Smokin' Hot Firemen

is an
Adult anthology edited by the prolific and talented Delilah Devlin which features an awe-inspiring lineup of authors. I am delighted to feature an interview with the delightful Cynthia D'Alba and an excerpt from her contribution to the collection.
(My review is at this
Smokin' Hot Firemen:
Who can melt any woman's heart with a single
smile? The sexiest icon of all--a fireman!
They enter fiery structures
with selfless courage--the very definition of the word "hero."
understand their allure... A soot-covered face, sweat dripping from
hard, chiseled muscles, the sharp snap of suspenders -- yes, only a
fireman can make suspenders sexy!
Delilah Devlin's burning-hot book
includes thrilling stories teeming with gorgeous firemen from some of
today's hottest romance writers.
In "Saving Charlotte," Sabrina York's
firefighting Dom rescues a woman tied to a red-hot bed; from Cathryn Fox
comes "Temperature Rising" where a fire chief fulfills some very steamy
fantasies; Elle James's "Chasing Fire" sees a daring smoke-jumper
parachuting into the hot zone of a forest fire then setting his
girlfriend ablaze with erotic heat; and Magic Mike ain't got nothin' on
Delilah's own fireman-turned-exotic-dancer-for-a-night "Johnny
With a list of award-winning authors that includes Ily Goyanes,
Shoshanna Evers, Adele Dubois, and Rachel Firasek, Delilah delivers
tales of these courageous men sliding down their big poles to steal
readers' hearts!
Smokin' Hot Firemen imagines the romantic possibilities
of being held against that massively muscled chest by a man whose
mission is to protect and serve...
First, a few words from Cynthia D'Alba
ELF: What fact surprised you the most to learn while you were writing for this book?
C D'A: My story in the Smokin’ Hot Firemen anthology (Something’s Burning) came from a novel I started way back in 2006, a time in which I had just begun to write. What surprised me was how much I liked it and how easy it was to pick up that story and finish it.
I hadn’t read much of my early writing in quite a while. Plus I’ve learned so much more about the writing craft so sometimes I hesitate to read early works, but the story was so much fun and I’d always meant to get back to it. Of course I had to tweak it and write a new ending (making it a short story instead of chapter one of a novel) but I think the playfulness I intended way back in 2006 is still present.
ELF: What feeling do you want readers to experience the most when they read your story?
C D'A: Happiness. I want people who read this story, or any of my works, to get lost in the story, become part of the story, and live vicariously through my characters.
ELF: What do you do to refresh yourself?
C D'A: Read, sometimes in my genre, sometimes outside.
If I want to completely get out of the book world, I’ll work in my yard. But I confess…my jobs in the yard are to pull weeds and overgrown ivy, mow the grass, rake leaves and burn fallen limbs. Notice all that is some type of destruction. If you want pretty flowers to thrive, or any sort of living plant to make it past a week, then it’s up to my husband. He has the green thumb. I have the black thumb of death.
ELF: Who is your favorite new author and why?
C D'A: I’m glad you qualified “new” author as I have so many old favorites! Still this is a tough one. I’m going with two…Darynda Jones and Adrienne Giordano. Two totally different genres!
I love Darynda’s paranormal storytelling because it’s fast and fun and the storylines have turns and twists that are totally unexpected.
I love Adrienne’s work with romantic suspense because she writes wonderful tortured alpha males who get tamed (and whipped into shape!) by the perfect heroine (perfect for them, not necessarily perfect women.) Her work is sexy and thrilling and fast-paced.
ELF: What is your favorite dish to order when you go out to eat?
C D'A: Sort of depends on the restaurant. But I love chicken fajitas (or just about anything Mexican).
ELF: Where is your favorite place to take out of town guests?
C D'A: Out on my boat. I live on a 7500 acre lake. There are restaurants where we can drive up in the boat, park, and eat. There are also quite a few multi-million dollar homes that are fun to see.
ELF: What do you want to accomplish with your writing in the next year?
C D'A: I’d like to get book 3 of my Texas Montgomery Mavericks series out, as well as two novellas that go with that series. I have a romantic suspense (a new romance sub-genre for me) that I’d like to get out also.
ELF: What most surprised you about getting your first book published?
C D'A: That people actually liked Texas Two Step! J
One of the nerve-wracking aspects of writing is waiting for those “1” ratings and reviewers to slam your book. For me, that just hasn’t been the case. My experience with Samhain Publishing was everything I would wish for a new author…a responsive editor who gave me excellent feedback but didn’t try to change my voice (or insert hers), a book cover to die for, and a publishing company who backed me.
My thanks to Cynthia D'Alba for that fun interview!
And now, an excerpt from her story,
Something's Burning:
Something’s Burning
Cynthia D’Alba
Through the burned opening in the fence, Ronan eyed his grill-challenged neighbor holding a small kitchen pitcher. She stood in a short, pink silk kimono that barely covered her crotch. Long, wet hair dripped down both sides of the robe plastering the damp material to her full, lush body. When she turned toward her house to shush her dog, he got a nice view of the back of the robe cupping the globes of her rear and an erect nipple saluting him through the now almost transparent material. His cock sat up and took notice of her bodacious body. He adjusted the crotch of his cargo shorts.
Throughout the twenty minutes it took for his guys to put out the fire and complete the fire report, his neighbor kept tugging at the robe as though pulling the edges closer would somehow maintain her modesty. Instead each tug hiked the hem up a fraction of an inch. A couple of more and they’d all know if she was a natural blond or not.
Bree looked at her grill lying in the mud by the fence. Its legs collapsed, wet coals spilt in the black burned grass next to the remnants of the fence. Now that all the guys were gone, she had to admit, she was embarrassed. First by starting a fire that burned down the fence of a fire lieutenant, but then she stood in the yard with a group of fireman in a short robe that was stuck to her wet body like a second skin. She could have been naked in the yard and the men would have been able to see her body just as well.
“I hope you have insurance,” a deep male voice said.
Her gaze jumped up from the mess in the grass into the angry grey eyes of her hunky neighbor. Not the way she’d planned on meeting him but…
“I am so sorry,” she said.
“I’m sure,” he said.
She flinched at the harsh tone in his voice. “Really. I am so sorry. I never dreamed that something like that could happen. I thought I was being careful to get the hot coals away from my house.”
He arched an eyebrow. “So as to only burn down your neighbor’s place?”
Heat flushed her cheeks. “I didn’t mean to burn down your fence,” she said defensively. When he didn’t reply she added, “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Do you have insurance?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Then it’ll replace the fence but that’s not the current problem.”
“My dinner is now overcooked and ruined.”
She cringed. “Please, let me do something to make up for this mess.”
“Really? You want to make this up to me?”
“Oh yes. Please. Nothing would make me happier.”
“Fine. You can replace my dinner. Tomorrow night. You cook at my house wearing exactly what you have on right now.”
Bree’s heart skipped a beat. Her pussy throbbed. Arousal trickled down her thighs.
He gave a careless shrug and turned to leave. “So you weren’t serious about making it up to me.” He took one step.
“Wait,” she said. “It’s just that…”
He turned and gave her that damned arched eyebrow again. “Take it or leave it, honey. Makes no difference to me.”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Cynthia D’Alba started writing on a challenge from her husband in 2006 and discovered having imaginary sex with lots of hunky men was fun. Her first book,
Texas Two Step, released in 2012 to outstanding reviews, was a Samhain Publishing best seller. The second book in the Texas Montgomery Mavericks series,
Texas Tango, will be released by Samhain Publishing in November 2013.
She has stories in two anthologies to be released later this year…
Smoking Hot Firemen (Something’s Burning) in July 2013 and the
Mammoth Book of Medical Romance (Wake Me When It’s Over) in the Fall of 2013.
She holds a Bachelor Degree in Nursing, a Master Degree in Business Administration, a Master Degree Curriculum and Instruction and a Doctorate in Higher Education Administration.
She is currently at work on book 3 of the Texas Montgomery Mavericks series (Texas Twist) and novella.
She loves to chat online with friends and fans. You can find her most days at or
Follow her at
Twitter, or
email her
And now for information about the giveaway!
Congratulations to the winners:
Grand Prize $50 Amazon GC: Marcy Meyer
July 15: Erzabet’s Enchantments (Delilah) – Carol L.
July 16: Nana Prah’s Blog (Maggie Wells) – Kimberly Mayberry
July 16: Promo It’s Raining Books (Maggie Wells) – Susan W
July 17: Wicked Readings by Tawania (M. Marie) – Kate
July 18: Ramblings From This Chick (Adele Dubois) – Rebe
July 19: The Reading Addict (Cynthia D’Alba) – Eve Millien
July 19: Promo Books to Light Your Fire – Eve Millien
July 22: Books and Other Spells (Tahira Iqbal) – Charlene Michael
July 23: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess (Sabrina York) – Dianalyn Thomas
July 24: Musings From An Addicted Reader (Elle James) – magic5905
July 25: Promo Long and Short Reviews – Eva Millen
July 26: Musings and Ramblings (Elle James) – Rita Wray .
If you would like to see more excerpts and interviews, please visit the following blogs:
July 15: Erzabet's Enchantments
July 16:
Nana Prah's Blog
July 16: Promo
It's Raining Books
July 17:
Wicked Readings by Tawania
July 18:
Ramblings From This Chick
July 19:
The Reading Addict
July 19: Promo
Books to Light Your Fire
July 22:
Books and Other Spells
July 23:
Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess
July 24:
Musings From An Addicted Reader
July 25:
Sharing Links and Wisdom
July 25: Promo
Long and Short Reviews
July 26:
Musings and Ramblings