by Gini Koch is part of a series that she has written about a resourceful heroine named Kitty Katt (of all things) and the gorgeous alien Jeff Martini that she has married. This parody of science fiction romance is somewhat of a blend between 'The Greatest American Hero' and 'Men In Black' since the heroine has special powers but she doesn't quite have control of them and has been known to crash into walls. She is backed up by quite a few intriguing beings, including Poofs who can change size from small enough to fit into a clutch purse to adult human-sized and...they purr! The action is fast and furious and a little bewildering to a novice to the series but one can't help but be entertained by the smart-mouthed observations of the heroine as the quirks of working with a group of fashion runway-worthy aliens dressed in Armani are contrasted with the maneuverings of those who believe that they are in political power. A great nonsensical read, it took me a few chapters to get into the proper frame of mind but I was entertained once I realized that this was a very tongue-in-cheek tale. My Amazon review is at this link under ELF2060. I always appreciate a 'yes, this was helpful' vote.
For Adults only:
Bound Temptations by Shiloh Walker
Ms Walker has a giveaway on Goodreads at this link if you would like to enter.
Also out now is Hunter's Rise
I need more eyes and hand like having 2 pc to read more, but i am only at 2400 books in Goodreads :) can you say.. "Book addict?"
ReplyDeleteI understand completely. Unfortunately, given the explosion of e-books and the multiple series that are being published...I know there is no way I will ever have enough hours in the day to read everything I want to, lol.