KidVenture: Twelve Weeks To Midnight Blue
Steve Searfoss
GENRE: Middle Grade Fiction
Chance Sterling launches a pool cleaning
business over the summer. Join Chance as he looks for new customers, discovers
how much to charge them, takes on a business partner, recruits an employee,
deals with difficult clients, and figures out how to make a profit. He has
twelve weeks to reach his goal. Will he make it? Only if he takes some chances.
KidVenture stories are business adventures where
kids figure out how to market their company, understand risk, and negotiate.
Each chapter ends with a challenge, including business decisions, ethical
dilemmas and interpersonal conflict for young readers to wrestle with. As the
story progresses, the characters track revenue, costs, profit margin, and other
key metrics which are explained in simple, fun ways that tie into the story.
If anyone tells you that kids can’t start a business, don’t
listen to them. They can. I should know, because I did. People sometimes ask me
how KidVenture started and how it got its name. Well, I’ll tell you. It all
started the summer before sixth grade. All I remember about that summer is that
it was hot, so hot I thought I would melt. That and my sister Addison kept
annoying me. You could say I was boiling and steaming that summer.
My dad told me he would pay me ten bucks to clean the pool.
It was a pretty good deal. I’d take a net and scoop out all the leaves and dead
bugs that had landed in the water. It took me about two hours to clean the pool
so I figure I was making about five dollars an hour. Not bad for a ten-year-old
I thought it was going to be a one-time gig, but the
following week my dad asked me if I wanted to clean the pool again.
“But I already did,” I said. He told me to go take a look. I
couldn’t believe it. The pool was full of leaves and dead bugs again. I had
spent all the money I made from cleaning the pool the week before on a
slingshot, two comic books and an ice cream cone. I needed the cash so I said
Next thing you know, I’m cleaning the pool every week and
making an easy ten bucks each time. After a couple weeks, I realized I could save
my money and buy that bicycle I had seen one time at that big sporting goods
store on Wilson Street. The bike was super cool. When I looked at the sticker,
it said the color was midnight blue. I didn’t know what that meant, except that
it sounded dangerous and I liked that. I asked my dad if we could get it and he
said, which is the grown-up way of saying No, but I want to let you down easy.
The bike, the dangerous one, cost $225. Which is way more
money than a ten-year-old could ever hope to get. That is, unless said
impoverished ten-year-old had a job, which I now apparently had.
“It’s going to take forever to save up for that bike,” I
said, after I had just finished cleaning the pool for the second time, and my
dad handed me a crisp ten dollar bill.
“No, not forever,” my dad retorted. “You’ll save up $225 in no time.”
“Not when I’m only making ten bucks a week.” I started to
feel sorry for myself and walked away.
Then I turned around.
“Dad, how long will it take if I save all my pool cleaning money?”
“You figure it out,” my dad said, and handed me a paper and
“But I hate math!” I protested.
“Well then you’re right. It will take forever,” my dad said
and returned to reading his newspaper.
“Oh all right,” I sighed. “Hand me the pencil.”
I started scribbling some numbers.
“Twenty…Twenty-two…Twenty-three! No, wait. Twenty-two and a
half weeks!” I shouted excitedly.
“How many months is that?” my dad asked.
“Ugh. More math? Seriously?”
My dad has a way with words. I began scribbling numbers
again. “Let’s see, four weeks in a month, approximately, so that works out to…”
I mumbled.
“Five-point-six-two-3ve months.” I said triumphantly.
“That’s right,” my dad smiled. “So about five and a half
“Wait…” I said dejectedly. “Oh no!”
“What?” “That’s five and a half months, if I don’t buy any
more ice cream.”
“Better call it six months.”
“Six months is not a long time,” my dad insisted.
“It is!” I scowled. “At this rate I might was well just wait
till Christmas.”
A couple more weeks went by, and even though I dreamed of
mint chocolate chip ice cream almost every night, I had managed to save all of
my pool money. I had $30 tucked away in my bike fund when I suddenly had an
I went straight to my dad and declared, “Dad! Dad! I have an
idea.” He put his newspaper down slowly and raised an eyebrow.
I could barely contain myself. “How about you pay me $20 for
cleaning the pool!”
“Yes! Yes! Twenty buckaroos. I can’t believe I didn’t think
of this sooner. Twenty dollars for cleaning the pool instead of ten.”
“Hm….I like it.”
“You do?” I have to admit, even as excited as I was, I
wasn’t really expecting the conversation to go so well.
“You’re negotiating,” my dad said. “I like that.”
“Great!” I exclaimed. “Wait, what’s negotiating?”
“It’s what you’re doing now,” my dad said. “Asking for
“Great! Awesome. So, is that a yes?”
“But why not? I’m negotiating, just like you said.”
“Yes,” my dad said. And then he smiled. I recognized that
same smile. It was the smile he had when he told me when I was three years old
that Santa had made a wrong turn somewhere east of Winnipeg on his way to our
house and there would be no Christmas presents that year.
“You’re forgetting that I’m negotiating too.”
My mom had her own smile. It was the smile that immediately
told my dad to stop making the children cry on Christmas Eve.
“And I want to know,” my Dad continued, still smiling, “why
would I pay more for the exact same pool cleaning service you’re already
providing for the handsome sum of $10.”
I had to admit he had a point. Where was Mom? I could really
use her help right now.
“You raise an
interesting question,” I said, trying to sound as serious as I could. “I’ll
have to think about that and get back to you.”
I couldn’t sleep that night. I was thinking about what I
could do that would be different than just the same pool cleaning service I
offered. What could I offer my dad that would be of more value, so I could
charge more?
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AUTHOR Bio and Links:
I wrote my first KidVenture
book after years of making up stories to teach my kids about business and
economics. Whenever they'd ask how something works or why things were a certain
way, I would say, "Let's pretend you have a business that sells..."
and off we'd go. What would start as a simple hypothetical to explain a concept
would become an adventure spanning several days as my kids would come back with
new questions which would spawn more plot twists. Rather than give them quick
answers, I tried to create cliffhangers to get them to really think through an
idea and make the experience as interactive as possible.
I try to bring that same
spirit of fun, curiosity and challenge to each KidVenture book. That’s why
every chapter ends with a dilemma and a set of questions. KidVenture books are
fun for kids to read alone, and even more fun to read together and discuss.
There are plenty of books where kids learn about being doctors and astronauts and
firefighters. There are hardly any where they learn what it’s like to run small
business. KidVenture is different. The companies the kids start are modest and
simple, but the themes are serious and important.
I’m an entrepreneur who has
started a half dozen or so businesses and have had my share of failures. My dad
was an entrepreneur and as a kid I used to love asking him about his business
and learning the ins and outs of what to do and not do. Mistakes make the best
stories — and the best lessons. I wanted to write a business book that was
realistic, where you get to see the characters stumble and wander and reset,
the way entrepreneurs do in real life. Unlike most books and movies where
business is portrayed as easy, where all you need is one good idea and the
desire to be successful, the characters in KidVenture find that every day
brings new problems to solve.
Amazon author page
The tour dates can be found here
My review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
KidVenture: Twelve Weeks to Midnight Blue by Steve Searfoss
follows ten-year-old Chance Sterling as he parlays a chore into a quest to
obtain a new bike and learns the principles of entrepeneurship during the journey.
This children’s book is both an entertaining story and a fantastic
way to explain the concepts involved in setting up a business. I love that things
gradually get more and more complicated but the terms and concepts are
demonstrated in an easy to understand and relevant fashion. The math problems
that accompany the progression of Chance’s undertaking are straightforward and
illustrate the concepts he is trying to grasp. The ideas of dependability, creativity,
partnership, and friendship are explored in a fun and enjoyable manner. I hope
there are even more of these educational and enlightening tales to come.
A copy of this title was provided for review