Thursday, September 17, 2015

Cotton Candy by Mae Hancock (excerpt, review and GIVEAWAY) GFT ADULT title

by Mae Hancock
is an ADULT title


Cowboy, Cotton Reid is the laid back type of guy who accepts people as they are, no matter how flawed. People think he’s fun, honest and crazy about his boss and friend the sexy rancher Bay Redman.

Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is something that family man, Bay, has done his whole life. Bay can be like a bear with a sore head if the hay isn’t stored symmetrically or his fridge contains an odd number of jars.

When the two men begin a hot affair, Cotton keeps a secret from Bay, but will Cotton find the courage to tell Bay the truth before someone else does?



The heat of the spring sunshine made the air thick and heavy like midsummer as Cotton and Bay rode back toward the ranch after a long day rounding up cattle for market. A faint breeze caught strands of Cotton’s hair, blowing it into his face beneath the tan Stetson. He lifted the hat off and ran his fingers through his damp mop of hair. Then, pulling a band from his wrist, he secured the locks into a familiar small bunch, leaving a fingerbreadth of tail hair at the nape of his neck.

Glad for the momentary relief from the heat, he placed the hat back on and took in Bay’s broad shoulders as he rode in front. For some reason today, Cotton had not been able to break away from studying each movement Bay made. Twice before, Cotton had stared at the man too long and noticed Bay’s brown eyes searching his own. Has he noticed me watching him? The man’s deep, smoky cedar scent carried to Cotton on the wind, the smell so rich and bountiful it made his senses stir with desire.

Starting to get darn near obsessed with the man who doesn’t even notice me—not in a carnal way anyhow.

Bay and he were boss and hired help. Bay didn’t chase, pursue, desire—or even demand anything of Cotton, which served to make the man more attractive. Bay’s sensual, deep-brown eyes tugged at Cotton with each glance, and Bay’s thick lashes fanned out, flattering his dark-bronze skin. A simple, meaningless smile had far-reaching and significant implications for Cotton. Put simply, it meant Bay approved of him and the things he did. The rancher’s soft, full lips framed milk-white teeth, and sent urgent ripples right through Cotton’s body, leaving his fingertips tingling and the reins slippery with his sweat.

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AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I enjoy writing both academic and fiction material. My research interests include focus on people who experience marginalization, both in historical societies and modern. Themes include disability, neurosis, homosexuality, addiction, mental illness, slavery and prostitution. The most important part of my work is creating multi-dimensional, believable characters that are able to build lasting romantic relationships against the odds. I want all my readers to laugh, cry and enjoy the erotic journey towards a happy ending.

Twitter: @Hancockfiction



The tour dates can be found here 


My review:

3.5 out of 5 stars

Cotton Candy by Mae Hancock is part of the ‘Wyoming Lovers’ series and is a m/m cowboy romance that features a very unique cowboy named Bay with a challenging disability, OCD, which is inexplicably alleviated by the presence of a ranch hand named Cotton.  They have been reluctant to change the tenor of their friendship by exploring the attraction they feel for each other.  Will they find a way to admit what they have found together or will secrets destroy what they have before it has a chance to grow?

Bay and Cotton are a very different pair from the usual stars of a sizzling m/m romance, not because they are a boss and employee, but because of the issues that each is coping with.  Their incandescent lust for one another is a little surprising, given how long it has taken for them to act on it, but it is definitely intense.  The abandon with which they pursue intimate encounters is a little disconcerting, as is the length of time it has taken for Cotton to address the issue that originally brought him to the ranch.  I thought the author dealt with the complex issue of compulsive behavior very sensitively and I think there are plenty of stories left to tell about the unique men who staff the ranch.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review



  1. For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?

    1. I'm not sure the author is going to visit, Mai, but for myself, I prefer print but have to admit that e-books are much easier to transport in quantity.

  2. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it, Rita. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Replies
    1. I am always happy to share my honest opinion. Great to see you, Victoria!

  4. Thank you for the post and the giveaway!

  5. Replies
    1. Glad you like it, Mary. Thanks for visiting!

  6. Replies
    1. Happy you think so, gemiinii. Thanks for popping in!
