Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Young Adult Writer's Journey by Elizabeth Fortin-Hinds & Janet Schrader-Post (VBT, guest post, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

I have the pleasure of a guest post by author Elizabeth Fortin-Hinds, who shares...

What is one of your hobbies and how has it enriched your writing?
Elizabeth Fortin-Hinds

I read tarot cards. Usually when you are reading tarot, you read it for a person, using some question or topic they wish to seek some insight into. To me it’s like guided self-reflection. What is very fun too is reading tarot for characters, in the same ways you would read for a ‘real’ person.

You can take a heroine, for example, and do a reading on her love life, her motivations and goals, her past, present and future. You do this for the author (which could be you, yourself), and guide them through discoveries and enhancements to/for the character’s past experiences and how it influences their current behaviors, actions, and motivations.

I’ve had writer’s who were ‘blocked’ or felt their story wasn’t progressing well, or that something was missing, who got that aha moment and realized they had been headed in the wrong direction or needed to add another layer of complexity or plot twists to their storylines.

It’s fun to ‘brainstorm’ with another writer, using the events, other characters and pathways revealed by the cards. Often, especially for romance writers, a Celtic Cross reading for both main characters can help them plot an entire story. Try it sometime! Currently I am, in my nonexistent spare time, creating a tarot deck and a writer’s guide to doing readings. At this point, I should probably add it to my bucket list!


Elizabeth Fortin-Hinds & Janet Schrader-Post


GENRE: Non-Fiction



Finally, an all-inclusive book on young adult fiction must-do, don’t do and how-to. If you want to write a young adult novel, you need to read this book first. Coauthored by an award-winning YA author and an acquisitions editor, both experts on kids and what they like to read, this encyclopedia contains all you need to start or improve a career as a YA fiction author.

From an examination of the market, genre and its sub-genres, to mechanics and the business, everything is at your fingertips. This amazing writer’s resource is written in a relaxed and interesting style, with plenty of contemporary references and examples for clear understanding and easier application.


Most writing classes for Young Adult fiction and Middle Grade tell you the duty of your book’s opening is to hook your reader and to catch the interest of an agent. The truth is, that’s only one of the purposes of your opening. Too often we forget that, as Frank Herbert said in Dune, “A beginning is a very delicate time.”

When writing for young adults, you should know where you’re going, just as when you write adult fiction. Plot construction for stories with universal themes is the same in any genre. There is a plan, a plot, a diagram you can follow to create a satisfying read. Just as with painting, every artist who uses the same subject will create a different and unique work of art. So, using a basic outline to be sure you write a story that resonates to the inner psyche of readers is not a bad idea. 

Some may argue that modern stories can’t demonstrate enough diversity when trying to fit the entire world into a single format such as The Hero’s Journey, but iconic success stories like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potter stories and more don’t seem to mind. They’re hardly the same stories, are they? Do they seem like boring knockoffs to you? Millions of fans and dollars later...they are still growing their fan base. Lucas even spoke of Star Wars and the incorporation of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and appeared in his Bill Moyer’s series.

The book will be $0.99 during the tour (please check price before purchasing)
Buy links:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Daughter of a Colonel, Janet Schrader-Post lived the military life until she got out of high school. She lived in Hawaii and worked as a polo groom for fifteen years, then moved to Florida where she became a reporter. For ten years she covered kids in high school and middle school. Kids as athletes, kids doing amazing things no matter how hard their circumstances. It impressed her, and it awed her. “How wonderful teens are. They have spirit and courage in the face of the roughest time of their lives. High school is a war zone. Between dodging bullies, school work and after school activities, teens nowadays have a lot on their plate. I wrote stories about them and I photographed them. My goal was to see every kid in their local newspaper before they graduated.”

Janet loves kids and horses, and she paints and writes. Now she lives in the swampland of Florida with too many dogs and her fifteen-year-old granddaughter. She started to write young adult fiction with the help of her son, Gabe Thompson, who teaches middle school. Together they have written a number of award-winning YA novels in both science fiction and fantasy.

Elizabeth Fortin-Hinds knows kids well. She spent decades teaching teens and adults to write and improve their reading skills. As a literacy expert and certified coach, she helped both teachers from elementary to secondary and preservice graduate students learn to improve reading and writing instruction. She has taught at both the secondary and graduate level, everything from rhetoric, essays, and thesis statements, to poetry, short stories, and how to write a novel. She has learned to use both sides of her brain simultaneously, but enjoys the creative side the most, learning to play piano, draw and paint, and find time for her own writing since retiring from her “day” jobs. 

A “true believer” in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces, mythic structures, she uses that lens when considering manuscripts for Tell-Tale Publishing Group, a company she founded with some friends from her critique group a decade ago.

Wise Words Publishing, an Affiliate of Tell-Tale Publishing Group, LLC

We are a small press, a traditional publishing company bringing you the best in E-books, print and audio books to feed your body, mind and spirit.  Our cutting-edge fiction includes old favorites and edgy speculative fiction for today's eclectic readers.  Our stories will grab your attention and take you on a fast, exciting ride that will leave you breathless. WW, our affiliate, publishes select literature under our Cosmos Imprint and nonfiction titles under our Ivy Tower Imprint.

Founded in 2009, in Michigan's Lower Peninsula. Our company motto of "excellence in creative entertainment and learning, " informs our artwork, manuscript selection, editing and publishing. 



The tour dates can be found here 


My review:

3.75 out of 5 stars

The Young Adult Writer’s Journey: An Encyclopedia for YA Writers by Janet Schrader-Post & Elizabeth Fortin-Hinds has tips and suggestions for the entire process, from concept to execution to marketing. Using examples from popular books and movies, the authors analyze elements of Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey” as they apply to the field of young adult fiction.

This non-fiction work covers a broad spectrum of information and suggestions for both the aspiring writer and the established one. Authenticity is stressed, with strong suggestions to include teens while researching the book in addition to honing one’s craft. I think there great tips and suggestions but I was disconcerted by the number of allusions to popular stories and the use of tidbits that would be spoilers for those who have not read the particular book (or watched the movie) cited. The casual tone makes this seem more like a brainstorming session with a couple of friends but that does not take away from the helpful suggestions provided. There are a few stereotypes and assumptions that were a bit disturbing and I quickly wearied of the constant references to Harry Potter and his world and winced at some of the misinformation but I think that there are plenty of practical tips that offset the missteps. Those considering going into this field will undoubtedly appreciate the suggestions and analyses provided by this work.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review  

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Case of the Voracious Vintner by Tara Lain (Release Day Blitz) EDP ADULT title

The next installment to the 
The Middlemark Mysteries Series 
is now available!

A Middlemark Mystery Series, Bk 2
 Tara Lain 
ADULT title


Where Bo Marchand comes from, gay men are just confirmed bachelors who never found the right girl. But now Bo’s a successful winemaker on the central coast of California, supporting his whole damned Georgia family, and all he really wants is the beautiful, slightly mysterious Jeremy Aames.

Jeremy’s vineyard is under threat from Ernest Ottersen, the voracious winemaker who seems to know all Jeremy’s blending secrets and manages to grab all his customers. Bo tries to help Jeremy and even provides a phony alibi for Jeremy when Ottersen turns up dead in Jeremy’s tasting room. But it’s clear Jeremy isn’t who he claims, and Bo must decide if it’s worth tossing over his established life for a man who doesn’t seem to trust anyone. When Jeremy gets kidnapped, some the conservative winemakers turn out to be kinky sex fiends, and the list of murderers keeps dwindling down to Jeremy. Bo has to choose between hopping on his white horse or climbing back in his peach-pie-lined closet.

Available for purchase at

Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Dreamspinner Press | BAM


“Shall we read the rest?”

Jeremy nodded, all that fair hair rippling, and Bo plunged into his next line just for the distraction. “Indeed, you come near me now, Hal, for we that take purses go by the moon and the seven stars, and not by Phoebus, he, that wand’ring knight so fair.” His heart tripped. Knight so fair. He groped for his wineglass, hit it awkwardly, and tipped it right over onto Jeremy’s arm. “Damn! I’m so sorry.”

Bo grabbed the glass and hurried around the bar for a rag of some kind. He found a roll of paper towels and dabbed madly at Jeremy’s soaked shirt, the wine creeping up the cotton fabric toward his shoulder. “That was so careless of me.”

“No problem, really. I always keep a shirt close at hand for just such accidents because they seem to happen several times a day. The red’s the worst.” He walked behind the counter near where Bo stood, opened a narrow closet, and pulled a white shirt off a hanger. Then, as Bo tried to keep his tongue in his mouth, Jeremy proceeded to strip off his wet garment and drop it in a hamper, also in the closet. He pulled another shirt up from it and laughed at the huge red stain on the front. “See what I mean?”

Dear blessed God. His comparing Jeremy to Brad Pitt washed back into Bo’s brain, this time the lean, hard body of Fight Club. How did a normal person get abs like that, below shoulders and arms like that? Whoa.

With no apparent hurry, Jeremy sidled to the bar sink, took some towels and wet them, and began to wipe the wine off his glistening golden skin. Bo would gladly have volunteered his tongue for the job. Jeremy held out a fresh wet towel to Bo. “Would you mind? The wine seems to have seeped up onto my back a bit.”

Catatonic. For a second he thought he’d embarrass himself by being unable to move, but he managed to pull it together and take the towel from Jeremy. Jeremy turned and presented a masterpiece of shoulders and triceps for Bo’s careful inspection. Bo’s dick pronounced Jeremy flawless. “You’re very fit.”

Jeremy glanced over his shoulder abruptly, and for an odd second, he looked—what? Worried? Guilty? Why?
“Uh, yes, I used to be into working out.” He turned his head, but his shoulders had tensed a little.

Taking a breath, Bo wiped the wet towel over Jeremy’s smooth skin on his shoulder and down the side of his back. His hand faltered more than once at the heat penetrating the wet paper and the overwhelming desire to drop the towel and just touch that vanilla crème texture. Thank God Jeremy was turned backward because Bo’s erection threatened to take over the tasting room like Godzilla in Tokyo.

Okay, he couldn’t resist, and probably Jeremy couldn’t tell. Bo let his fingers slip off the side of the paper and slide across Jeremy’s back. Not perfectly smooth as it looked. There were little variations in texture here and there, tiny moles or freckles, like a living, breathing human. Oh dear God, that was more disturbing than perfection. The need to lean in and rest his cheek against all that strength flamed through him.

Suddenly Jeremy made a funny, snuffly sound, as if he was stifling a moan and a sigh at the same time.

Bo froze. Fuckity frogs and fishes! Swiftly and efficiently, he wiped the last dregs of wine from Jeremy’s flesh, dropped the towel on the bar, and walked out toward the opposite wall, taking deep breaths so there was no chance of Jeremy spying his boner.

A Middlemark Mystery

The Case of the Sexy Shakespearean
Bk 1 

Available for purchase at

About the Author

Tara Lain believes in happy ever afters – and magic. Same thing. In fact, she says, she doesn’t believe, she knows. Tara shares this passion in her best-selling stories that star her unique, charismatic heroes — the beautiful boys of romance —  and adventurous heroines. Quarterbacks and cops, werewolves and witches, blue collar or billionaires, Tara’s characters, readers say, love deeply, resolve seemingly insurmountable differences, and ultimately live their lives authentically. After many years living in southern California, Tara, her soulmate honey and her soulmate dog decided they wanted less cars and more trees, prompting a move to Ashland, Oregon where Tara’s creating new stories and loving living in a small town with big culture. Likely a Gryffindor but possessed of Parseltongue, Tara loves animals of all kinds, diversity, open minds, coconut crunch ice cream from Zoeys, and her readers. She also loves to hear from you. 

You can find Tara at Lain
Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Bookbub | Amazon Author Page |
Pinterest | FB Reader Group


Presented by 

Monday, January 28, 2019

In the Dog House by Traci Hall (Excerpt blitz)

Traci Hall

Ten years ago, Jackson Hardy joined the Marines, leaving behind a woman he still dreams about. When he's called home to care for his ten-year-old nephew, no one is more shocked than he to run into Emma again. Or to still have those same feelings. But Jackson isn't looking for love, and neither is Emma, especially not with him. His precocious nephew, though, and a retriever named Bandit, are about to change that.

So what if Emma Mercer is an overachiever? She has plans to get her doctorate in psychology and create a no-kill shelter for the EST dogs she trains. Which leaves absolutely no time for romance. She's fine with a furry family—dogs don't teach you to love and then rip your heart to shreds. But young Matty's situation tugs at her heartstrings and there's no way she can't help him…and Jackson. 

She may have hotter-than-ever chemistry with the soldier, but forgetting the past isn't easy. 

She’d said she was proud of him—did she mean it? Her forearm brushed his leg, and her throat turned a deep shade of rose as she held his gaze. Sweet. She wouldn’t say what she didn’t mean.
He tilted to the right, wanting to touch her mouth with his. Sample a quick taste of Emma to add to his memories. Her lips slightly parted, the pulse at the hollow of her throat sped, her eyes dilated. They were so close to a kiss that all he had to do was move his head forward…
She stood abruptly, smoothing the yellow fabric down over her hip with an eye toward Matty, racing around the fountain. “I’ll get dessert.”
Jackson snapped back. Was she inviting him inside?
“I’ll help.”
She held the door open for him, and he followed her. The instant they were out of sight she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around him to hold him tight—he couldn’t have broken free if he’d wanted to.
And he didn’t.
He buried his hands in her soft, soft hair and cupped her head so that he could study Emma and memorize each new line and freckle. He gently brought the pads of his thumbs to her smooth jaw and plump pink lower lip. Her eyes, swiped with copper, glittered sensually as she absorbed his touch. Auburn lashes at half-mast as she relaxed into him.
He dropped one arm to her hip to balance her, the other still cradling her head as he lowered his mouth. She lifted to him, their lips whispering across each other’s mouths before crashing together like surf against the sand.
She tasted different but the same. It was meeting his other half, something he’d been missing and suddenly needed more than his next breath.
“Jackson.” Her words were hot against his lips and brought the embers of desire flaming bright.
She entwined her fingers behind his neck and pressed in to him.
He clasped her tight, feeling the warmth of her feminine curves, the temptation she offered.
The smack of sneakers up the porch steps made them break away like guilty teenagers.
Jackson’s chest heaved. They weren’t that anymore.
Em’s eyes flashed, the pulse at her neck fast as a hummingbird’s.
“Emma,” Matty asked, innocently entering the kitchen. “Can I have some lemonade?”
“Sure, hon. I was just getting the cannoli out. Are you ready for dessert?” Emma turned her back to him, and Jackson detected a tremor in her voice.
 Jackson knew then that he’d never be over Emma Mercer, not if he lived to be a thousand.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Buzz: The Ultimate Guide to Book Marketing by Roseanne Cheng and Dara Beevas (VBT, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

Roseanne Cheng and Dara Beevas

Congratulations, indie author!

You’ve finished your book—now all that’s left is to get it out into the world. Unfortunately, for many authors, it’s that step of the process that’s the hardest. Marketing is seen as something to be feared, dreaded, and outsourced as much as possible—a daunting task that will leave you drained.

But fear not! The team at Wise Ink knows a thing or two about how to sell your book. And they’re here to tell you everything.

Buzz is the indie author’s ultimate guide to marketing effectively, inexpensively, and excitingly. Within its pages, you’ll find answers to the questions on every writer’s mind:

• What does it really mean to “market” my book?

• How do I best reach my specific audience?

• What are effective ways to promote my book via social media?

• Do I really need to be a public speaker?

In addition to this, the Wise Ink marketing team has provided sample content calendars, email promotions, a marketing starter kit, and more to ensure you’re prepared to get out there and sell your book.

Marketing doesn’t have to be a horror story! Let Buzz teach you how to take your book to its maximum potential.


How do I best reach my specific audience?

You will hear us say this over and over again, as it is one of the Ten Commandments of book publishing: Know thine audience!

Think carefully about your “ideal” reader. What do they do in their spare time? Where do they normally purchase things? Where do they go for information? And most importantly, what are some unique and organic ways to get your book and message in front of them?

Hopefully, by the time you begin marketing your book, you will have already thought through these things carefully. Still, it’s a good idea to refresh your memory. Also, be concrete in how you determine your market demographics. Go deeper than the standard questions around gender, age, education, and geographic location. Those are just places to start.

When describing your ideal reader, be specific with the details that matter, such as how much time they have to read, how they might use your book day-to-day, and how they generally make recommendations to others. Another thing to do is segment your readers into three specialized subgroups—communities that align with each reader’s professional identities and personal aspirations. This helps you dig even deeper into the psychology of how to sell your book smartly and where it makes the most sense to spend your time. As an example: To market your business book, you might segment your readers into millennials and recent grads, aspiring entrepreneurs, and motivational speakers. If you've just published a sci-fi thriller, your subgroups might include fans of the popular sci-fi series Black Mirror, sci-fi writers who frequent fan-fiction sites, and people who attend conventions like WorldCon.

How does your ideal reader obtain information? Blogs? Magazines? Newspapers? Ads? What social media sites do they frequent? Be as specific as you can here. These are the places you will want to target in terms of marketing.

Where does your ideal reader shop? Think beyond bookstores. Are they frequent travelers? (Maybe they shop in airports a lot.) Do they have stores they tend to gravitate toward? Make a list of these places, and find connections there to share your book with.

Buy link


About the Authors: Roseanne Cheng is a former high school English teacher and author of two young adult books, The Take Back of Lincoln Junior High and Edge the Bare Garden, which won the gold medal for young adult fiction at the Writer’s Digest Self Published Book Awards and the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. She now works as Marketing Director at Wise Ink Creative Publishing where she holds the secondary title of “Author Therapist” and has the pleasure of helping authors create plans to get their work into the world. When she’s not reading a book or practicing yoga, you can probably find her hanging out with her hilarious husband of ten years and their two ridiculously awesome kids. Follow her on Twitter.

Dara Beevas believes that books can save lives, open doors, and build bridges. As co-founder of Wise Ink, she encourages authors to share powerful stories that ignite change, tolerance, and growth. She has been involved in the publishing community for fifteen years, acquiring manuscripts, managing projects, and creating marketing and sales strategies for authors and publishers. She’s helped more than four hundred authors publish their books. She is the author of The Indie Author Revolution and co-author of Social Media Secrets for Authors. When she’s not busy pushing the envelope in this crazy world of publishing and networking with inspiring entrepreneurs, she’s traveling and enjoying her husband Tomme’s delicious Jamaican meals with her daughter Genesis. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram.




This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be awarding a 30 minute book marketing consultation to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


My review:

4 out of 5 stars

Buzz: The Ultimate Guide to Book Marketing by Roseanne Cheng and Dara Beevas is a nicely detailed description of important aspects to consider when trying to sell the book you have worked so long on. I like the tone, which is both informative and encouraging, as well as the pragmatic suggestions and evaluations of the pros and cons of various methods. Not only are there chapters that detail the journey an author should be undertaking at various stages while (and after) writing a book, but there are appendices with samples and suggestions, a detailed index, and references to the company’s website which also has helpful files.

I think this book would be an important resource for any author to consult and it will both guide them through the process of marketing and stimulate brainstorming. It is an overwhelming concept that not only does an author work hard to create a polished book, but THEN the hard work of marketing begins. This title gives concrete suggestions for dealing with that massive task and reminds us to approach it with enthusiasm rather than dread, and to PLAN one’s attack and constantly evaluate the success of various stratagems.

A copy of this title was provided for review

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Future Comes from Behind (Paradigm Shift, #1) by STK Chan (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

Future Comes from Behind 
Paradigm Shift, #1
by STK Chan


GENRE: Science Fantasy



Fighting what we've become.
An ancient dimension of dark echoes from the past.

Lisa and her family barely manage to escape an invasion from the Rebel army in their home of Malta. Shortly after this episode, she discovers Exo, the ancient dimension she cannot understand until her late 20s. Exo is made of memories of the past; it brings forth all the strong echoes we leave behind. Lisa desperately wants to resolve the conflicts of this inner world peacefully, but quickly learns she must fight the shadows in people's hearts, materialized through battle re-enactments, warfare and emotional turmoil.


Soon the windows revealed smaller buildings and less crowded streets. The train grew emptier too. Lisa heard the monotonous hum of the wheels more clearly; it slowed her heartbeat down to a peaceful pace. In a flash, as she had done many times before, she crossed into what she believed to be a dreaming state of mind.

A dense forest surrounded her. It was cold, and patches of snow covered the ground.

It feels so real… But I wanted a nice view of wild, untamed mountains. And a waterfall. And why can’t I better control the season or the clothes I’m wearing? Lisa wondered, shivering a little. There! She finally spotted an exit from the curtain of trees.

Below, a large lake covered with floating sheets of ice lay at her feet. She was indeed on a mountain. The fresh air was freezing, but she breathed it in eagerly, ignoring the abundant vapors of her warm breath.

What could this resemble? Canada? Alaska? Lisa had learned that, by focusing very deeply with closed eyes, she could sometimes change her clothing or some of the details around her.

This time, only a long scarf appeared on her shoulders after she opened her eyes. “Not enough,” she said, shivering, but proceeded to walk along the cliff regardless. Minutes later, she stopped to take a better look into the distance. A boat? I don’t want to come across any other people this time...Ah, it’s just a log. She could not stand the cold any longer, so she thought about getting back.

Greg raised an eyebrow when he noticed her repeated blinking.

“Your lucid dreams again?”

Lisa nodded in confession.

“Where did you go this time?”

“Far…far from these many babylons.”

“Just another reason why we are a perfect match.” He smiled.

“They are so real. And they feel so long, though they really last just a fraction of a second.”

“Do you meet any people in there?”

“Yes, but I avoid them. It scares me to death how intense and unpredictable they are. Last week I met a tribe in Africa and before that I was in the middle of a medieval city.”

“Lucky you,” said Greg. “It’s a strange yet blissful anomaly, to escape reality like that.”

Buy links: The book is $0.99 during the tour.
(please check price before purchasing)

All purchase links

Amazon link

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

A fan of nourishing SF&F fiction. Seeker of essential truths in historical non-fiction. Exploring life for almost half a century. Delivering action and matters of the inner self. "Chan has license to be more philosophical and issue-oriented, and on the whole he blends together different genres well." (John Staughton, SPR)


Book links:
Website (official page)



The tour dates can be found here



My review:

3.5 out of 5 stars

future comes from behind by S.T.K. Chan depicts the journeys that a female named Lisa participates in as she becomes fully immersed in experiencing the dimension of Exo and learns how to interact with her fellow shamans as they attempt to battle evil by subtly altering past events.

This thought-provoking science fantasy tale is the first book in the ‘Paradigm Shift’ series. Through a series of vignettes, the author shows how a specially talented female hones her skills by participating in various key battles throughout history.

Unfortunately, the abrupt shifts between time and location interspersed with the snapshot looks at the main couple’s lives was disconcerting to me and sometimes it was difficult to discern when and where we were in Lisa’s existence. The cast of characters keeps growing even as the hints about Lisa’s power and role are gradually doled out, and it was sometimes difficult to figure out what was going on, especially with the folks who may be at different levels of expertise or power in the mysterious realm of Exo. The various rules governing what may or may not be shared and the mysteries hinted at regarding Lisa’s (and the world’s) future are somewhat nebulous and hopefully will continue to be revealed in subsequent books.

I think that the premise is good, and the creative way of distilling key conflicts around the world during various eras of history will undoubtedly appeal to those who enjoy analyzing the permutations of the butterfly effect on historical battles.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review

Monday, January 21, 2019

D'zia's Dilemma by Keri Kruspe (BBT, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT ADULT title

Keri Kruspe
ADULT title

Guardians of the Galaxy meets The Princess Bride.

The second book in the trilogy, D’zia’s Dilemma features a disembodied galactic gangster, a snarky spybot, and a sentient, lovesick spaceship. If you like non-stop action, powerful emotions, and sensual aliens, you’ll love the next installment of An Alien Exchange.

A woman betrayed. An alien duke faced with an impossible decision. Can two lovers who long to be together overcome those determined to keep them apart?

Lora Dharma Callahan excitedly agrees to leave Earth to attend “The Exchange” and meet the alien mate of her dreams. Instead of finding true love, she’s forcibly kidnapped and held captive by an alien lunatic who plans to take over the galaxy. He’s going to use her to create a serum that will ultimately enslave every human female on Earth. But no emperor wannabe is going to keep this girl down. Lora will find a way to save not only herself, but her planet as well.

Duke D’zia Yaq E’etu, cousin to the crown prince of Zerin, suspects a malicious plot to overthrow the galactic government. When the opportunity arises to insinuate himself in the suspected traitor’s stronghold, he doesn’t hesitate to use his infiltration skills. While there, he encounters Lora, whom he soon recognizes as his TrueBond. The only problem…she’s imprisoned and scheduled for experiments that will destroy her.

Now D’zia has a hard choice to make. Should he stay and get the proof he needs to prevent a narcissistic megalomaniac from taking over the galactic government…or escape with the only female he can claim as his own?


She didn’t remember falling. One minute she’d been in the middle of hundreds of bodies, and the next…she was…here.

“Here” was a damp, cobbled floor. The uneven rocks painfully dug into her head, back, and bottom. With a wobbly, shaky breath, she coughed at the moldy smell of rotten eggs. Her tongue was thick and dry as she shivered in the damp air.

Oh, ick! Even her tunic and leggings stuck to her skin.

Okay, time to sit up. After a few pathetic tries, she finally levered her body into an upright position and panted, completely exhausted. Now for the next problem…she couldn’t see anything. It was so black it was hard to tell if her eyes were open. At least nothing hurt, except for her head. Yay for small favors.

She tilted her head at a distant, stomping sound. What was that? Her stomach dropped. Was someone coming?

The blackness eased into a murky gray. Wait, was it getting lighter? She blinked, waiting for her eyes to adjust. The dimness morphed into simple gray as a dull light filtered through the small door window. As the image of her surroundings became clear, she shivered and shut her eyes. Like that was going to help. There was no way to unsee she was in a tiny prison, complete with rock walls slathered in dirt and green slime.

It looked like “Dungeons-R-Us” had a sale and she was the lucky recipient.



About the Author:
“Author of otherworldly romantic adventures”

Keri Kruspe has been an author since the age of twelve and has always been fascinated with otherworldly stories that end in Happily Ever After. Her current works, An Alien Exchange trilogy had its first release Winter 2018. The trilogy continues with D’zia’s Dilemma and concludes with Ki’s Redemption — to be released by the first quarter of 2019.

A native Nevadan, Keri resides with her family in the wilds of Northwest Michigan where she enjoys the stark change in seasons and the pleasures each one brings. An avid reader, Keri loves an enjoyable bottle of red wine, a variety of delicious foods and watching action/adventure movies…usually at the same time. You can find her most days immersed in her fantasy world on her latest novel while foot tappin’ to classic rock. When not absorbed in her writing, Keri works alongside her husband in building their dream home or discovering intelligent life in America in their RV.




This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter.

The tour dates can be found here