Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Jalapeno Cupcake Wench by Carol Kilgore (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Carol Kilgore


GENRE:   Mystery/Romance



During the day, law enforcement consultant Gracie Hofner is on assignment at a small San Antonio bakery, waiting for a delivery. No one knows what it is or when it will arrive. The upside? Working next to Donovan Beck, a flirty hunk and a half, who is perfect fling material.
At night, Gracie resumes her search for a little girl and her mother who went missing following a double murder. Finding the pair is imperative or the girl will become a target.

At the girl’s aunt’s house, she experiences an unexplainable need to leave immediately. She tries to deny the urge to flee and pushes the pressure aside, but the compulsion intensifies. Gracie thinks she must have a brain tumor. Or is losing her mind. When similar events occur, Gracie hopes the new quirk will help her find the missing girl before time runs out.



Nick was talking to a patrol officer who left when Gracie joined him. She poked his arm. “Did you do a full check on all the furniture?”

She got the look—a probe clear to the soles of her feet by two deep brown eyes searching for her brain.

Nick was five-ten, and she was two inches shorter. They stood almost eyeball to eyeball, although she may have outweighed him by ten pounds, given her strong farm-girl bones and ample girly parts. One of which delighted in squirrelling away every single bite of anything sweet that passed between her lips.

“Do you think I forgot how to be a cop just because you left?” Nick placed his hands on his hips, daring her to give him any guff.

“Mea culpa.”

He gave her a one-armed hug. “I forgot you’re such a pain in the ass. Hard to forget the klutzy parts, though. I still have scars. Ready to go?”

They would always be partners—even though it wasn’t official. Just like with Neva, Gracie and Nick had bonded through those early years of academy and patrol.

Nick stayed quiet on the way to his pickup. He opened the passenger door. “Get in. I want you to listen to this call, too.”

Inside the truck, Gracie touched his hand. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I can’t figure out why someone would want them dead. He never hurt anybody.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Carol Kilgore is the author of Jalapeno Cupcake Wench, the first book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy, and three romantic suspense novels: In Name OnlySolomon’s Compass, and Secrets of Honor. She’s married, guardian to two quirky dogs, and lives in San Antonio, the setting for the trilogy.

You can learn more about Gracie and be among the first to know when the second book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy will be released by subscribing to Carol’s newsletter at her website  or connect with her on her blog, Facebook, or Twitter.



The tour dates can be found here

Monday, October 30, 2017

Set You Free by Elmer Seward (spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Elmer Seward


GENRE: Suspense



Deena is running from a dangerous past.  When she finds herself in a small fishing village tucked away on the banks of the Chesapeake Bay, she thinks she is finally safe. While there, she discovers a journal that weaves a story of secrets, passion, and unrequited love.  In its pages, she discovers the answers to her struggle with the shadows of her own past.  In the end, those shadows close in on her and threaten all that she holds dear.




It was a sleepy September Sunday in the ninth pew. A fly circled Mr. Branson’s slightly balding head like a helicopter searching for a level clearing. Old lady Carter’s head dropped in notches like a Ford coming down an old-fashioned car jack. At the bottom, it bounced back up only to begin its jerky descent again. Mr. Wilmar was busily taking sermon notes in sweeping strokes—obviously another short-lived bulletin board art display. I was penciling small figures on the borders of successive hymnal pages. Then I flipped them to watch the dancing circle, with its moving stick arms and legs. I glanced up. It was at that moment that I finally understood what Pastor Tompkins called the “everyday miracle.”

The morning sun was low and bright, straining to filter through the grays and blues of the stained glass, storm-tossed waters. Jesus, in a brown robe, strode triumphantly on the waves. Peter, in a faithless moment, reached for help as he sank in the sea. A broad yellow halo encircled Jesus’s head. As the sunlight streamed brightly through the yellow glass, tiny particles of dust floating in the air gave a smoky glow to the ray that fell on the pew two rows up…fell on the girl I’d never seen before. A flip of her golden hair, a turn of her head, a smile.

There are moments in life that you remember because they’re surprising or unique. They’re the Christian Laettner buzzer-beating shots that win the game, or the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunctions on live TV, or maybe the Richard Nixon resignation speeches. They’re the “Where were you when?” moments in life. And then there are other moments—the ones in which the arc of your life is forever altered. You’re no longer the person you were just seconds before. In one instant, the world screeches to a stop and spins out of control, all at the same time. These aren’t just moments you remember. These are moments you’ll never forget. The miracle of the girl in the seventh pew is that moment I’ll never forget.

My makeshift flipbook was forgotten, to be discovered by some other spiritually stranded soul. The rest of that Sunday service was dedicated to the miracle in the seventh pew. I imagined several times that she glanced back, but then I quickly looked up at the pastor. I didn’t want to give the impression that I was staring at her, although that’s exactly what I was doing.


NOTE:  The book is on sale for $0.99
(please check price before purchasing)

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Elmer Seward was born and raised along the Chesapeake Bay in southeast Virginia.  Growing up, the cemetery behind his house was his playground.  The metaphorical theme of death and rebirth that figures prominently in his novels is probably influenced in some way by the time that his mother heard, through the screened window, a small voice crying for help.  Rushing from the house and through the yard, she discovered her all-too-curious six-year-old son at the bottom of a freshly dug grave.  In that moment, he discovered that trouble is much easier to get into than it is to get out of.  Sometimes we need help getting out of the hole that we jump into willingly.

He is blessed to have a large blended family and is the reluctant servant of three crazy dogs, a Maltese, a Japanese Chin, and a BruMaltChiYorkie.  All of these strongly influence the characters and events in his novels; however, his beautiful wife, Mitzi, is the true inspiration for the tender hearted but determined women in his stories.

Set You Free is Elmer’s third novel. His previous novels are Hearts in the Storm and Dreams of the Sleepless.

Twitter - @elmerseward2


The tour dates can be found here


My review:

3.75 out of 5 stars

Set You Free: Love, Lies, and the Secrets that Bind by Elmer Seward is a suspense story with romantic elements that follows a mysterious woman named Deena who is fleeing in a terrible storm while accompanied by her young daughter. A chance encounter with a stranger named Blake changes her life as she gets integrated into the network of folks who inhabit the small town of Opechancano. Each person she meets has a challenge that they have fought to overcome, but they all are inexplicably willing to extend a helping hand to Deena and her daughter. Unfortunately, evil is stalking them, and the inhabitants of Opechancano may or may not be able to withstand the death and destruction headed their way.

I was entertained that this book opened with a scene that brought to mind the classic setting of a dark and stormy night. The author did a nice job of building on that base and gradually fleshing out the characters whose lives intersect, while reminding the reader that everyone has something painful that holds them in the past IF we let it. There are intriguing twists that play out as barriers are let down and the tragic events that have shaped these people are exposed. The pain exposed as the story progresses is artfully depicted and I enjoyed the way we were able to view each character differently as more information came to light. There is a bit of graphic violence, so those who are squeamish should proceed with caution, and the base subject is very sobering and thought-provoking. For me, the pace is a little uneven and a few things were predictable but I enjoyed watching the two different mysteries unfold and I cheered at the fortitude and small-town cohesiveness that is depicted even though I think that some things were tied up just a little too neatly. Those in the mood for a mystery within a mystery will undoubtedly enjoy this tale.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review

Friday, October 27, 2017

Temptation and Treachery by Sahara Roberts (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT ADULT title

by Sahara Roberts
ADULT title

GENRE:   Romantic Suspense



Andres “Rio” Rivera became his ICE profile years ago. Cold and calculating, he never promises anything beyond right now. But when he ends up with a cancelled flight and a shared hotel room with the secretive Celeste Patron, the fire behind Celeste’s buttoned-up exterior melts every barrier. He may only have her for one night, but that’s long enough to make her every fantasy come true.



“Come on.” Kari led them back to the infirmary, taking her time with each step. “I’m going to try putting the pieces together myself. Stop me if I’m off track.” They walked away from the edge of the clearing. “I figure you didn’t just meet Rio yesterday.”

Celeste kept her expression neutral.

“In fact, from the way he was acting, I’d say the last time you saw him was three weeks and two to three days ago.” She held up a finger. “Well, three to four, since that was a day ago.”

It shouldn’t surprise her that Kari had figured things out on her own. Did everyone else know? Did they realize he’d played her for a fool? She closed her eyes, wondering if everyone in the chow hall was laughing at her, even know.

“Oh, come one. When you two were together there was so much sexual tension in the room I thought I’d end up pregnant.”

Oh damn, she’d hoped she’d been wrong about that.

“There’s no reason you can’t pick up where you were back then.”

Celeste’s gaze snapped to Kari. Did she mean sex? If so, no. She shook her head. They wouldn’t be picking up there. She’s been seduced for one reason, and one reason alone. To get the Ayala cartel.

“Rio’s an intense guy, and the way he looks at you…” She looked over and winked. “Well, as long as he doesn’t launch himself off the ceiling fan, you should be good.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sahara Roberts caught the writing bug early in life. She enjoys writing Romantic Suspense and Contemporary Romance. Her days are filled with international trade issues (the legal kind) and her evenings writing steamy romance. She is currently working on the fourth novel in the Dangerous Desires series and plotting a contemporary romance series.

When she's not at her usual hangout, Savvy Authors, she enjoys socializing on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and her website, or watching APB, The Blacklist, and The Walking Dead (Following Daryl). Sahara lives in South Texas with her husband and a very spoiled cat. She enjoys cooking, baking, and cake decorating, but she would certainly prefer to have someone else do the dishes.




The tour dates can be found here

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Anxiety by H.D. Thomson (Spotlight, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) RBC ADULT title

Complete Series - Episodes 1 through 6 
ADULT title
by H.D. Thomson


H.D. Thomson is giving away a fabulous prize package during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here.


Jake Preston is on borrowed time. If he doesn’t stumble upon a miracle and soon, he’ll end up dead. And even if he does, he still might end up dead with a clever killer hounding his heels. He believes that the one miracle and antidote to save him is in Margot Davenport’s house, across the country and miles away from Boston. Somewhere locked in her home is the key to reversing an experiment that is killing him with each breath he takes.

Margot doesn’t particularly care if she ends up dead. She’s lost everything she’s ever cared for. A divorce and the loss of her job as a corporate lawyer has left her with little faith in herself or in anyone else. Most importantly, she’s lost the one person on this earth she’s looked up to and cherished–her brother, Johnny. His death in a car accident has devastated her, and she can’t find the willpower to pull herself from the chasm she’s fallen into. Her only solace is at the bottom of a wineglass. Having moved back to the small town in northern Arizona where she was raised, she’s made a point of isolating herself both mentally and physically from everyone other than a few chosen friends. Little does she know that her life is going to explode into chaos.





“Are you all right?”

She stiffened, all thoughts of Miltronics, her brother and Malcolm disintegrating as she became aware of Jake right behind her. She felt his warmth, smelled his cologne.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He slipped a hand onto her shoulder, his fingers curving over to her collarbone. The leather cold, yet oddly hot, felt erotic against her skin. Margot didn’t dare move. She sensed him directly behind. Inches away. If she backed up, her bottom would push up against his hips and his sex. The thought whirled through her body, tightening her breasts, heating her blood. Her breathing changed, grew deep and shallow. Desire. It squeezed below her belly, weakening her legs so much so that she latched onto the edge of the desk with both hands.

“I—˝ She cleared her throat. “I’ll be all right.”

The thick, hoarseness of her voice gave her away. Jake had to know now. He had to know she wanted him, wanted something to happen between them. God help her—she wanted it bad.

It had been so long. Gritting her teeth, she fought against the hunger. Self-control. She needed self-control. Oh, but how her body screamed for Jake’s touch, a brush of his lips against her skin, the feel of his palm against her naked flesh, the caress of his breath against her hair as he moved inside her.

Then she felt Jake’s hand on her hip, branding her through the thick material of her jeans, sliding up over the fabric to her waist. For a brief second she fought against the pressure of his palm, but only for a second. She turned and looked up into his face. Shadows clung to his rugged features. Then there were his glasses. Those stupid glasses. They shielded his thoughts, his emotions. Yet...

She sensed his desire, the hunger in the pressure of his fingers at the small of her back as he nudged her closer. She parted her lips in anticipation. Then she was completely blinded by shadows as his head dipped and he claimed her mouth. 

BUY LINKS: Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon AU

Author Bio:
H.D. Thomson moved from Ontario, Canada as a teenager to the heat of Arizona where she graduated from the University of Arizona with a B.S. in Business Administration with a major in accounting. After working in the corporate world as an accountant, H.D. changed her focus to one of her passions-books. She owned and operated an online bookstore for several years and then started the company, Bella Media Management. The company specializes in web sites, video trailers, ebook conversion and promotional resources for authors and small businesses. When she is not heading her company, she is following her first love-writing.


Website Link
Amazon Author Page






Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Need You Now by Dei Araujo (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Dei Araujo


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



Nothing compared to the horror Amaranth Wallace felt upon discovering her babysitter beaten and her autistic son missing. To get him back, she must put all her faith in her ex-lover, the very man she vowed to avoid forever.

One steamy and mind-blowing night with Amaranth and Nicholas was hooked. But when she chose his half-brother over him, Nicholas turned his back on her and love. Now fate has brought them back together, and Nicholas must revisit old wounds that run deep with the woman who broke his heart.

Can Amaranth and Nicholas put their torrid history aside to find her son and get a chance at love?





“Why are you here?” she asked, ignoring the little jump of her heart at the sight of him.

“Really, Am? We’re going to do this? Me, out in the hallway as if I was some vampire begging to come in just so I can bite that delicate little neck of yours?”

“Sorry, I prefer werewolves,” she replied with a smirk before attempting to close the door in his face. Irritated, she looked down and saw he used his foot as a stopper.

“Cute. Have it your way.” He stood his ground. Amaranth wanted to let him stay right out in the hallway, but he was right. She didn’t want anyone privy to their conversation, so she stepped away to let him enter.

“Come in,” she relented and inhaled his clean scent as he walked past her to the center of the room. His presence filled the tiny space as he looked around, turned and laid those gorgeous hazel eyes on her. God, would she ever stop feeling as if the very sight of him was like a vacuum sucking the air from her body? She willed her pulse to slow its rapid hammering. He was still devastatingly handsome with his ink black wavy hair and eyes that couldn’t decide whether they wanted to be amber or green. They regarded her even now with some sort of emotion that bordered on anxious and apologetic.

NOTE: The book is on sale for only $0.99.
(please check price before purchasing)

Buy Links:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Dei Araujo knew she wanted to be a writer at the age of 11 after writing a short story that drew a raucous response from her dad. Her love for romance came through her mother who encouraged Dei’s voracious appetite for reading. She went on to win writing awards in high school to include a first-place award for poetry in honor of her father who served during the first Gulf War.

After graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi with a degree in Journalism/News Editorial, Dei was commissioned in the Air Force as a public affairs officer where she utilized her skill as a writer to tell the Air Force story. Her military career took her all over the world and exposed her different cultures and people.

While serving as an Air Force reservist, Dei completed her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University and rediscovered her voice as a romance writer. She’s living out her real-life love story in beautiful Miami, Florida, with her soulmate, and their four rambunctious boys.

Need You Now, a romantic suspense, is her first novel and the first in the Love’s Paradise series.
Dei is a member of Romance Writers of America.

Social Media Links:

Twitter ID: @dei_araujo



The tour dates can be found here

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Seductive Suspect by Thea Landen (VBT, guest post, exerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT ADULT title


I have the pleasure of sharing a guest post from author Thea Landen, who shares her answer to my question...

ELF:  What do you think is the strongest attraction about the genre(s) you like to write in?

TL: Ah, romance. You’d be hard-pressed to find any fictional story without some sort of romantic element in it. Even when it’s not the focus of the main plot, I love the little romantic asides. I guess I’m a shipper at heart.

It’s funny, if you met me in real life, I don’t think I come across as a romantic at all. I’m a super-organized, assertive Type A personality who probably uses too much sarcasm in her everyday life. I like schedules and routines and lists, and I even try to schedule my leisure time as best I can so I can fit everything in. I am married, but our relationship isn’t a syrupy sweet one, where we argue over who loves who more and post cute love notes to each other on Facebook. But somewhere, deep down, I suppose I do have a mushy little heart of gold.

If I had to guess, I’d say romance is so popular because at some point or another, everybody wants to be in love. Whether it’s the journey or the destination that’s more compelling, that ideal of love speaks to people. We want to cheer on our characters when they find happiness, even when (or especially when?) they struggle along the way.

Erotic romance in particular (my genre of choice) is growing more and more popular these days. A lot of people argue it’s because e-readers let you read things without letting the rest of the world know what you’re reading, and that’s probably pretty accurate. Me, I think part of it has to do with realism. Real life doesn’t “fade to black”, so why shouldn’t we see what our beloved characters are up to once they finally get together? A well-written explicit scene can make a “happily ever after” ending even more satisfying. And at the end of the day, I think that’s what all authors want, for their readers to feel truly satisfied when reading their works.


by Thea Landen
 ADULT title

GENRE:   erotic romance, mystery/thriller/suspense, contemporary romance



A murder mystery weekend goes awry when the guests start dying for real. Veronica is desperate to survive and escape, but can’t deny her growing attraction to Adam, the handsome man staying in the room next door. Can she trust his intentions, or has she wound up in the arms of a cold-blooded killer?



The crisp mountain air no longer felt so cold. Heat spread over my body. His head ducked down, and he captured my mouth in a gentle kiss. Soft lips pressed against mine. I melted farther into his embrace. His tongue slid forward, and I welcomed it, reveling in his sweet taste.

I ran my hands over his shoulders and laced my fingers behind his neck. Lost in his kiss, I pretended we were two normal people surrounded by beautiful scenery, doing nothing more than succumbing to a mutual attraction in one exhilarating moment. Even if something terrible happened to me later on, I could say I chose happiness over fear.

Our kiss grew more fervent, and his grip on me tightened. I let out a small whimper when he pulled away, but he beamed at me.

“Stay with me tonight,” he said.

The edge in his voice sent a shiver through me, although my cheeks burned hot.

“Since we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, let’s be together now.”

A tremble shook my knees, and I was glad his strength supported me. Several tiny wisps of doubt flitted through the back of my mind, yet my desire for him overpowered them.

“Okay,” I said, the single word all I managed to get out.

Adam took me by the hand and led me toward his room. I floated across the balcony behind him in a dreamy haze. Once he opened the door, though, all semblances of tenderness disappeared.

Buy Links:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Thea Landen lives in New York with her husband and two children. She strives to encourage creativity and passion in all those around her, and uses writing to help inspire. Though she reads and writes in nearly all genres, she has a special fondness for science fiction, fantasy, and adventure and anything that pushes the imagination beyond its usual limits. When she’s not writing, or thinking about writing, her hands and mind are occupied by either yarn crafts or role-playing games.

Author Links:



The tour dates can be found here