Thursday, October 29, 2020

Imaginary Lover by Morgan Brice (Spotlight and review) ADULT title GBP






Imaginary Lover

Beyond the Realm: Remember

ADULT title


Morgan Brice



“There’s no time. Remember your imaginary lover....”

Cory Caldwell woke up by the side of the road with no memory of how he got there. He pieces together who he is but has no idea what happened to him.

Dark visions haunt him—flashes of blood, magic, and a brutal fight. Scorching dreams of a faceless lover offer no clues. His gut warns that something urgent is eluding him, and that time is running out. Worse is the sense of bone-deep grief, as if Cory is missing part of his soul.

Desperate for answers, he hops a bus for Fox Hollow, a town famous for psychics, mediums, and those with supernatural abilities. Then a stranger calls Cory by name and casts a furtive glance around him. “There’s no time,” the man says. “I need your help. Remember...” Can Cory unlock his missing memories and rescue the stranger before it’s too late?

Imaginary Lover is full of dangerous magic, hurt/comfort, brave monster hunters, dark curses, sincere psychics, found family, and forever love.


Amazon link





 (note: This giveaway was posted earlier this month when the first book in the series was released)



Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win

a $10 Amazon Gift Card






My review:


3.75 out of 5 stars

Imaginary Lover by Morgan Brice is part of the ‘ForgottenRealms: Remember’ series and features an amnesiac who fortuitously ends up in unique Fox Hollow, where he finds those willing to help him figure out who he is and who is the amazing person he has a sensual connection with. Time is running out to solve the mystery, and failure may be fatal.


This adult paranormal gay romance has intriguing elements such as shifters, witches, curses, and sizzlingly vivid dreams. I like that characters from some of this author’s other series have cameos because I love catching up on what folks are doing after their time in the spotlight ends. For some reason, this particular story didn’t resonate with me as much as I am used to with this author’s stories. Although the main character’s plight is scary and confusing, I connected better to many of the other characters, and I wasn’t thrilled by the emphasis on sex that seemed to be germane to the story, given its brevity. I think this gives an entertaining view of Fox Hollow and it will probably encourage readers to try “Huntsman” or some of the other series by this talented and prolific author.



A copy of this title was provided for review












Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Liars by Lucy Lennox and May Archer (Release blitz, excerpt, review and GIVEAWAY) GRR ADULT title


 Liars Banner(1)


A Licking Thicket Novel, Book 2

 ADULT title


Lucy Lennox & May Archer


Parrish Partridge’s True Facts:

There’s nothing hotter than a tall, gruff, bewildered, tattooed mountain of a man cuddling a sweet, orphaned baby, so you can tell yourself that you’ll resist him...

But that’s a lie.

And when that man asks you to do him a favor and pretend to be his very temporary, very fake fiance to help him get custody of that adorable baby, you can pretend you know better than to say yes…

But that’s a lie, too.

And when you actually get to know your kind, strong, pullet-loving prince of a fiance, and all his crazy, lovable, meddling neighbors, you can tell yourself you’re not really falling for Diesel Church and the town of Licking Thicket…

But that might be the biggest lie of all.

 Excerpt :

A bloodcurdling wail echoed through the little stairwell, and I froze for a second, then rushed headlong down the steps two at a time, skidding to a halt halfway down the staircase when I found the source of the sound—a wriggling baby in a fuzzy pink sweater who was literally crying herself purple, possibly because the giant, tattooed mountain of a man holding her was growling down at her with a ferocious scowl on his face.  

I gripped my folder tightly and opened my mouth to protest even though the guy was twice my size, when the baby’s cries quieted for half a second and I caught that the man wasn’t growling. He was… singing?

“Something… sunshine. Only sunshine. You make me happy. Something gray? Christ.” He heaved a frustrated sigh. “Marigold, you’ve got to stop now. You’ve made your point. Be reasonable, baby girl.”

Oh. Oh, good gravy. That changed everything.

I caught my breath and stared. The man looked like he’d been torn off the stage at a rock concert, transported to Nowhere, Tennessee, and stuffed into the outfit I once wore to a middle school dance. There was no other explanation for a guy with overlong brown-blond hair, graceful black inked scrolls emerging from the collar of his wrinkled, blue button-down shirt, shiny Dockers that clung to his tree-trunk thighs, and black steel-toed boots to have appeared in this stairwell. I sure as heck hadn’t seen any other guys in this neck of the woods who were so unapologetically themselves.

And if that weren’t enough to pierce my heart, the kidlet in his arms was gorgeous, despite her tears and wiggling. She had a head full of dark curls, way more than should have been possible for a baby her age, which I’d peg at somewhere around nine months—somewhere past the shriveled-potato stage of early infancy but not nearly at the terrifying walking age.

The baby wailed again, and the giant looked genuinely panicked. He held her flat across his outstretched forearms, like he was carrying a box of pizza or helping her learn the backstroke, and he bent his knees in a kind of next-level Oompa Loompa jig in time to his stammered singing. A pink-and-white striped tote bag sat on the floor next to the wall.

“Work with me, Marigold, okay? You’re not hungry, ’cause you just drank ten gallons of formula. You’re not stinky…” He lifted the kid gingerly. “Not stinky,” he confirmed in a deep, raspy voice that did things to me. “Are you having an existential crisis? Is that a thing kids do? Do you need alone time? Are your lips chapped? Do you hate my cologne?”

The baby fussed harder, flailing her tiny feet. The man groaned, and I belatedly noticed one of those pacifier stuffed animal things lying on the floor by the giant’s boot.

I scurried down the stairs and picked it up. “I think she might be looking for this,” I said, holding it aloft. It was a gray-and-white polka-dotted chicken with a green sucker on the end.

The guy shut his eyes and shook his head. “Ah, shit.”

His eyes popped open in shock as he realized what he’d said, and he looked from me to the kid guiltily. “Fuck, forget I said that,” he muttered.

His eyes widened further. “Goddamn it all.”

I snickered. “Maybe quit while you’re ahead?”


Universal Link







To celebrate Lucy & May's release, we are giving away 3 eBook sets of Fakers & Liars!
 Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
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About the Authors

Lucy Lennox Logo
About Lucy:
After enjoying creative writing as a child, Lucy didn’t write her first novel until she was over 40 years old. Her debut novel, Borrowing Blue, was published in the autumn of 2016. Lucy has an English Literature degree from Vanderbilt University, but that doesn’t hold a candle to the years and years of staying up all night reading tantalizing novels on her own. She has three children, plays tennis, and hates folding laundry. While her husband is no shmoopy romance hero, he is very good at math, cooks a mean lasagne, has gorgeous eyes, looks hot in his business clothes, and makes her laugh every single day.
Lucy hopes you enjoy sexy heroes as much as she does. Happy reading!

May Archer Logo
About May:
May is an M/M author who lives in Boston. She spends her days raising three incredibly sarcastic children, finding inventive ways to drive her husband crazy, planning beach vacations, avoiding the gym, reading M/M romance, and occasionally writing it. She also writes MF romance as Maisy Archer.




My review:




4.25 stars


Liars by Lucy Lennox and May Archer is the second book in the ‘Licking Thicket’ series, and centers around Parrish Partridge, who gets willingly roped into a scheme to help Diesel Church gain custody of his orphaned niece. Their charade of engagement seems to be much too comfortable, and even though they’re relative newcomers to Licking Thicket, their quirky relationship seems perfect for the town. Now to distinguish fact from fiction and keep hearts from being broken.


This adult gay romance is a hilarious and heartwarming continuation of a very unique series. All of the inhabitants of this town are precious and unique, and the two main characters of this story are no exception. Parrish had a minor role in the previous book (“Fakers”) and we got to know him and his very big heart as well as his skill at dealing with both an infant and her frazzled uncle in this story. Diesel is just as wonderful, with his kind heart and ability to cherish all who have come under his protection (including the couple of ornery roosters who patrol the Pullet Palace). Diesel was introduced in the previous book as well, and I’m delighted he got his turn in the spotlight. The descriptions are hilarious, including Diesel’s conversation with his pre-verbal niece, Marigold, as are the exclamations that erupt from Parrish (e.g. “sweet blessed corn niblets!”), whose apology casserole might need an apology casserole, lol.


This book is just plain fun and full of hijinks, as well as a sweet romance and a tribute to determination and generosity, and I’m so glad I’ve been able to read the series thus far. I can’t wait to read more stories in this quirky series, since the tales thus far have definitely brightened my days and provided much-needed levity.



A copy of this title was provided for review



Friday, October 23, 2020

Rough Contact by Beth Bolden (Spotlight, excerpt, review and GIVEAWAY) GBP ADULT title


Rough Contact

ADULT title


Beth Bolden



Publisher: Beth Bolden Books

Cover Artist: Angsty G Book Cover and Media Design

Release Date: October 14, 2020

Genre/s: Gay sports romance, forbidden romance, age gap romance

Heat Rating:  4 flames   

Length: 93 000 words

It is a standalone story.




Their romance is forbidden. Their love is a secret.

They’re the Romeo and Juliet of football.



Neal Fisher knows heartbreak. It's the clock ticking down in the Super Bowl. It's missing the most important field goal of his life. It's losing everything: his thirteen year career as an NFL kicker, his future, and his pride.

Jamie Wright knows love. It's everything on the line as the crowd holds their breath. It's a perfect kick as the ball soars through the goal posts. It's NFL fame and glory laid out before him.

Neal is on his way out, and Jamie--if he can withstand the pressure of tryouts--is on his way in. The one person Jamie should avoid is the veteran kicker, and the last thing Neal wants is to sink Jamie’s chances. But a chance meeting and a wild and undeniable chemistry proves to be irresistible.

Neal thought he knew heartbreak. Jamie thought he knew love.

They were both wrong.

Their romance is forbidden. Their love is a secret.

But if they trust each other, maybe their growing relationship won't end in tragedy. It might even be the beginning of football’s greatest love story.


It felt surreal to be surrounded by so many people he’d only watched on TV. There was Bran Phillips, the famous center for the Riptide, just over there, a small girl balanced on his shoulders, and they were both laughing. Rashad Green, the best running back in the league, was sitting on a chaise lounge, sipping something fruity and frozen from a plastic margarita glass. And then there was Heath, making sure he got something to eat, and introducing him to everyone who they met. “The new kicker,” Heath said several times, even though it was hardly like he’d won the job. But then Heath would know that better than anyone, because he was on the coaching staff and he knew how many kickers they’d brought in to try out. But every single time he said it, Jamie felt like giving an addendum of not quite yet, but maybe, hopefully? If everything works out.

But Jamie didn’t, because even though Heath was more relaxed than Jamie had ever seen him, he was still Heath Harris, and he contained so much goddamn confident certainty that after meeting most of the people at the party, it was hard not to think of himself as the Riptide’s new kicker.

You’re getting ahead of yourself; you still gotta make it happen, he reminded himself. Tomorrow is the day you’re gonna have to prove yourself, again. And then you’re gonna have to do it over and over again, and then probably a couple hundred more times, for good measure.

Maybe then Coach R and Coach Toby might be satisfied.

He was sitting on the edge of the pool when suddenly he felt a body drop down next to him. He was half-expecting it to be Heath or maybe even Sam—which was surreal because he’d never imagined he’d be in the kind of position to be sought out by either of those guys—but then when he glanced over, he nearly fell into the pool.

It was Neal Fisher, and he was just in a pair of navy blue trunks, with little green palm trees scattered across the fabric. He was pale, like he’d spent too long inside this summer, but he was still undeniably handsome, his green eyes glowing in his gorgeous face, offset by his dark hair. It fell into his eyes a bit, probably because it needed a trim.

Jamie’s hands tightened on the edge of the pool and he prayed he didn’t make a fucking fool out of himself. He was just meeting his idol, that was all, and a guy he’d probably spent way too much time fantasizing about over the years.

Do not tell him you’ve jerked off to him about a thousand times. Do not even think about it.

“Hey,” Neal said casually. So casually that Jamie had a feeling that he didn’t know who Jamie really was. “You told me to come find you.” He smiled then, and though it was only a shadow of his former smile, which Jamie was embarrassed to admit he was intimately familiar enough with to tell the difference, it was still a smile. He poked Jamie in the shoulder. “Found you.”


Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link   |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 



 About the Author 

A lifelong Oregonian, Beth Bolden has just recently moved to North Carolina with her supportive husband and their sweet kitten, Earl Grey. Beth still believes in Keeping Portland Weird, and intends to be just as weird in Raleigh.

Beth has been writing practically since she learned the alphabet. Unfortunately, her first foray into novel writing, titled Big Bear with Sparkly Earrings, wasn’t a bestseller, but hope springs eternal. She’s published twenty novels and six novellas.  

Author Links

Blog/Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |   BookBub




Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win

$25 Amazon gift card




a Rafflecopter giveaway





Hosted by Gay Book Promotions


Follow the tour and check out the other blog posts and reviews here




My review:

4 stars


Rough Contact by Beth Bolden follows Jamie Wright as he attempts to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Neal Fisher, after the man’s fall from grace due to a missed kick attempt during the Super Bowl. Despite everything that should discourage a relationship, the two form a connection. Now to see if they can make it work despite all odds.


This adult gay sport romance provides great glimpses of the football world, with its intense pressure, superstitions, hard work, and elements of chance that can undo everything in an instant. Although the acrimony between Neal and his ex provides an element of conflict, I thought their relationship could have been filled in a little bit more so the ex wasn’t quite so two-dimensional. Despite that, I enjoyed watching the journey taken by each of the main characters as they navigate the surprising spark that they have and all of the landmines that threaten to destroy their relationship before it happens.


The fictional football team is based in my beloved hometown, so it was fun to get glimpses of it and to wonder about the location of Neal’s favorite pizza place, lol. I haven’t read the previous story (The Rivalry) that details the relationship between two of the secondary characters who have cameos, but there was no problem reading this book as a stand-alone story (even though I am definitely curious about previous events). I love the camaraderie that shines through along with the competitive spirit, and I was fascinated to discover all of the elements that must come together for a perfect kick. The heat that develops between the men is delicious, and the intricacies of navigating the path of being a minority in more ways than one allowed Jamie to display grace and strength of character.


I think this story will appeal to both sports fans and romance readers, and I, for one, will be paying closer attention to the kicker during the next football game that I watch!




A copy of this story was provided for review

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Pumpkin Pies & Potions by Polly Holmes (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFP



Pumpkin Pies & Potions


Polly Holmes



GENRE: Cozy Mystery 





Witches, cats, pumpkin pies and murder!


I’m Evelyn Grayson and if you’d told me by the time I was 23, I’d have lost both my parents in a mysterious accident, moved in with the coolest Aunt ever, lived in a magical town, and I was a witch, I would have said you were crazy. Funny thing is, you’d be right.


Camille Stenson, the grumpiest woman in Saltwater Cove is set on making this year’s Halloween celebrations difficult for everyone, but when she turns up dead and my best friend is on the suspect list, I have no choice but to find out whodunit and clear her name.


Amongst the pumpkin carving, abandoned houses, and apple bobbing, it soon becomes apparent dark magic is at play and I must use all my newfound witches’ abilities to find the killer before another spell is cast.


Step into Evelyn Grayson’s magical world in the first book of the Melting Pot Café series, a fun and flirty romantic paranormal cozy mystery where the spells are flowing, and the adventure is just beginning.



If you like witty witches, cheeky talking cats, and magical murder mysteries, then you’ll love Polly Holmes’ lighthearted Melting Pot Café series.










Oh, my goodness, breakfast smells divine,” I said, bounding down the stairs two at a time toward the lip-smacking scent streaming from the kitchen. Rubbing my grumbling stomach, I peeked over Aunt Edie’s shoulder at the green gooey concoction boiling on the stove. I’ve been living with my aunt for the past eleven years since my parents died, and not once have I questioned her cooking abilities. Until now. I folded my arms and leant against the kitchen bench. “I know it smells amazing but are you sure it’s edible because it sure as heck doesn’t look like it.”


Aunt Edie frowned and her eyebrows pulled together. Her classic pondering expression. She snapped her fingers and looked straight at me with her golden honey-brown eyes glowing like she’d just solved the world’s climate crisis.


“Popcorn. I forgot the popcorn. Evelyn, honey be a dear and grab me the popcorn from the second shelf in the pantry. The caramel packet, not the plain.”


Caramel popcorn for breakfast? That’s a new one.


I shrugged. “Sure.” Walking into Aunt Edie’s pantry was like walking into the potions classroom at Hogwarts. Every witch’s dream pantry. Normal food on the left-hand side and on the right, every potion ingredient a witch could possibly need, clearly labelled in its allocated spot. Aunt Edie would always say: a place for everything and everything in its place.


“I can’t believe Halloween is only three days away,” I called, swiping the caramel popcorn bag off the shelf. Heading back out, the hunger monster growing in my stomach grumbled, clearly protesting the fact I still hadn’t satisfied its demand for food.


NOTE: The Book is on sale for $0.99 or FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

(Please check price before purchasing)




AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Polly Holmes is the cheeky alter ego of Amazon best-selling author, P.L. Harris. When she's not writing her next romantic suspense novel as P.L. Harris, she’s planning the next murder in one of Polly's mysteries.


Polly’s award-winning Cupcake Capers Series is rich in storyline and location with characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. She publishes her cozy mystery books with Gumnut Press. Pumpkin Pies and Potions is the first in her new paranormal cozy series.


Cupcakes and Corpses was a finalist in the Oklahoma RWA’s 2019 IDA International Digital Awards, short suspense category. Cupcakes and Curses claimed second place and Cupcakes and Cyanide gained third place making it a clean sweep in the category.


You can visit P.L. Harris/Polly Holmes at the following locations:






Danger, Mysteryand Romance with a hint of Cozy Sweetness: Reader Group







The tour dates can be found here






Thursday, October 15, 2020

Sannah by Miriam Newman (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFP (10/15/20) ADULT title


ADULT title


Miriam Newman




GENRE: Ancient times historical romance






Barely more than a girl, Sannah is taken by a man who is both warrior and shaman in a winter raid on her Stone Age camp. But Memmet believes the spirits have given her to him and he will keep her at any cost.


Two strong people must find the reason they have been brought together, because lives depend upon it.







Stumbling through snow, she looked up at the man above her, trying to deduce what sort of monster had taken her.  Not much was visible amid the hooded bearskin except the craggy profile of a man not as young as their young hunters but much younger than Jodiah.  There were two diagonal scars beneath his eyes, too symmetrical to have been caused by injury, and a strip of thumb printed blue paint in a line from the bridge of his nose to his hairline.  Unlike the men of her clan, he had no beard, though shaggy dark hair stuck out at places beneath his hood.  He looked savage and alien.


He was more sun-browned than her men—not one of the fair mountain tribes. Those tribes did not often stray from their mountain camps, anyway, and had no horses.  This rider was something different.  His language was not far removed from hers, since she had been able to understand him.  But he didn’t say a word or look at her except to slow his horse slightly when she stumbled.


That was a more frequent occurrence as biting cold sliced through her hide shoes, even though the fur had been turned to the inside.  Her feet grew cold, then burning hot, then numb as she faltered beside the horse down the slope that led to the lowlands.  Her hands quickly lost all feeling and her breath came hard, then in panting gasps, and apparently he finally heard that.


He stopped his horse, calling to the others, who did the same, granting their captives a precious moment of respite.  Sannah stood, ribs heaving, starting in terror as he dropped down from his horse.  He would cut her throat if she could not keep up, and though perhaps in a way it was a better, she had the instinctive fear of death and jumped back from him.


“No,” he said—just that.  Short, sharp, an unmistakable command.  She froze and he reached for her, one hand gripping the back of her wrap, the other around her leg.  Lifting her easily, he pushed her on top of the horse and forward, almost over its shoulders. “Move.”


Feeling like she would topple off at any moment, she did her best to comply as he mounted behind her.  Reaching around, pinning her with his arms, he picked up the reins, clucking to the horse.  She gasped in alarm and clutched its mane as best she could as it began to walk, but there was nowhere she could go.  She would not fall as long as he held her.


Her feet hung down along the warmth of the heavy-coated horse just as her hands rested on its neck, and eventually she regained some feeling there, but the rest of her was frozen.  As the horse plodded solidly on, followed by the others, the man behind her opened his bearskin, wrapping it around her, sharing its heat.

But he was an enemy.  He might speak to her or not, might kill her or not, might rape her or not.  Silently, trying not to let him hear, she sobbed in despair.  


He lifted one hand from his reins, pushing it inside her hood, his hand cupping her face.


“Be quiet,” he said.  “No one will hurt you.”


She was too shocked to move, but she did stop crying because tears were freezing on her cheeks.


Saying nothing more, he rode on.


 Amazon link




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Fantasy poetry driven by myths and legends has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I was published in poetry before catching the romance writing bug. I bring that background to my writing along with a lifelong addiction to horses, an 18 year career in various areas of psychiatric social services and many trips to Ireland, where I nurture my muse. My published works range from contemporary fantasy romance to fantasy historical, futuristic, science fiction and historical romance. Currently I live in rural Pennsylvania with a “motley crew” of rescue animals. You can see my books at










Goodreads Author Page

Amazon AuthorPage





 The tour dates can be found here




My review

4.25 stars



Sannah by Miriam Newman follows one young Stone Age woman’s struggle to survive in harsh times as she is ripped away from her camp and forced to join another tribe.


This historical romance is a gritty and compelling look at the struggle to survive during a time when the existence of mankind is still being challenged. Those who have triggers should be warned that there are uncomfortable but understandable scenes that reflect the need for populating the tribe.


The author artfully depicts the day-to-day challenges of pre-Industrial life and the advantages of both location and the use of tools and animals to enhance survival. I was captured by the vivid imagery and compelled to find out what would happen next, even though this is not my typical fare and I was wincing at some of the brutality involved. 


The hints of mysticism combined with pragmatism made the hero appealing, and his careful but implacable wooing of the woman he has chosen for his own was impressive. This story gave me interesting insights into the elements of survival and I recommend it to anyone who wants a fascinating glimpse of the challenges of primitive living,


A copy of this title was provided for review