Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Up North by Allison Temple (Cover Reveal) GRR

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Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Up North By Allison Temple

Up north Ebook


Up North

Compass Stars series

Allison Temple



Releasing July 26th

The last thing Jack Spencer wants to be is a fishing guide for rich tourists. But with a sister in need of help and nothing but a rusty fishing boat to his name, he takes a job at The Wild Eagle Lodge, Alaska’s newest luxury resort.

When a scandal rocks his career, movie star Damian Marshall feels like the whole world is watching his every move. That is, until he meets a gruff fishing guide who doesn’t seem to know who he is. Desperate for escape, Damian grabs at the chance for anonymity with both hands.

Away from the pressure of studios and the media, Damian and Jack grow closer. But as sparks fly and scandal follows Damian north, Jack will need to decide if he can love a man he hardly knows, or if this brush with fame is too hot to handle.

Up North is a 77k contemporary MM romance novel. It features a movie star on the run, a fishing guide who has never been anywhere, and bears of all sorts. HEA guaranteed.

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IG Senses


“I’m sending you to Alaska.”

The next morning, Roberta glares at me from behind her desk. The expression is one hundred percent do not fuck with me, and I resent it to the core of my being. If anyone’s been fucked with, it’s me.


“You’re lucky it’s not somewhere farther,” she says. “After your outburst last night, the studio is very unhappy. A bar fight with your director is not the kind of publicity they want right now.”

“It wasn’t a bar fight. He was being a drama queen. And I’m not exactly tap dancing for joy either.” In fact, I’m pacing on the rug. Sitting still is impossible. My whole body feels electric with anxiety.

“Yes, but you don’t stand to lose three hundred million dollars when this film flops. The premiere weekend box office numbers aren’t good.”

“That’s not my fault. If they hired someone who knew how to write dialogue better than a middle schooler, we’d be in much better shape.”

“That may be.” She knows as well as I do the script for Shadow League 4 was written and rewritten by no less than nine people over the last two years. Over the course of a bloated nearly-three-hour final cut, my character, supposedly a mafia son out for revenge, had done everything from drive a tank through the jungle to perform open-heart surgery on his assassin girlfriend while they were hiding out from the bad guys on a glacier. It was nonsensical. “But you calling your director a—” She glances down at a legal pad on her desk. “—talentless prick jockey in front of the entire world means it’s easy enough to pin the failure on you. And then you decide to pick a fight with him at a dive bar.”

“How many times do I have to tell you it wasn’t a fight? He made it—"

She cuts me off. “And that, in turn, will make it very difficult for you to work on any future franchises at this level again. How badly do you want to keep your job, Damian?”

She’s right. It’s already starting. The headlines this morning when I checked them still included recaps from the Cannes incident, but also featured new eye-catching questions like Damian Marshall in Barroom Brawl and Is it Time to Cancel Damian Marshall?

I sink into a chair. “Hawaii is farther. I could go to Hawaii.”

Unfortunately, though, Roberta is bulletproof. She’s been around the block too many times to be swayed by my appeal. Instead of melting and booking me a jet to Honolulu, she arches a perfectly plucked eyebrow—quite the feat considering Roberta’s face hasn’t moved in at least the last thirty years—and says, “Would you rather it be North Dakota?”

I cross my arms over my chest. “No need to say hurtful things like that. I thought we were friends.”

“I’m never friendly with the talent. Wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea about how this relationship works.”

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About the Author:

Whether she knew it then or not, Allison has been a writer since the second grade, when she wrote a short story about a girl and her horse. Her grandmother typed it out for her and said she’d never seen so many quotation marks from a seven-year-old before. Allison took that as a challenge and has tried to break that record in all the stories she’s taken on since then. It’s good to have goals, right?

Allison lives in Toronto with her very patient husband and the world’s cutest team of rescue pets. She tries to split her time between writing, community theater stage management, and traveling anywhere that has good wine. Tragically, this leaves no time to clean the house.

Connect with Allison:





Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the steamy cover reveal of Up North, Allison is giving away 3 advanced e-copies!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Beyond the Ruby River by Lee Colgin (Release blitz, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GBP, ADULT title (updated)

Beyond the Ruby River 

ADULT title


Lee Colgin




Publisher:  Colgin Enterprise

Cover Artist:  Natasha Snow

Release Date: June 17, 2021

Genres: M/M Historical Romance, M/M Paranormal/Fantasy Romance,

Tropes:  Mixed species, second chance romance 

Themes:  Longing, betrayal, forgiveness, grief, reunion

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 72 000 words/ 260 pages   

It’s the third in a series but can be read as a standalone.

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When an incubus half-breed falls for a mortal Egyptian man, will their love span centuries or are they destined to pine for each other for all eternity?


In Ancient Egypt when the pharaohs ruled the banks of the Nile, Mahu led a simple, if somewhat melancholy, life. Making papyrus filled his days. His needs were provided for, but deep in his soul, Mahu longed for companionship.

Dakarai, born of a demon mother and a human father, craved independence. A young incubus constantly in the shadows of his full-blooded siblings, Daka set out for a new city and a life of his own. 

While a starving Daka roams the streets hunting for a meal, the sight of a beautiful man walking alone stops him in his tracks. The handsome stranger is just what he needs to quench his spiraling thirst.

But Mahu turns out to be more than Daka bargained for, and his heart falls for the lonely man.

What betrayal shatters their foundation, can Daka and Mahu find their way back to each other, or is each soul destined to long for the other for all eternity?

Beyond the Ruby River is an MM Paranormal Romance featuring a steamy love story, a second chance romance, and the mysteries of an ancient world. This is book three of a series and can be read as a standalone with its own HEA and satisfying conclusion.



Hunger stirred deep in Daka’s core, an emptiness with claws and teeth demanding to be filled. It was his first night in Naukratis, and already he wondered if he’d

made a mistake abandoning the safe cocoon of his family. Though eager for a taste of independence, Daka’s nerves flut‐ tered with unease as he stalked the unfamiliar streets.

With only a warm sea breeze for company, Daka let loose his extra sense, the one that would lead him to a meal. Entering the wide market square, he cast his gaze over dozens of stalls, their colorful awnings muted in the evening light. Laborers celerated the end of a day’s work with beer, bread, and conversa‐ tion. Street vendors peddled their offerings. Naukratis smelled of fresh spiced fish, baking bread, and candied nuts—all of which appealed to him, but none that would quench this particular hunger.

What Daka needed would be found past the town’s main market, perhaps down a side street or along a narrow alley. Inhaling through his nose, sorting the myriad array of scents, he searched for the alluring aroma of pleasure. A brothel would suit perfectly.

Daka’s intuition guided him forward, but before he could cut south to chase the divine smell of arousal around the corner, his gaze landed on an elegant man and refused to budge. His eyes possessed a will of their own, such was the man’s appeal.

He was taller than Daka’s average height, long of limb with wide shoulders and perfect posture. He wore cornflower blue linen, belted at his narrow waist, skirt hanging to a svelte pair of thighs. Dark onyx tresses hung past his chin, straight and prob‐ ably silken to the touch. Daka couldn’t be sure of the texture at this distance and it was suddenly of the utmost importance to find out.

Though brothel workers would make for an easier target, Daka veered off course to pursue the handsome man instead. To seduce him and touch his lovely hair for himself. He followed through the square—dodging people and slinking amongst the crowd, stealthy as a cat and just as light on his feet—until he was no more than ten paces from his quarry.

This close, Daka could pick up the scent lingering in the man’s wake. Earthen and woody, like the papyrus that grew in the marshy lands nearby. He inhaled greedily. What would he smell like aroused? Daka had to know.

The man left the busy center of town, turned west, and continued between rows of mud brick houses, his pace steady as a pulsing heart. He had the stride of a man to a purpose. Daka’s curiosity grew with each step. Instead of catching up to begin the seduction, Daka shoved his appetite aside in favor of learning the man’s destination.

They walked for another quarter hour until the chirps of bugs overtook the noise from town and houses gave way to farmland. Daka spotted the neat rows of tumuli leading to an ancient mastaba, and their endpoint became clear.

The man had led him to the final resting place of Naukratis’ dead.

Well-maintained burial mounds, with funerary gardens throughout, lined the landscape. Daka hung back so as not to be noticed or to disturb this man in his grief. The perfect posture he’d noted earlier began to sag, shoulders drooping forward, head bowed as he knelt by a triad of graves. He sat back on his heels, long thighs stretched thin, the blue linen of his skirt revealing smooth bronzed skin.

Daka could not help his appetite, inappropriate as it may be, though he would strive to contain it. This man was in no mood for the sort of amorous encounter an incubus like himself fed on. He needed a warm, familial embrace, not the frenzied release Daka itched to provide.

He slunk back into the shadows to watch from under a sweet-smelling date palm. The man sat with the dead. Daka sat by himself, wondering who the man had lost.

Daka’s family possessed immortality. At least, his mother and siblings did. His father was human, but Daka had never met him. As a half-blooded demon, he’d staked claim to immortality but not to all the gifts that came with it. His powers of sway and persuasion were paltry in comparison to his full-blooded brethren. Unable to bend people to his will, Daka could only nudge. He might never develop the skill of astral projection. But he would live forever, a feat which seemed unfathomable at only twenty-two years into eternity.

The man bent over the graves had a decade or so on Daka in age, perhaps more. Maybe thirty-five or forty, Daka couldn’t tell. A man in his prime but worn around the edges with the melancholy that loss thrusts upon the living.




About the Author 

Lee Colgin has loved vampires since she read Dracula on a hot, sunny beach at 13 years old. She lives in North Carolina with lots of dogs and her husband. No, he's not a vampire, but she loves him anyway. Lee likes to workout so she can eat the maximum amount of cookies with her pizza. Ask her how much she can bench press.

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Rafflecopter Giveaway

A chance to win:


a $10 Amazon gift card

a direct-to-kindle copy of Beneath the Opal Arc

and a direct-to-kindle copy of Across the Sapphire Sea

Hosted by Gay Book Promotions


My review:

4 out of 5 stars



Beyond the Ruby River by Lee Colgin centers around a half-incubus named Dakarai, who has never quite felt in sync with his family of immortals. His connection with a mortal widower, Mahu, leads him to believe that he can find love, but it can only be fleeting because humans have such a short lifespan. Finding a way to maintain a relationship may require a price neither is willing to pay.


This adult historical gay paranormal romance gives an intriguing and vivid glimpse of life in ancient Egypt and provides several thought-provoking conundrums. There is the conflict of being a demon and entirely outside of the other person’s religious beliefs, Mahu’s faith that he will rejoin his family in the afterlife that Daka doesn’t believe in, the punishment for making a significant decision without permission, and the challenge of immortality and its effect on decisions, to name a few.


Although this story is part of the ‘Immortal Jewels’ series, there is no problem reading it as a stand-alone tale. I suspect that one of the secondary characters had a major role in a previous story, but, although I am curious, I had no problem understanding his concerns and motivations. I liked the way the relationship unfolded for the first part of the story, but I was disappointed by the way things unfolded for the second half, even though I could understand the reasoning. I can’t help thinking that one of the pair deserved better, even though he did commit a pretty egregious error. This left me feeling vaguely dissatisfied, even though the story ultimately did meet the criteria of a romance. The bonus story did help and makes me hopeful that there will be a tale featuring yet another unique being. Now I need to read the previous stories in the series!


A copy of this title was provided for review

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Bake Believe by Cori Cooper (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT


Bake Believe


Cori Cooper










Cat Anderson doesn't want much out of life. Give her a circle of friends to giggle with, a few boys to flirt with, a cute outfit, and she is good to go! She especially could care less about food.


But food, it turns out, is a very big deal.


In Cat's family there is a secret too fantastic to be real. Something happens when Cat bakes.


Something amazing.


Something impossible.


Can it be true? Or is it Bake Believe?









“Hey, Pen.” I step into the room and shut the door softly behind me.


“Hey.” She doesn’t turn away from the mirror. Her face is all scrunched up in concentration.


“You look good, you don’t even wobble when you hold that pose anymore.”


Penny grunts instead of responding with words. I know this is not the best time to bother her, but I also know she will feel much better if she eats one of these cookies.


“I made something for you.”


I hold up the plate of cookies with a huge grin, but she just sniffs. “Cookies? I can’t eat those before an audition. I will barf all over the floor.”


My smile drops. What will I do if she won’t try one? I chew my bottom lip, “Um, these are special cookies.” I wiggle the plate around while I use my best mystical, magical voice, like Robyn did.


Penny raises her eyebrows. “Do you think I’m four?”


I slump forward in defeat, “Come on Penny, just eat one. I’ll give you a dollar.”


“What?” She steps back, away from me, “You want to pay me? Why? What did you do to them?”


“Nothing,” I say, but the word comes out too stretched and kind of uncertain.


Penny crosses her arms and stares.


“Okay, fine, here’s the thing.” I jump off the bed, leaving the cookies behind, and proceed to tell Penny the entire story about our family legacy. She doesn’t say anything, just taps her toes like I am keeping her from her warmup.


Which, I am, actually.


“This isn’t a joke, Pen. It’s for reals.”


After a long pause Penny unfolds her arms to move them to her hips. “Really? That’s the truth? It sounds like make believe.”


“That’s what I thought too,” I place my hand flat on my heart, “But, it’s the total, honest truth.”




Immortal Works Press



AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Since I was six years old I wanted to be a published Author. I still have all my early manuscripts, but don't ask to see them - my spelling was atrocious!


I'm a mama of four witty, movie quoting, awesome sauce kids - three teens and one preteen. Yes, they end up in my novels! Don't worry, names are changed to protect the innocent and everything is always GREATLY exaggerated! That's my super power.


I'm also wife to the cutest guy in the whole world. It's true! I'm not bias at all, really. We met in Middle School and got married after he served a mission for our Church. It's been a wild ride, but I wouldn't miss it for a plate full of Cinnamon Rolls.


Or anything else, actually!


I hope you have as much fun reading my stuff as I have writing it. The creative process is so fantastic, I just love every part of it!




















The tour dates can be found here






4 out of 5 stars


Bake Believe by Cori Cooper tells the story of Cat, a young eighth grader who discovers the joys…and perils…of baking. She and her cousin Robyn learn family secrets that may not only change their relationships with their respective mothers but may have profound effects on their peers as well.


This charming young-adult fantasy story provides a new twist on the challenges of being a young teen. Although Cat has a close-knit family, she discovers that there’s a sobering reason for her mother’s eccentricities and that an amazing ability comes with significant consequences.


When I started reading, I was a little concerned by the sheer enthusiasm bubbling over as Cat faced the last day of summer, worried about looking good at the pool, and met a new boy. The wacky commentary she provides reminded me that it had been a very long time since I was her age, and I wondered if I could stand to continue to read the story, but I became drawn in as the events progressed. I had to laugh at the dramatics of worrying about the tardy bell and the fear of having to enter a classroom late, and the frantic search for a class that didn’t exist.


I love the family connections and closeness, and the descriptions of the various desserts that Cat prepares. Each chapter is titled with a different dish and the recipes make me think that even I can prepare these items, lol. There are cute tips in the recipes that make them fun to read even as they encourage anyone to try them, although they do assume that everyone has a stand mixer. The story gets more and more wacky, and although some things are resolved, there are definite indications that a sequel should be in the works.


I think this is a fun story for young adults and for budding cooks and I’m definitely in the mood for dessert!



A copy of this title was provided for review


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

No More Secrets by Cate Beauman (Spotlight, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY)



 I'm delighted to share a note from author Cate Beauman...



Fresh starts and second chances…

It’s hard to believe that the Carter Island Trilogy is coming to an end with the addition of No More Secrets. Originally, I intended to write Secrets Hidden in the Glass, book one in the series, as a standalone title. Famous stained glass artist Callie Davis’ life is a mess as she heads to tiny Carter Island for a much-needed vacation. She soon meets gorgeous Sheriff Nathan Carter, and the sparks fly quickly thereafter. Despite her hot new romance, things go from bad to worse for poor Callie when her past comes back to haunt her. 


As I told Nate and Callie’s story, I fell in love with Carter Island and the many secondary characters, particularly Nate’s sisters, Molly and Gwen. They’re so sassy and irresistible. I knew I had to tell their stories, too. 


By trade, I’m a romantic-suspense author. There are definitely a few mystery/suspense elements in Secrets Hidden in the Glass, but Molly and Gwen’s stories take us into the contemporary romance genre. Nate and Callie’s adventure evolved into the Carter siblings’ journeys as they move through one year. From autumn to summer, so much changes for Nate, Molly, and Gwen, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.


In Aftermath of Secrets, Molly fights her feelings for her long-time best friend Bradley Sanderson when a shocking scandal forces him to return to Carter Island.


In No More Secrets single mother Gwenyth Carter finds herself betrayed, divorced, and nearly broke. She’s determined to pick up the pieces of her life on her own, but sexy Aussie billionaire businessman Cade Paxton keeps getting in her way.


Gwen and Cade were so much fun to write. I hope you’ll enjoy their story.


Cate Beauman





No More Secrets

The Carter Island Trilogy, Book 3


Cate Beauman



Three Siblings. One Year. Everything Changes.

Aussie billionaire businessman and pilot Cade Paxton has struggled to put his life back together after suffering a tragic loss. With his purchase of Carter Island Air and recent move to the small Massachusetts island, he sees his chance for a fresh start. Cade’s sole focus is on growing his investment and avoiding romantic entanglements at all costs. But then he hires Rebecca Carter Interiors’ new assistant designer to help him update the aging airport. Cade quickly finds himself fascinated by the sassy beauty who often speaks her mind, talking to him in a way most people wouldn’t dare.


Single mother Gwenyth Carter has recently been through hell. She’s starting over after several months of nasty surprises. Newly divorced and nearly broke, she’s rebuilding her life one step at a time. Gwen’s certain she has everything she needs: her sweet baby girl, a supportive family, and her dream career. She’s endlessly grateful when the lucrative airport project falls into her lap. But Gwen soon realizes that her new job comes with unforeseen complications, mainly the amount of time she’s forced to spend with her gorgeous client and his sexy accent.


Their mutual attraction is undeniable, yet Gwen tries her best to keep a professional distance, even when she recognizes how wonderful Cade is with her daughter. But it isn’t long before Gwen is dealt another unexpected blow that she struggles to handle on her own. Gwen will have no choice but to turn to the one man she’s determined not to want or risk losing what she loves most.



Kaitlyn dropped the rattle and started fussing.


Gwen reached for it at the same time as Cade did, but his long arm allowed him to grab the toy first. “Here you go, sweetheart.” He tried handing it to her, but she wanted nothing to do with it.


Gwen took the toy instead, setting it on the table. “Thanks, but she’s hungry.”


“Do you want to cut this short? I’m here on your time.”


She shrugged. “I guess that depends on how comfortable you are with me feeding her while we work.” Her chin jutted out ever so slightly as her eyes held his.


What was this quiet fierceness—a dare of sorts for him to say that feeding Kaitlyn wasn’t okay? He casually shrugged, even when he’d never been in the presence of anyone nursing their baby. His sisters had bottle-fed their little ones. “Go for it. Everyone’s got to eat.”


“All right.” She turned away, lifting her shirt, settling Kaitlyn at her breast. Seconds later, she turned back, glancing at him before she looked at the boards again. “Is there anything you see here that you don’t like?”


He listened to Kaitlyn’s greedy swallows as he breathed in the scent of Gwen’s shampoo, finding the moment appealingly cozy while all three of them sat close together. Right now, he liked everything he saw just fine, but that wasn’t what she spoke of. “I’m not a fan of this lighter shade of blue. I like this darker one here. It seems more on-brand.”


She nodded, taking the marker, crossing out the lighter shade, then put a check mark next to the darker blue. “I want to hear everything that doesn’t work just as much as I need to know what does. Tell me what you don’t like. I’m also interested in why.”


He nodded, pointing to one of the pictures with a forest-like feel. “I want to be sure we’re not going too rustic. I don’t want the space to feel like a cabin.”


She nodded again, making an X through the image. “Does anything else come to mind—anything I’ve missed?”


“I want the fireplace. Gas, and more upscale than what’s in the picture with the couple—something you’d see in a city apartment.”


She winced.


He frowned. “You don’t like it?”


“No, it’s not that I don’t like the idea. But gas makes things complicated. We’re doing a face-lift—making things pretty. Structurally, everything we’re tackling is already in place and up to code, which keeps this easy and allows us to get started right away. As soon as gas enters the picture, we’re talking gas lines, venting pipes, getting the town involved, dealing with code and inspectors—maybe even calling in my mom and Jeremy, depending on where you want the install. You’re adding serious dollar signs to your bottom line.”


He shook his head. “I’m not worried about the money. I want it.”


She set down the marker. “All right. I’ll make some calls.”


He held her gaze. “But you still think this is a mistake.”


She nodded. “Frankly, yes, I do. Money may be no object to you, but this is going to cost you in time.”


He clenched his jaw, not liking what he heard—that Gwen had made several perfectly practical points. Gas sounded like a pain in the ass, and he wanted to get the ball rolling. “So, what are my other options?”


“We can explore electric—flat-screen wall-mounts.”


He scrubbed at his chin. “I don’t want it looking cheap.”


Her left eyebrow winged up. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear you say that.”


He couldn’t help but grin.


She smiled. “For your price point, we can order in gorgeous units for each seating area. I can also make you mantles for displaying seasonal décor. Every gate will look like a living room, which will only add to the home-away-from-home vibe. Plus, electric will be safer than real flames, which will keep kids safe and your insurance company happy.”


And this was why he liked Gwen Carter. She’d held her ground as few would have. He’d demanded, and she’d countered with something better. “Okay. But I want to see what we’re talking about before you place the order.”


She nodded, jotting down notes on the side of the board. “Now that we’re on the same page, I’ll pull what samples I can from Mini’s design center—a couple of colors for the flooring options. But I’m already planning several trips to the mainland, which means endless variety.”


“I want in on those trips.”


She stopped writing as her gaze flew to his. “You do?”


He nodded, biting his cheek, fighting not to smile, because she was so damn easy to read. Gwen wasn’t loving the idea. “I intend to be hands-on during this entire process.”


“But you’re so busy. I’m more than happy to collect what I think you’ll like—several options—so accompanying me to Boston really isn’t necessary.”


The hell it wasn’t. He’d spent a handful of hours in Gwen’s company and knew without a doubt that he wanted to spend several more. There was something about her that intrigued him in a way he’d never been before. Life was still screaming at him, and he hadn’t stopped listening. “The airport’s my top priority. I can fly us over whenever you want.”





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Cate Beauman is the multi-award-winning, international bestselling author of The Bodyguards of L.A. County series and the Carter Island Novels. She is known for her full-length, action-packed romantic suspense and contemporary stories.


Cate's novels have been named Readers' Favorite Five Star books and have won the Booksellers' Best Award, Maggie Award for Excellence, the Holt Medallion Award, two-time Aspen Gold Medal, two-time Readers' Favorite International Gold Medal, three-time Readers' Favorite International Silver Medal, and the Readers' Crown Award.


Cate makes her home in New Hampshire with her family and their St. Bernards, Bear and Jack.







Amazon author page



