Monday, May 7, 2012

For adults only!!!!

Adult readers only beyond this point:

A plethora of authors posted on May 9 at the Smutketeers blog...(which usually features erotica authors R.G. Alexander aka Rachel Grace, Eden Bradley aka Eve Berlin, Karen Erickson and Crystal Jordan) and highlighted their past, present and upcoming works!  Go find a few new titles to read (and renew your acquaintance to those you that you enjoyed).  They also have multiple authors who also write erotica who also share some of their favorite titles while being interviewed.  A great post for fans of the genre.

All four of these 'Smutketeer' authors are talented ladies, below are just a few of their titles that I have read and enjoyed.
R.G. Alexander
Goddess of the Moon series
(there are a couple more titles but haven't had the chance to read them yet!)

 Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin

Karen Erickson

Currently reading and enjoying: 

Crystal Jordan

All of the above titles were spicy but romantic reads


  1. I love them! They have some great books out and I do love those books. Thanks for the heads up on the contests.

  2. So far, haven't read any that I didn't like, just haven't had time or accessibility to read all of them as some of them are pretty prolific.
