Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dead Scary by Sally Gould (excerpt, review and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Sally Gould



Adam is an ordinary boy, except for one thing. He can see and talk with ghosts. When his family moves into what seems like the home of his dreams, Adam finds out it isn't his dream home after all. Edward Lawrence, a bossy ghost who was Adam's age when he died, regards the home as his own and he doesn't want to share it with an annoying boy who can see him. After Edward fails to convince Adam to get his family to move out, he seeks powerful help from the earthbound spirit world to get rid of them. However, Adam has an ally in the earthbound spirit world as well as knowing a handful of tricks to get rid of ghosts. Adam just has to get rid of Edward before the Council of Earthbound Spirits authorizes Warrior Spirits to get rid of Adam and his family. But will Adam succeed in time?



With a dramatic tilt of his head, Eddie went for it. 'Oh, well, I've never heard such a bossy member of the Living. He interrogated me as if I were a prisoner of war. Then he lectured me about what I could and couldn't do, even after I told him that I'd never extract energy from his family.'

Sir John couldn't help smiling.

'How am I meant to float through my own home in peace? They own a smelly dog that's allowed inside and chases me up and down the house. The situation is unbearable.'

'Earthbound Spirits have been known to train dogs. You could try that.'

I swallowed hard. There was no way any ghost was going to train Caesar.

'The boy even threatened me with his Grandpa George, who apparently is the absolute best at dealing with ghosts.'

I felt Isabel nudge me. She shook her head to let me know I was an idiot for threatening him.

Sir John frowned. 'I assume dealing with means he possesses the ability to force you to pass through the Light?'

'I assume so,' replied Eddie with a nod. 'Surely in your capacity as the President of the Council of Earthbound Spirits you could send Warrior Spirits to evict the family from my home?'

I held my breath. I'd never heard of Warrior Spirits.

Sir John's mouth opened and closed before he said, 'In theory that would be difficult because of the Rules laid down by the Council.' He pointed to the wall where three rules had been set out, framed and hung.

Links to purchase Dead Scary

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

 Sally Gould loved books from a young age, but never considered writing them. While she was busy getting up to the mischief that teenagers get up to, she forgot about books all together. Then total insanity took hold and she became a corporate lawyer. Fortunately, she had two sons and they inspired her to write stories for children. Of course, her oldest son is responsible, logical, studious, considerate, grateful and even makes his bed. The youngest one is only interested in having fun - lots of it. And, except for his teachers, he makes everyone laugh. Their antics have inspired many of Sally's stories. Sally lives in Melbourne, Australia with her family and two dogs - Pebbles, who is sensible, and Jade, who just wants to have fun.




The tour dates can be found here


My review

4 out of 5 stars

Dead Scary:  The Ghost who refused to leave” by Sally Gould is a paranormal children’s story featuring a boy named Adam Castle who moves into a new house named ‘Woodlands’ along with his family.  He has the amazing ability to see ghosts, or as they prefer to be called, Earthbound Spirits, and the additional capability of seeing their auras.  A dispute with a resident Earthbound Spirit named Edward Lawrence over Rules and possession of the house leads to an escalation of hostilities that not only threatens his friendship with fourteen-year-old Isabel, but endangers the rest of the family, including Adam’s younger sister, Emily.  Both sides recruit more powerful allies, and the end result may not be satisfactory for either.

This charming tale gives a different perspective on the concept of ghosts and the idea of residency.  I love the gradual revelations of the types of Earthbound spirits, their methods of regulation, and their powers.  The adventures that Adam has are inventive and exciting, and the tension builds throughout the story.  The characters are not as well-developed as I would like, but I thought this was a fun story that conveys the importance of understanding the other person’s position and the benefit of finding a way to work together rather than destroying each other.  I think I would enjoy reading other stories by this author and hope that there are more adventures involving this combination of characters.
A copy of this title was provided to me for review


  1. Replies
    1. I enjoyed it, Rita. Thanks for popping in!

  2. Thanks a lot for reading and reviewing Dead Scary. If you could post your review on amazon.com, I'd really appreciate it.
    Best Wishes,

    1. Hi Sally! I'm pretty sure I've got the cross-posts up at AMZ, GR and B&N. Nice story, thanks for sharing it!

  3. Really great excerpt - thanks for sharing!

    1. Happy to share. Thanks for dropping in, Victoria!

  4. This sounds like fun, but I'm glad I cannot see ghosts.

    1. I am glad of that also, Mary, although my family definitely believed in ghosts...I was always terrified that one would visit me! Thanks for visiting!

  5. Replies
    1. It was enjoyable. Thanks for popping in, Betul!
