Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Drama Queens and Adult Themes (Review tour, GFT)

by Kevin Klehr



Adam’s about to discover how much drama a mid-life crisis can be. He’s obsessed with Mannix, the nude model in his art class. But Adam has been married to Wade for nearly two decades, and they don’t have an open relationship.

Little do they know that Fabien, a warlock from the Afterlife, has secretly cast a spell of lust on Adam and his potential toy-boy.

As things begin to heat up, Adam’s guardian angel, Guy, steps in. But what’s the best way to save the relationship? Should Guy subdue Adam’s wandering passions or instigate a steamy threesome?



"So, Joshua, you think we're making too much of a big deal about this?" I asked.

He rubbed the tip of his sculptured jawline as Guy casually leaned toward him.

"Adam, darling, there are men who put themselves through hell and back trying to do the right thing. They won't act until they work out all the final consequences. And let's face it, as much pontificating as humanly possible is not ever going to let you know the final outcome, really! And there are men who are a lot more spirited and take life as a challenge. Go forth and take the risk and see where it leads you."

"Joshua, Adam understands that," Guy said. "But there's Wade to consider. What if their marriage falls apart?"

"Darling, seriously. From what you've told me, they're not going to fall apart. It's all just a bit of fun. Mannix is a new appliance, like a fridge or a vibrator. Something that has a use. And think, Adam. Think of the uses you can come up with, with your new appliance."

"Joshua, this is no laughing matter. I asked you here for a second opinion. Let's face it, you've had more sordid relationships than a priest, so I thought you could shed some light on this."

"I thought I was."

"Well, I don't see your point."

I watched these two argue. It reminded me of the early days when Wade and I were first sussing each other out. We'd see what we could say or do to test each other's boundaries. Boundaries we both knew we would eventually push. In time, these angels would get to know each other better, though at this stage I wasn't quite sure I was getting Joshua.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

 Kevin lives with his long-term partner in their humble apartment (affectionately named Sabrina), in Australia’s own ‘Emerald City,’ Sydney.

From an early age Kevin had a passion for writing, jotting down stories and plays until it came time to confront puberty. After dealing with pimple creams and facial hair, Kevin didn’t pick up a pen again until he was in his thirties. His handwritten manuscript was being committed to paper when his social circumstances changed, giving him no time to write. Concerned, his partner, Warren, snuck the notebook out to a friend who in turn came back and demanded Kevin finish his novel. It wasn’t long before Kevin’s active imagination was let loose again. The result was Drama Queens with Love Scenes, the first in a series of Afterlife tales.

Kevin is looking forward to thumping the keys on his laptop and churning out stories until it’s time for him to gain firsthand experience of the hereafter.




Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here


My review

3.5 out of 5 stars

Drama Queens and Adult Themes by Kevin Klehr is the sequel to Drama Queens with Love Scenes and has many of the same characters in one incarnation or another.  This whimsical m/m story is a multi-layered fantasy tale that also has a play within a play structure that involves a pair of lovers, Wade and Adam, who have finally settled into a committed relationship which threatens to unravel due to their attraction to a younger man, Mannix.  Unfortunately, a trio including a pair of warlocks named Ipan and Fabien, and a witch named Farah are monitoring (and interfering with) the lives of these men, so it's a good thing an angel named Guy is looking out for them, but it may be difficult to balance fate and manipulation and find a happy medium for all players concerned.

This thought-provoking tale is integrally related to the first book and is definitely unlike the majority of m/m books that I have read.  My best analogy would be the sensation of funhouse mirrors where art imitates life imitates art, since the plays and the action bounce back and forth and the characters shift from the roles they are playing to being the center of the action.  One thing that reflects this can be seen in the quote, "Suddenly, I'm this empty canvas with someone else writing my story. ...The script is half-written.  What happens now depends on how you react to the main scenes."  There are lovely vivid images evoked in the story (e.g. "The endless field we stood on was flourishing with daisies, yet they looked ill in color.  A doctor would have ordered them to lie down and rest.") but be forewarned, a very large diagram may be required to approximate the intricate relationships and it may be unreadable by the time all of the connections are included.  I suggest that this story would be best appreciated if the previous one has been read, and that one be a fan of existentialism and fantasy.

A copy of this title was provided to me for an honest review


  1. Replies
    1. PS. If you feel like popping up a review for the first book, I definitely won't stop you. ;~j

    2. You are very welcome, Kevin. I will try to get one written for the first one as well, I have about 15 waiting to be written up! Thank you for sharing them (0:

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Thanks. Let me know when you do so I can promote your blog.

    5. Will do. (I eliminated your double posts, I think that Blogger is having hiccups, lol).

  2. I enjoyed the excerpt the book sounds really different I'm adding it to my wishlist.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment, Rita. Glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

  4. Thank you for the excerpt and review =)

    1. You are very welcome, H.B., thank you for taking the time to visit and comment!

  5. Interesting excerpt and review...sounds like a complicated read and maybe not to be read without reading the previous book maybe. Doesn't sound like it would be best read as a standalone.

    1. Hi Glenda. It's interesting because a few reviewers have said that it can be read alone, but better if 'Drama Queens with Love Scenes' is read first.

      On my site - www.kevinklehr.com - you can download my Writers Sampler which includes longer excerpts from both books.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I think that both books require a bit of flexibility of imagination to truly appreciate them and I strongly suspect that it will be easier to understand this one if you have read the first, but maybe you can return and comment with your opinion once you have had a chance to read the longer excerpts. Thanks for visiting, Glenda.

  6. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Glad you liked it, Mai, thanks for taking the time to visit!
