. Beneath her pink knit hat, her scalp
tingled with rising panic. She scanned the wall of French doors opening onto
the wide screened back porch overlooking the glistening lake. The closest exit
to the backyard was through the porch door, a good twenty feet away. Her cell
phone was behind her, in her tote on the floor next to the recliner. Should she
bolt for her car or make a dive for her phone to call the police? She jammed
her hand into her right keys. Almost like a battle of good versus
evil, fear and logic warred inside her.
This house was her last stand and nobody had the
right to be here but her. She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath, drawing
on her dwindling store of courage. Pulse pounding, she silently chanted,
"Oh God, oh God," and forced herself to turn around to confront the
intruder. A giant of a man, brandishing a baseball bat, stood in her kitchen,
buck naked, squinting fiercely. Her gut reaction was to scream, so she did.
"Get out of my house!"
She made a dash for her tote, frantically digging
for her cell. "Stay right where you are, buster. I'm calling the
police." Her heart thudded so loudly she doubted she would be able to hear
them when they answered her call.
With an irritated look that clearly indicated he
didn't consider the police a threat, the man tossed his bat onto the avocado
green Formica island and picked up the red landline. His cool blue eyes flashed. "Sheriff's a
friend of mine."
He put the phone to his ear. "Morning, Lucas.
It's Mac. I've got a lady out here at Point Cottage who seems to be lost."
His gaze swept over her. "She needs a place to stay. Think they've got a
spot open at the woman's shelter?"
What? Did this intruder think she was homeless? She
straightened and pushed her shoulders back in a show of righteous indignation,
but when she tried to fold her arms across her chest, her bulky sweaters, two
UGA sweatshirts, a trench coat and a full length faux mink coat, made it
"See you soon." The man returned the
phone to the center of the avocado green island. Lilly thought it looked like a
pimento stuck in the center of a humongous green olive. To make sure this
arrogant man wasn't trying to play her, she grabbed the phone and punched
"Haley police department. May I help
Relief washed through her. "Sorry wrong
number." Lilly turned to confront the man in her kitchen. "Mac, is
it? I'd be more comfortable if you waited outside, until your friend the
sheriff arrives."
One dark, arrogantly arched brow clearly indicated
he wasn't going anywhere. "You're dressed for it more than I am." He
gave her the once over. "Why don't you wait outside?"
Like she would leave this guy alone in her house.
That’s not happening. Lilly stalked to the front door. As she stuffed her feet
into her mud caked Nikes she'd left by the door last night, she glanced
sideways at the man and realized he only looked naked. Standing behind the
kitchen island, the lower part of his body had been obscured. Now she could see
he wore snug fitting blue jeans, impudently unbuttoned at the top. Relief
pulsed through her. Half clothed was just like a glass half full.
She noticed a man's leather jacket on the hall
tree, grabbed it and tossed it to him. "After you." She waited for
the hulk to precede her out the door.
He gave her a huff of disdain as he pulled on a
pair of work boots and shrugged into the worn bomber jacket. Lilly followed
close behind him onto the wide front porch.
She went down the steps and groaned when she saw
her ancient station wagon resting in a sea of mud. Last night's storm made it
almost impossible to see anything. She'd missed the driveway altogether and
also succeeded in mutilating a row of shrubs planted alongside the house.
Mac frowned at the damage and shook his head in
disgust, which set her off. "Don't know what you're so bent out of shape
about. They're my damned bushes not yours."
"Excuse me?" He glared down at her, a
generous swath of his naked chest and powerful middle exposed beneath his
unzipped jacket.
She opened her mouth to let him have it with both
barrels only to be drowned out by the toot tooting of an insistent car horn.
The blaring nuisance came from a candy apple red VW bug bouncing along the
rutted circular drive in front of the house. Mac grinned as the car door
opened, revealing an elderly elf wearing a blazing purple beret.
"Oh, isn't this nice," the blue haired
lady chirped as she emerged from the red bug. "You two have
AUTHOR Bio and
McKee began her career in TV news and eventually found her way into advertising
and finally fiction. She believes a good story should be about characters who
win your heart, sometimes move you to tears and occasionally make you laugh. As
a reader, Christy hopes you'll be swept into her characters' lives enjoy
getting to know them, experience the challenges they endure and be with them
when they come out on the other side.
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4.25 out of 5 stars
The Truth About Lilly
by Christy McKee is the
first novel in "The Shores of Lake Champlain" series. The story
follows Lilly Talbot as she tries to rebuild her life after a series of
blows. Her relocation to the town of
Haley, Vermont is a culture shock to her Southern sensibilities, but even more
shocking is the man she finds in the home that she is moving into. Connor 'Mac' MacQueen has his own agenda and,
just like Lilly, a painful history to overcome.
They each must find a way to get past family issues and go on, the
question is whether it will be alone or together.
This fun and exciting contemporary romance has elements of
suspense to add to the excellent storyline that explores the parameters and repercussions of
guilt and forgiveness. I love the gradual
exposition of details and the way the main characters slowly grow into a
relationship. The unexpected roommate
scenario is a commonly used device but it was so much fun to watch the sparks
fly as the apparently diametrically opposed personalities interact, and the
north vs. south divide is bridged through food, family, and manners.
The emotional wounds that each character has
suffered gives texture to their respective personalities and the deft depiction
of their family ties and interactions provide a great contrast to the sensual
and sizzling connection that evolves between Lilly and Mac. There are intriguing twists that give
glimpses of some of the secondary characters who I suspect will have their own
time in the spotlight, and although some seem a little farfetched, they do
provide an interesting storyline.
I like
the way humor, passion, small-town life, and mystery are combined in this story and I look
forward to getting to know more about some of the yummy secondary characters as
the series continues. Be forewarned, one
may develop a craving for fried chicken or something else to eat while reading
this story because the author does such a great job of creating a vivid word
portrait that one can almost smell the meals being served!
A copy of this title was provided in exchange for an honest review