Tuesday, April 30, 2019

American Witch by Thea Harrison (spotlight and review) ADULT title

Thea Harrison
ADULT title

Power can change a person…

For months Molly Sullivan endures the inexplicable: electrical surges, car breakdowns, visions. She even wonders if she might be the cause… and wonders if she might be crazy. Then she discovers her husband has cheated on her. Again. Now Molly realizes she is a newly awakening witch and a woman pushed over the edge.

Revenge can shape a person…

Josiah Mason is a Powerful witch and the leader of a secret coven with a shared goal: to destroy an ancient enemy who has ruined many lives. Josiah lost years to this man, and his sole focus is revenge. He’s prepared for every contingency—except encountering a beautiful new witch who understands nothing of the immense Power building within her or the attraction she wields over him.

Danger can bring them together…

When divorcing her husband, Molly uncovers a dangerous secret he’s willing to kill to protect. She turns to Josiah for help, and they discover a connection between Molly’s husband and Josiah’s enemy.

As they work together, a spark ignites between them that threatens to become an inferno. But Molly is done compromising herself for any man, and Josiah’s mission is his top priority. And the enemy is cunning, cruel, and drawing ever closer.

As the danger escalates, so does the tension between them. Is a lasting relationship possible? Will either of them live long enough to try?

Buy links:

Amazon link
Apple Books
Barnes & Noble
Google Play


My review:

3.75 stars

American Witch by Thea Harrison is the introductory volume in this new trilogy and features newly minted witch, Molly Sullivan, whose powers start manifesting as her personal life is imploding. Josiah Mason, Atlanta DA, has been single-minded in his quest for vengeance and has gathered a coven to help him achieve his goals. Interacting with the nascent witch threatens to change his focus, but is she an opportunity to capitalize on or will she teach him that there is more to life than pursuing someone’s death?

This paranormal romance sets the stage for a new series within the broader world that the Elder Races share with humans. It has the author’s trademark feisty characters and intensely emotional situations, but it isn’t quite as enthralling to me as some of the other stories. Although it is easy to sympathize with the main characters and the horrendous experiences they have overcome, their hot-and-cold interactions are a little forced, especially because Josiah is such an overbearing and opinionated male at first. I love that Molly’s experiences leave her bowed but unbroken and that she finds a way to remain true to herself. Those with triggers should be warned that there are a couple of difficult scenes and a bit of violence throughout the story.

There are multiple levels of relationships that are explored, and I struggled with a couple of developments, especially those that involved betrayal, but I enjoyed seeing Molly grow both emotionally and in her powers. The revelation of the target for Josiah’s wrath was an intriguing twist that I am looking forward to learning more about, and as always, there are delicious word portraits that enrich this world. There hasn’t been a lot of focus on humans with magical powers and I was delighted to discover a new offshoot to the complex world peopled by the Elder Races. Understandably, it is more ponderous to establish the parameters in the first book in a series and I have no doubt that the series will continue to grow on me as it continues. The dangling threads include several secondary characters who I hope get time in the spotlight, and I look forward to learning more about the powers that these folks can manifest.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review

Monday, April 29, 2019

Where Demons Dance by Emma Briedis (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

Emma Briedis

A desperate widow…

It’s 1874 in Cedar City, Utah Territory, when Penelope Cavey finds her beloved husband, Henri, dead from a gunshot wound and the mysterious phrase, “demons dance” carved into the parlor mirror. Despite her brother’s attempts to dissuade her, Penelope is determined to find Henri’s killer and sets out alone for St. Joseph, a rural town in Utah—following the only clue Henri left for her.

A lying father…

Ava Patton is haunted by dreams of another life. Her nightmares give way to reality when her caring stepmother, Nellie, confirms her rising suspicions that the man who claims to be her father is only pretending to be, and that her real parents are dead. Astounded by this revelation, Ava sets out to uncover what became of her parents and in doing so, stumbles upon a heartbreaking tragedy. She is forced to stop her quest when her brother, Lawrence, falls seriously ill.

A labyrinth of a mansion…

Lawrence finds himself trapped within the winding halls of a large house, plagued by taunting voices as he struggles to escape. Unable to distinguish reality from the imaginary, Lawrence doesn’t know who or what imprisoned him there, nor to whom the house belongs. Lawrence realizes he holds the key and must find Ava and Penelope before another person is silenced.



“Henri?” she called out but received no response. The rhythmic ticking of the clock in the next room taunted her.

Where is he?! she thought with resentment.

She stepped into the parlor and froze. Her blood turned to ice as her stomach dropped, and a cold wave of fear washed over her.

Henri lay across the room on the floor, his lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling. A large puddle of blood had seeped from the bullet hole in the side of his head. His black hair was soaked in blood, and his hands lay limp at his sides.

She rushed to his side and embraced him, his head lolling.

“Henri!” she screamed, pulling him close to her. “Henri, what happened to you?!”

Tears began to run from her eyes as she grasped him, the warm blood soaking the dress she wore.

“Darling, come back to me,” she cried, her voice quivering.

She began to shake with tears as she rocked back and forth, gripping her dead husband to her chest. Unable to contain it, she let out a gasp of grief, shocked at the very circumstances she found herself hurled into. Their useless argument from earlier that day was forgotten as she grasped his lifeless body. She fervently prayed that he would wake as thousands of memories flashed before her eyes. Rocking on her knees, the pain inside of her chest only increased. Time seemed to stand still as she held him, unwilling to let go. 

Amazon buy link


About the Author:
Emma Briedis has written six books in multiple genres, including fantasy, romance, and historical fiction with Where Demons Dance being her debut novel. After reading Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables at the age of thirteen, she decided to write a book of her own, and hasn’t stopped since. She lives in Southeastern Wisconsin with her dog, Chewie.

Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter
Instagram: Instagram



The tour dates can be found here

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Wicked Wager by Beverley Oakley (Spotlight, guest post, and review) RBC ADULT title

Wicked Wager


Beverley Oakley

ADULT title

Genre: Georgian Historical Romance

Can innocence survive the machinations of a malevolent society beauty and a charismatic rake?

Two weeks before her nuptials to her cold, harsh cousin, virtuous Celeste Rosington finds herself in the arms of notorious libertine, Lord Peregrine. The unexpected encounter is, at first, shocking, but as Peregrine’s charm weaves its magic, becomes a welcome distraction from Celeste’s troubles. Isn’t she already the subject of whispers due to her involvement in the mysterious disappearance of a wealthy plantation magnate? It was a role orchestrated by her demanding husband-to-be in which Celeste had failed spectacularly. Nevertheless, Celeste has no intention of sacrificing all of her scruples for a man she knows is only toying with her. One kiss from handsome, charismatic Viscount Peregrine will surely be enough to give her the strength to fulfil her marital obligations? But what if one kiss is not enough? With her reputation in the balance, Celeste must navigate the treacherous waters of envy, intrigue and deadly secrets, unaware she’s the unwitting pawn in a wicked wager between a ruthless society beauty and delicious, dissolute Lord Peregrine. Could Peregrine really be a party to such perfidious plans? Will his reckless charm be the final undoing of a young woman once respected for her virtue and piety? Or will Peregrine discover that true love is more powerful than greed and ambition in time to save Celeste from the terrible fate that otherwise awaits her?



The last of the applause drifted away and for a few seconds the shrill cries of the orange sellers held sway. Rising from his ironic bow for the benefit of his companion, Lord Peregrine held back the red velvet curtain that had afforded them privacy so that Xenia could pass through and join the throng of theatregoers descending the sweeping staircase.

He saw that she had fallen into conversation with a club-footed general whose more than interested eye swept appraisingly over Xenia’s abundant assets, and once again Perry felt again the familiar heating of his loins that only Xenia could inspire with a mere incendiary glance.

The contours of her sack-back gown, adorned with a row of bows the length of her stomacher, recalled the more lascivious of those thoughts he’d entertained for the past decade: what it would be like to undress her, layer by layer by layer. He could only imagine how many layers there might be, but the prize would be worth the exquisite torture of restraint. He’d not revealed quite how much her proposition tonight had taken him by surprise, and the fact he’d agreed fuelled him with an odd combination of conflicting sensations: raging lust tempered by the knowledge that he’d just sunk to depths of moral depravity that might make even his uncle squirm in his grave: seduce an innocent on the eve of her nuptials.

Except that Xenia maintained the young woman’s ingenuousness was a ploy. Still, Miss Rosington retained her standing in society as a paragon of virtue. What right had he to assume otherwise, just because it was convenient?

He was diverted by a squeal to his left. Xenia was moving ahead, caught up by the crowd, her head bent to absorb the admiration of her club-footed general. Peregrine meanwhile found himself unable to continue, due to the fact the young woman in front of him had snagged her skirts on what appeared to be a nail or splinter protruding from one of the supporting beams. No one could move until she’d freed herself, and as Peregrine was directly behind her it was incumbent upon him to act the gentlemen and so enable the rest of the pulsing crowd to forge ahead.

‘Please be careful, sir, it’ll tear and it’s the first time I’ve worn it,’ the young woman warned as he took a handful of stiff silk in one hand. ‘It’s my finest.’ She twisted her head round to address him.

As her lips parted, revealing a set of near perfect small white teeth, and her worried blue eyes bored into his, Peregrine felt a jolt of something unidentifiable plummet like a stone to the pit of his stomach. No, further than that, for without a doubt his groin was reacting with something akin to roiling hunger. And, surprisingly, with an intensity that exceeded the dull throb of ten years of wanting Xenia like a frustrated schoolboy.

Close to, Miss Rosington was exquisite, her pale white and rose-blushed skin far more lustrous than when seen from a distance through opera glasses. Her powdered coiffure, dressed to fashionable heights, accentuated high, rounded cheekbones; and with growing excitement he followed the sweep of her graceful neck to a bosom that was rising and falling with surely greater rapidity than fear of what peril her gown might face. He liked to think that was so, as her candid look met his and the connection between them seemed like the sharp tug of some inner cord, forcing him forward, his hand brushing hers, nestled beneath a froth of silken furbelows, as they both reached for the undamaged silk petticoat, now released.

‘No harm done,’ he murmured as she drew herself up, her companion, the black-eyed viscount to whom she was affianced, returning to claim her, drawing her away with the barest of thanks.

All over in a matter of seconds, and at what cost? For while silk skirts and dignity had escaped with minimal damage, Peregrine was the first to concede, as he watched her graceful back with pounding heart and aching groin, that a great deal of harm had indeed been done.


 Buy Links:


About the Author:

Beverley Oakley is an Australian author who grew up in the African mountain kingdom of Lesotho, married a Norwegian bush pilot she met in Botswana’s Okavango Delta, and started writing historical romances to amuse herself in the 12 countries she’s lived as a ‘trailing spouse’ (in between working as an airborne geophysical survey operator, a teacher of English as a Second Language, and writing for her former newspaper). Her Scandalous Miss Brightwells series was nominated Best Historical Romance by the Australian Romance Readers Association. She is also the author of the popular Daughters of Sin series, a Regency-era ‘Dynasty-style’ family saga laced with intrigue and espionage. Under her real name Beverley Eikli, she writes Africa-set romantic suspense, and psychological historical romances. The Reluctant Bride won Choc-Lit’s Search for an Australian Star competition and her Regency tale of redemption The Maid of Milan was shortlisted in the Top Ten Reads of 2014 at the UK Festival of Romance. Beverley lives north of Melbourne (overlooking a fabulous Gothic lunatic asylum) with the same gorgeous Norwegian husband, two daughters and a rambunctious Rhodesian Ridgeback. You can read more at beverleyoakley.com



♥♥ Giveaway ♥♥

Beverley is giving away a signed print copy of The Duchess and the Highwayman during the tour.

Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember there is a chance to enter everyday so be sure to follow the blog tour.

 You may find the tour schedule and locations here 


 My review:

3.75 out of 5 stars

Wicked Wager by Beverley Oakley is a historical romance that features a complicated set of relationships that include an arranged marriage between cousins, a libertine striving for the favor of an unscrupulous ladylove, a woman scorned by her fiance, as well as a wager made that threatens to upset a series of lives, not necessarily for the better.

This Georgian romance touches on a variety of injustices of the period, particularly the very few options open for women and their lack of voice in directing their future, as well as the other people who were treated as chattel, slaves.  It was intriguing that so many of the characters were interconnected and the underlying mystery keeps one curious about the motives behind some of the characters’ actions.

Unfortunately, I was frustrated by the heroine, who seems distressingly naïve and quick to fall for the man who sees her as a means to an end, as does her cousin, who plans to use her for his own purposes. She seems to go from one social catastrophe to another, and often plays a role in her own downfall. There is another female character, whose response to being jilted is also very extreme and distressing.

I like that there is a surprising explanation for the mystery that is touched on throughout the story but I thought the end was a bit too neatly tied up and seemed somewhat rushed. Overall, the story is thought-provoking, has some interesting twists, and gives a unique glimpse of the undercurrents of the rigid society of this era.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Game Warden's Mate by A.M. Griffin (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT. ADULT title

A.M. Griffin
ADULT title

The Hunt. As the new Game Warden, Xrez Ym’ihla brings patrons from across the galaxy to track prey in a game built to enslave the weak and mate the strong. The business is a long running family legacy and Xrez is determined to succeed as his father had before him. He hadn’t meant to let one human occupy his thoughts, mind, and body.

His lies may come back to haunt him, but if he reveals the truth, he’ll ruin his chance to capture the heart of the one he wants.

The Prey. Esme Valdez had her entire life planned from an early age. As a chemist, her life was average and mundane, just the way she liked it. Until the impossible happened. Never did she imagine being abducted by aliens and forced to participate in a survival of the fittest game called The Hunt. If she survives and makes it to the end, she’ll be freed. If not, she’ll be forced to mate the one who captures her.

Esme is determined to win at all costs, even if it means putting her trust in a sexy alien who taunts her in the most delectable way.

Their love was built on betrayal. Can she trust him with her heart and life?


Xrez watched the hologram and vividly remembered how prey reacted during the introductory phase. It didn’t matter the species, at some point, they would go into survival mode and divide into the groups they thought would give them the best chance.

“One of them has a beast,” Xrez noted.

It was small, oddly shaped and quadrupedal. It kept close to the pale female, protectively. Its fur wasn’t much different than his hair, short, but where the beast’s fur appeared smooth, Xrez and other Dar’E had wiry, coarse hair.

“Oh, yes! This should prove interesting. We’ve never had one of those in The Hunt before. The human called it a dog. The universal translator has input it as a companion, animal, protector.”

When the female got up to walk across the camp, the dog followed dutifully by her side. Xrez thought the description fit. As time went on the translator would input other information about the dog.

The female and her beast walked past another female. She appeared smaller than the first. She had skin as dark as the coarse hair covering his body. But his coloring was dull compared to the radiance of her. Her skin was vibrant under the sun, glowing with energy.

He’d only seen humans on holograms, none in the flesh. He’d always thought they appeared soft and mushy. Those weren’t attributes he wanted in a companion or mate. Instead of turning him off, this one made his belly stir.

Xrez reached out. His hand hovered over the hologram. Of course, he couldn’t feel anything, but that didn’t stop his longing. How would his fingers and claws feel against her skin? Would he scratch her?

He balled his fingers and brought back his hand. She was too soft for him to touch. Her skin was much too thin to withstand his claws. He would never be able to grip her butt or scrape his claws down her back while she rode him.

She lifted her hair off her neck and used her other hand to fan her back. Her hair was dark, almost black, but under the sun’s light, he saw shimmers of gold. It appeared soft and wavy, thick and long.

He decided then that he would run his fingers through it.

Amazon buy link


About the Author:
A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies.

Where you can find her::

Website: Website
Subscribe her Amazon page
Like her on Facebook
Follow her on Twitter
Follow her on Instagram
Subscribe her newsletter for updates and giveaways



The tour dates can be found here


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Racing Peril by January Blain (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

January Bain

Revenge. Greed. Murder. And an insatiable passion...

Silk O’Connor resolves to take justice into her own hands on the steps of an LA courthouse. The scumbag who killed her sister is holding a press conference, set free by a corrupt justice system bought off by his rich father. Inconceivable. There is no way she will just let him walk away.

Jake Marshall is a decorated war hero on leave, filling in for a friend at Sterling Security—and protecting the very man who used his car as a weapon and murdered Silk’s only family. The war has left him with PTSD, fighting to salvage his own sanity, and a sniper is the last thing he needs.

The two clash when Jake finds Silk preparing to mete out her own frontier-style brand of justice from the courthouse roof…and the adrenaline-fueled high-stakes world of sex trafficking it ensnares the pair in tests them to their absolute limit.

And when Silk enters this den of depravity, she knows only one thing for certain, she may never come out alive.

What others are saying about Racing Peril:

From the editor, Rebecca Fairfax: “I love the unique ‘Januaryness’ January Bain brings to her writing. It’s a blend of her immense imagination, her fully rounded characters, her well-researched stories, the fast pace she tells them at and it’s all wrapped up in her love for what she does and sprinkled right through with her Canadianism. You can’t go wrong with one of her books, whether it’s the fun, sexy romps of her Brass Ringers series or the high-octane blast of this romantic suspense series. Just read Racing Peril and you’ll be rushing for book two, Racing the Tide!”

Dear Reader,

January Bain is an extraordinary author who has great talent in capturing the story and creating memorable characters. Romantic suspense is not easy to write. You must create characters who are vibrant and electric, make sure neither the romance nor the suspense overshadow each other, and craft a story that keeps the reader on edge from beginning to end. January Bain has done just that with RACING PERIL. It is one of my personal favorites and I know it will be one of yours, too. Thank you, January, for writing such an excellent story. This is a real treat for readers. I hope there are more like this to follow. -
Desiree Holt, USA Today and Amazon bestselling author



“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get off me!” she screamed in instant pain. Both mental and physical. She had failed. The worst possible outcome.

“Is anything broken?” a strong male voice asked, the low timbre of the tone vibrating through her.

“Who the fuck cares!” she screamed, attempting to push him off along with the rifle she still clutched. He pulled it from her hands, checking that the safety was reengaged, and laying it aside.

Instead of letting her up, he rolled her over and straddled her hips. He grasped her hands as she flailed about, striking out at him, wanting to cause him pain. Tears began rolling down her cheeks. A sob escaped from her chest, loud, as all the terrible anguish that had built up since the accident broke free, a tidal wave of emotion born of pain and loss.

He held her steady as the tsunami flooded through her, a force far beyond her control in charge. Unavoidable. Unstoppable. It pushed her heart to release its crushing burden. The pain of the accident. Images of her sister in her coffin at the funeral. The pitifully small number of mourners to say goodbye to a young life cut so tragically short. The first clod of earth hitting the top of her casket—all the heart-bruising moments locked in her brain of the past few weeks, fucking her up. Then the images came from further back. Happier memories of her and Ashley in simpler times. Watching a movie together. Playing a favorite video game. Cooking up a feast to celebrate one of their birthdays. And her sister’s favorite—shoe shopping. All the record of her sister she would have to last a lifetime.

Her loud sobs eventually turned into soft hiccups. A catharsis born of the trauma and guilt she could no longer escape left her fighting exhaustion, yet strangely eased, some of the overwhelming tension that had driven her for weeks gone. Her other senses rushed in to fill the void. She became aware. Too aware.

Buy link:

Barnes and Noble

About the Author:
I think I've wished on every falling star, every blown-out birthday candle, and every coin thrown in a fountain to be a storyteller. And I know where it all began! I was blessed by being read to by my mom every night at bedtime. :-) I love spending hundreds of hours researching the unusual and the mundane to create books that feature strong, kickass women, hot complicated men who aren’t afraid to take risks, and wild adventures full of twists and turns.

You can find me hard at work every morning without fail in my office with a furry baby trying to prove she does a better job of guarding the universe than anyone.

I enjoy talking books, so please connect on Facebook!

Totally Bound Author page




The tour dates can be found here

Friday, April 19, 2019

SOUP: The Future Is Past and Present by Travis Haugen (VBT, guest post, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

ELF: I have the pleasure of sharing a guest post by author Travis Haugen, who shares insights about his story.

TH: Music is my life. The book Soup came out of my passion for music. In fact, the entire ‘One Song’ series can be traced back to the writing of one song on one lonely night back in late 2001.

We were the house band at the St. Louis Hotel in Calgary, Alberta. We finished the night, a Thursday, and I retired to my room with guitar in hand. I sat down on the edge of the bed, as I often do, and started to play. Out came a moody, three-minute song, wrapped around a bluesy, minor 7 chord progression, titled, ‘I Call Your Name.’ I decided I liked it, so I recorded it with my onboard Cakewalk 9.0 digital audio work station. Satisfied with the results, I retired for the evening. Sleep came fast but had no length to it. I bolted upright, jumped out of bed, sat down to my computer, and began typing. And typing. And typing. I had no idea what I was typing, or why, but I typed, until I could type no more.

Friday morning came hard. I worked during the day as a computer consultant/courier. It’s complicated, lol. All day, as I was doing my rounds, thoughts were swirling through my head. Constantly.

Friday night, the St. Louis Hotel bar. The place is packed and rocking. We finish the night, and I retire to my room, exhausted, but I do not sleep. I type. And type. By now, over a hundred pages, and still, I know not what I am doing. It is as though the information was channeling through me, not coming from me. I found the process entirely weird, and fascinating, and somewhat bewildering.
Finally, sleep. But not for long. I woke up Saturday morning nine tenths exhausted, but sleep was not on the agenda. I began to read what I had written. It hit me. It’s a story. But why? I’m a musician, I write songs. Lots of songs. But I don’t write books, so why? I still can’t answer the why, I only know that I have written since that day. Over the next five months, I wrote One Song, the first in the series, and Hedley, the second book, as well as much of the music for those two books. Soup came much later, the third book in the series, but the first to be published. That’s a story in itself. Another time, perhaps?

All of this started from writing one song. Now it is a life’s passion. With the invaluable help of my niece, Candy Haugen, we will endeavor to take Hedley from the editing stage to the publishing stage. We are also working on the prose and music for the fourth book. That’s where the future lies.


Travis Haugen


GENRE:   Adventure/Mystery



Scott Yonge exploded onto the national consciousness at the 2001 Garrett Awards and quickly rose to legendary status on the wings of his music and his whirlwind romance with independent film actress Michelle Zoe. What should have been a perfect life was interrupted by an ultra-right wing militant group called the American Freedom Force and its leader, Colonel Randall, who forces Scott to choose between his life and that of his son. After his heroic sacrifice, his family is left to pick up the pieces and forge ahead to a future in the vacuum he left behind.

Now, in 2021, his son Hedley inherits music for himself, becoming a star in his own right as technology gives new life to the medium. Scott's daughter, affectionately known as Soup, throws herself into unravelling the mysteries of her family's history. Michelle commits herself to keeping them all together and trying to make sense of life without the one she loves. Through it all, the AFF looms in the shadows, threatening to resurrect the pain they have just begun to overcome.



The dream wakes him, the same one. Hedley’s whispered words “Bye birdies, bye” still ring in his ears as he achieves consciousness. Sound of a different source soon intrudes: that of music playing through the PA system. It’s late, he realizes, and jumps to his feet. He can feel more than hear the rustle of people filing into the arena, bringing with them a sense of tension that will build until show time, then burst like a stick dam before a raging river with the first note. It’s 7:10 PM; an hour and twenty to go. A shrill knock comes to the door, followed by Del’s voice.

“You in there, dude?”

“Si,” Scott replies. All the years of the road, sharing the stage, and the music are audible in Del’s simple words. They don’t have to speak to talk; they’re on the same wavelength.

The show, the focus is the show. Whatever lies with tomorrow lives with tomorrow; they live for tonight. “I need a shower, I stink. I’ll be along soon.”

“Cool, dude, don’t forget your pants.”

He hears cowboy booted footsteps receding on the concrete floor.

A new, unidentifiable tension floats to the surface as Scott showers, rising from the dark side. It has an ominous feel about it, winding like a creeping vine around Scott’s confidence, bringing with it a sense of fear, and worse, a sense of defeat. The wariness settles on him again, draining his energy and his will. He shivers uncontrollably as coldness sets in, and he wonders if he can go on. Then it occurs to him as he cranks the hot water that this is all part of it. The plan all along was to isolate him, weaken him bit by bit, reducing him to a shell of what he is. By show time, they would see Scott as the colonel wants them to see him, a weak and ineffective fool incapable of sustaining a mission of any substance. “You will not break me,” Scott whispers. He leans his head against the cool tiles of the shower stall. “I will not give you that.”

Where Soup Is Sold:

Indigo CA


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Travis was born and raised in the prairies of Saskatchewan, lived in Calgary for over 25 years and presently lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Travis Haugen has spent forty years of his life touring on the road as a musician and has spent hundreds of hours in recording studios. Travis spends much of his time writing songs, writing stories, playing music and spending valuable time with his family and close group of friends.




The tour dates can be found here

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Colonel Brandon's Widow and Willoughby by Marianna Green (Spotlight, excerpt, review, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

Marianna Green


GENRE:   romance historical Jane Austen sequel



Mrs. Brandon, the former Marianne Dashwood, is now a widow, and not yet twenty-five.
Her former admirer Willoughby is as unhappily married as ever, and the thought that she is free to marry again drives him to distraction. He has continued in his dissolute lifestyle, which Marianne abhors, while his wife Sophia's life has been poisoned by jealousy of Marianne.
Marianne urges him that the only possibility of happiness for Willoughby and his wife is for him to give up his empty pursuit of pleasure - but now the Colonel is gone, Marianne finds that she can no longer push aside thoughts of Willoughby easily herself; she must find some way of occupying her own empty hours. Willoughby retains his rascally charm, which an older and wiser Marianne is determined to resist; Elinor and Edward are as astute as ever, while Sir John and Lady Middleton are as foolish. Mrs. Jennings remains determined to marry off all her associates as before, while Sophia Willoughby is even more sour as the wife of the man she wanted, and Willoughby's friends are suitably cynical rakes.

This sequel to Jane Austen's 'Sense and Sensibility' strives to emulate some of the light ironic touch of the inimitable style of Jane Austen; it is both funny and sad, and is told as dark comedy.



The union of the Willoughbys’ only resembled that of the Brandons’ in being childless. Unlike the latter couple, they had no common interests to compensate, unless an unfortunate tendency to over indulge in wine and other stimulants could count as a mutual source of diversion. It is true that they did share in common a manner of relating to each other that involved raised voices behind slammed doors, angry silences and periods of cold civility; but this shared inclination brought them no closer together.

It could be further urged on their behalf , that in this conduct, they provided society with the diversion of much talk, and their staff with constant entertainment; - for Willoughby’s confidential valet knew all about his improper pursuits, while his wife’s lady’s maid could recount how Mrs Willoughby had cursed him for a fortune hunting libertine in full hearing of the servants, and of how savagely he had kicked shut her sitting room door before retorting that, ‘Devil take it, in his whole worthless life, he had only cared for Mrs Brandon, and he’d be damned if he pretended anything else to please a scolding…’

But the reader does not wish to hear any more of this. Seemingly their staff lacked any discretion, and soon enough, the content of the Willoughbys’ exchanges leaked out into polite society, which showed still less decorum in repeating them assiduously. Many a man had dined out for a month on his knowledge of episodes that ought to have been cloaked in decent silence, and Miss Steele was one of many maiden ladies agog for the latest outrage…

“Not another word, damn it!” he exclaimed, coming again to a stop and turning on her in a fury she had never seen in him before. “I cannot endure to hear this from you, of all people. As to my wife, it must come to a separation; we are so at each other’s throats. Then, Mrs. Brandon, you recommend to me a life devoted to duty?” He stood breathing quickly, while unseen by either of them, a hare bolted across their path. Willoughby’s normally fractious mount did not even notice. Throughout their talk, it had showed remarkable patience at being stopped and started at every other minute, and now stood gently waving its ears, almost as if it felt for its master’s desperation.

He rushed on, “No doubt that is how you plan to waste your youth and beauty. No, I cannot find comfort in a life devoted to good works. Mrs. Smith’s tenants must go to the hell in a handcart along with their master, when he comes to inherit. Lord, but I am well served for my former misdeeds and treachery.”

Book will be on sale for $0.99 during the tour.
(Please check price before purchasing)



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Marianna Green is lives in the UK, has a geekish fascination with English Literature and History, and an irrepressible sense of humour.


The tour dates can be found here


My review:

3.5 out of 5 stars

Colonel Brandon’s Widow and Willoughby: A ‘Sense andSensibility’ Variation Sequel by Marianna Green ostensibly takes place several years after Jane Austen’s tale and gives a glimpse of the twists and turns in the lives of Marianne Brandon nee Dashwood and the rogue Willoughby, whose unhappy marriage is compounded by his yearning after Marianne.

This historical romance is a homage to the story penned by the iconic Jane Austen and indeed has elements of the sometimes stilted language she employed as well as the omniscient voice that permeates her stories. It is difficult to conceive that the heedless and unrepentant Willoughby can redeemed, but not only does he need to grow, Marianne needs to as well. It is possible that my lack of familiarity (gasp) with the original tale hampered my ability to form a connection to either of the main characters but I did like that they evolved as the story progressed. The flavor of the period and the challenges faced by those in the different class strata are nicely portrayed and remind me of why I’m so grateful for modern conveniences. Those who are curious about how things turned out for the characters in “Sense and Sensibility” should give this version a try.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review