Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dark Wolf Enterprises by A.M. Griffin ADULT title (SBB, excerpt, GIVEAWAY and review) GFT

Happy New Year's Eve to everyone!   May your new year be full of fantastic books to read!

Dark Wolf Enterprises is an ADULT title

by A.M. Griffin



The big break Trudy Hollander’s small accounting firm needs has finally arrived, but unfortunately it comes with murder, mayhem and Kristof Farkas, a man she just can’t seem to resist. Even worse, Kristof is the CFO of Dark Wolf Enterprises—the one person who can pull the plug on the job that will take her company to the next level.

And then there are the assassins who can jump from three stories up and still be able to run away…

Kristof has no intention of giving in to his inner wolf and claiming Trudy. She’s human. Too fragile to withstand being a shifter’s mate. But the need to protect her is stronger than his resolve, and his desire is more powerful yet. He’ll fight with everything he has to keep her safe, both from those who would hurt her, and from himself.


©A.M. Griffin

Kristof is some kind of freak and he’s being attacked by wolves. She was god knows where with god knows who.

She could be killed out here and no one would know how to find her body.

Her gaze shifted to the cockpit door. They could kill her.

Flare gun.

She scrambled to the back of the plane and flung open the closet door. On the top shelf was the metal box Kristof had told her about. Grabbing it, she pulled the box down. The handle slipped in her sweaty palms and hit the floor with a crash. The contents spilled at her feet.

She spotted the flare gun immediately. Grabbing it, she ran back to her seat by the window and aimed the gun at the cockpit door.

While she waited for the pilots to come out, she continued to watch the fighting below. One of the wolves was down, leaving Kristof to fight the other two. She peered at the cockpit door. Still shut. Then back to Kristof. One of the others wolves was now limping badly.

Kristof snarled and grabbed the uninjured wolf by the neck and shook him. The wolf went limp and appeared to be more like a rag doll than anything else. Kristof stopped and opened his mouth. The wolf he held there fell to the ground in a lump. The only wolf left stood his ground. Both he and Kristof growled and circled each other until, finally, the injured wolf seemed to realize this was a losing fight and scampered off into the darkness.

Standing alone, Kristof let out a long howl at the night.

Trudy pressed her face to the glass and looked left to right, trying to see if she spotted any more of the other wolves.

Kristof ran off, to where she couldn’t see.

He’s leaving me.

The thought ripped through her mind. Then an instant later, another thought eased the first.

He’d never leave me. I belong to him.

She’d no time to pick apart the last thought because, on the next blink, Kristof—the wolf—was standing outside of her window—watching her.

She knew it was him and not some other wolf, she felt he was hers. Their eyes locked. A part of her wanted to shrink away under his stare, but the other…wanted to claim him.

The cockpit door creaked open and the pilot peered at her. Yelping she raised her gun and aimed. Screaming, he shut the door before she could fire off a shot.

“Come out here and I’ll kill you! Do you see what happened to your buddies?” Her hands shook as she aimed the gun.

She was going to die. There was a man-wolf killer outside and a pilot-kidnapper in here.

Another glance outside and Kristof stood, as a man, watching her. A naked man. A wonderfully naked man.

She shook her head.


“Trudy. Open the hatch. I’m coming back up,” He yelled out to her.”

Was she supposed to let him back in? He hadn’t said that.

She chewed on her lower lip, waiting for an answer she couldn’t think of. If she opened the door would he attack her? Was he a rabid beast who couldn’t control himself?

She shook her head. “No. You said not to open the hatch.”

“I meant don’t open the hatch for them.”

“Since I know your secret are you going to kill me now?”

“Don’t be silly. It’s cold out here. Open the hatch.”

Should she let him back in?

“Are the pilots still alive?” he asked.

Her gaze shot back to the cockpit. “Yes. But not for long,” she yelled, loud enough for the pilots to hear.

“I’m naked and it’s about thirty degrees out here. Can you please let me in?”

“Wh-what about your super-human heating abilities? Aren’t you supposed to be so hot that’d you’d melt snow?”

He cocked his head to the side. “This is not a young adult story. I’m freezing my ass off.”

“If he kills me I’m going to be so pissed,” she mumbled to herself.

Amazon link


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies.

Where you can find me:

Subscribe to my Amazon page

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Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and giveaways



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(I had the pleasure of reading this novella as part of the "Brought to His Knees Anthology)

4 out of 5 stars

“Dark Wolf Enterprises” by A.M. Griffin introduces accountant Trudy Hollander to an entirely different world when what she thinks is her big break embroils her in an embezzling issue that involves one of three brothers who run a very successful family-owned company.  Kristof Farkas is impressed by the woman who is savvy enough to ferret out the discrepancies in his company’s books but he refuses to listen to his wolf who is determined to keep the feisty female in their life.  They have to stay alive long enough to work out their relationship and find the culprit.

This is a great introduction to a shifter family that is coexisting successfully with humans and I always enjoy stories that explore the challenge of introducing a human to the shifter world.  The ending is a little abrupt and leaves room for a continued exploration of the mystery that brings the main characters together but there is a nice introduction to the various members of the Farkas family and hopefully each of the siblings will get his or her time in the spotlight. A nice beginning to the series.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jenna's Consent (ADULT title) by Jennifer Kacey (VBT, interview and GIVEAWAY) GFT

I am delighted to have a mini-interview with the very busy Jennifer Kacey (and I was intrigued to realize that we share a couple of dream destinations!).  Take it away, Jennifer...

JK:  I couldn’t help but answer two questions for you guys. Hope you don’t mind the extra blah blah blah from my brain!!! 

ELF:  What was the most difficult thing to overcome on your path to becoming a published author and how did you conquer it?
JK:  Knowing when to stop futzing with a story!! This is REALLY hard for me. Especially when I was brand new and I had something like 5 books I was trying to get published all at once. Without having the writing background a lot of authors have, and I mean the technical aspect of it, it’s hard to know when a story is good enough to actually send to an agent or a publisher. Not the answer I was originally going to answer but it’s so true for me! I was going to say rejection, but yeah, that wasn’t nearly as hard to conquer as knowing when a story was JUST right. Thankfully that’s something you learn over time, and hopefully getting writing buddies along the way that get what you write makes a huge difference.

ELF:  What would be your dream place to visit and why?
JK:  I want to do a lot of overseas traveling. I want to go to Europe. Paris specifically. I want to sit under the Eiffel Tower and write and have pictures to remember how I felt. What the temperature was like. The accents of the people all around me. Can’t wait to cross this one off my to-do list! But I also want to see the Tattoo in Scotland during one summer. I want to stay in a bed and breakfast in the highlands and sing all the songs from Brigadoon at the top of my lungs. Sigh… And go back to New York because it’s one of my favorite places. New York changed me. As a person, as a writer. Love that place. So…….okay that’s more than one place, but I have a lot of living to do!!!

Jenna's Consent is an ADULT title
by Jennifer Kacey



Members Only, Book Six

Every night Jenna spends hours preparing submissives for their Doms at The Library. She encourages them, reassures them as they take a step into the forbidden and urges them never to settle. But when it comes to her own journey, she’s spent years hiding, trapped within the steel cage of her corsets. She can’t hide any longer.

Nick has wanted her since the moment he laid eyes on her but she’s always told him no. Until now. She agrees to be his submissive for a night but he wants more…much more. He unwittingly brings in the one man Jenna never stopped loving and, on the cusp of everything’s he’s ever wanted, he’s not the only one fighting for her heart.
Ian can’t forget her…his Jenna. He walked away years ago, but not this time. This time he’ll settle for nothing but her complete submission.
Three people unable to let go of the past must learn that love—above all else—is worth fighting for.



“You kept your hair short. For me. Good girl.”

She didn’t answer. She couldn’t.

Four years she’d waited to hear him call her that again.

He’d given the words to her when they were together. She’d become addicted to hearing them, knowing he thought she was good enough. His girl.

And then when he left—nothing.

Emotions swamped her.

Words were too complicated for her—and not complicated enough. 

And she knew he didn’t need an answer.

He had loved her hair when it was long but when she’d cut it, he’d used her so hard, suspended in rope, that she’d worn his marks for weeks.

“You don’t have to braid it or wrap it up like you’re hiding one of my favorite toys. I can still grab it.”

He fisted it harder and she curled her fingers and toes, trying desperately to keep some part of herself aloof from him.

“So damn sexy.”

Ian was a sadistic bastard. He liked to bring pain. He wanted to see his girl suffer for him. Not because she liked it but because she didn’t and she still did it—for him.

Knowing that made his charming side so much harder to take.

Compliments and sweet gestures offered in his same no-nonsense style, but were that much more affective in their sincere simplicity.

“Keep still.”

Her mental discipline for following his commands was sluggish but the rest of her sure as hell remembered what to do. Jenna crossed her ankles and clasped her hands together, tightening her body as best she could.

He whipped the knife blade back and forth across her skin. 

Slow—quick, quick, slow—quick, quick, as if it were a waltz.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

 Jennifer Kacey is a mother, and business owner, living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Blog – The Decadent Divas
Facebook Author Page
Amazon Page

The books in the Members Only Series can be found here...

Together in Cyn
Haleigh's Ink
A Very Menage Christmas
Duke's Valentine
Orgasm University
Accidental Voyeur
Roman's To-Do List
Laila's Lies
Beneath the Pages
Jenna's Consent

Stand Alone
Buried Permission
Beneath the PagesNico's Curse



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sudetenland by George T. Chronis (VBBT, excerpt and GIVEAWAY) Goddess Fish Tours



by George T. Chronis



Sudetenland© is the premiere novel by author George T. Chronis. The book delivers suspenseful and sweeping historical fiction set against Central European intrigue during the late 1930s leading up to 1938′s Munich Conference. The characters are the smart and sometimes wise-cracking men and women of this era – the foreign correspondents, intelligence officers, diplomats and career military – who are on the front lines of that decade’s most dangerous political crisis. With three million ethnic Germans in Bohemia at stake, Adolph Hitler’s unshakeable will demands that the Sudetenland be ripped from Czechoslovakia and joined with Germany. The novel takes readers behind the scenes into the deliberations and high drama taking place within the major capitals of Europe as the continent hurtles toward the crucible of a shooting war.



"The Germans are very keen to have news of the conference broadcast live across the world. They are very confident of the outcome. Godesberg is a great victory for them," Shirer felt a tad uncomfortable at helping them promote their success.

"Yeah, that's what I have been reading in the local rags," Endicott found the towing of the government's pitch lines to be remarkably uniform.

"Don't be too hard on us, my friend," an overly cheery German broke into the conversation to sit down at the table without waiting for an invitation. "Godesberg is one of those rare occasions where everything we print is actually true."

Shirer laughed and slapped the tabletop. "Eavesdropping again, Manfred?"

"Of course! And so do you. I am just better at snooping than you are," the German boasted, although he ranked Shirer's attention to detail as amazingly high.

"Charles," Shirer turned to Endicott. "Meet Herr Culemann, one of Germany's leading editors."

"Pleased to meet you. Charles Endicott, Hearst International News Service," Endicott reached over the table to offer his hand.

"I just read your story. Great work there: Kidnapped By the Sudeten Freikorps. I am glad you survived unscathed. Many of their number are severely undisciplined," Culemann was sincerely pleased no harm had come to the American.

"Thanks on both counts. Sometimes I get lucky," Endicott hoped the roll lasted for a while longer. "Say, you look like a man in the know. When does Herr Hitler arrive?"

"Oh, the chancellor is already in Godesberg... upstairs as we speak," Culemann informed them.
"Now you're talking," Endicott perked up. "When do you think we will get a chance to see him?"
"Any time really. One never knows. He could stroll through the lobby in five minutes on the way to his river yacht. The vessel is tied up at the water's edge," Culemann located the vessel through the window and showed them.

"Somehow I expected something more formal," Endicott sounded let down.

"Do not despair, the Teppichfresser will not disappoint," Culemann lowered his voice as he teased the Americans.

"The what?" Endicott did not understand the term.

"Carpet eater?" Shirer's translation did little to ease his own confusion.

"You two have obviously not been paying attention to the discussion at the next table," Culemann nodded in the direction of two party hacks nearby.

"I imagine not," Shirer had been ignoring their boorish neighbors on purpose.

"Perhaps you have heard... the chancellor often has strong reactions to bad news," Culemann continued in a whisper. "Chamberlain promised him that he could deliver the Sudetenland on a platter and all of the news from Prague says Beneš is obstinately refusing to go along. Those two over there were just mentioning how this continued stubbornness by the Czech president has brought on one of Hitler's rages causing the leader of the great German Empire to fling himself on the floor where he chews on the edge of the carpet."

"You have to be kidding," Endicott found such a tale difficult to believe.

"Trust me, on such matters, I never kid," Culemann wagged his forefinger at the Americans.

Other buy links


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

 After years as a journalist and magazine editor, George T. Chronis decided to return to his lifelong passion, storytelling. A lover of both 1930s cinema and world history, Chronis is now devoted to bringing life to the mid-20th Century fictional narratives that have been in his thoughts for years. Sudetenland© is his first novel. Taking place during turbulent times in Central Europe during the 1930s, the book took eight years to research and write. The author is already hard at work on his second novel.

Chronis is married with two daughters, and lives with his wife in a Southern California mountain community.

Book website
Author website



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Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Highland Dragon's Lady by Isabel Cooper (Review)


The Highland Dragon's Lady by Isabel Cooper is part of the ‘Highland Dragons’ series and is a paranormal historical romance that features Regina (Reggie) Talbot-Jones, a remarkable young woman who is pretty self-possessed but not quite sure about her parents’ goal to rid their relatively new property of the ghost who does not want to leave.  The group that has been gathered includes a friend of her brother, named Colin MacAlasdair, who is startled when she immediately identifies his other nature.  Colin is fascinated both by the forthright young lady and the prospect of dealing with the ghost...until he discovers that both may be more than he anticipated or is able to deal with.

It’s unusual to read a historical romance that includes a shapeshifter, and this particular story was peopled by fascinating characters who interact in a rather unusual environment, a haunted house.  I love the insouciance displayed by the heroine, who has learned to go through life on her own terms, even if some of it is bravado.  The interactions between two very unusual individuals during an era of industrial change provide an entertaining tale that has both chilling aspects and lighthearted moments as a mystery is gradually solved.  I loved the contrast between the formalities of a house party and the irreverence of a woman who has no qualms about using a tree for access and the story provides a gradual escalation of tension which leads to a wonderfully exciting climax.  I would have liked a little more development of the secondary characters and there are a few dangling threads that I would like to have cleared up, but perhaps that will be taken care of in subsequent stories in the series.  I was able to read this story as a stand-alone but I am curious about the rest of Colin’s family (and love that Scottish accent of his) and want to read about them as well.  A fun and entertaining visit to historical England.

A copy of this title was provided to me for an honest review which has been submitted to Night Owl Reviews

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Season's Greetings...let's spread a little cheer

To all of you who celebrate the season...very Happy Holidays!

Please remember to honor the spirit of the don't stress over trying to have the perfect home or the perfect gift...the least expensive but sometimes most challenging thing to offer is the gift of acceptance...for yourself and for others.  For example, most people who have gotten to know me realize that, although my heart is in the right place, I usually bite off more than I can I am invariably late (yes, my Christmas cards may not arrive until sometime next year!).

Try not to let the stress get to you and practice little acts of kindness...whether letting someone go in front of you, or returning someone's shopping cart for them...or listening patiently to the same story from an elderly friend or relative without cutting them off, lol.

If you are looking for folks to reach out to, please remember your local senior centers, convalescent homes and VA hospitals as well as the assistance organizations such as those for the abused or child protection agencies. 

 And then, don't forget those who are serving so far away from their homes...  It is heartbreaking to read through the requests for basic things like shampoo and deodorant (although be warned that some of the wishlists get pretty expensive, maybe suitable for fundraising efforts?).  Make sure you investigate what kinds of things can be used...e.g. only certain kinds of very thick cotton socks are appropriate and be advised that food items must be prepackaged.  Link  You will need to register on the site and to send the site managers themselves a donation to help keep the site itself running.

Soldiers' Angels  I am much less active in this organization than I used to be (and I am thankful that the folks I adopted through this site have returned home safely!) so please make sure you pay attention to all of the hoops that have to be jumped through.  There is a section specifically for letter writing, if your funds are tight but you have the time to reach out to a soldier or two.  Link

Wounded Warrior Project is always looking for donations to help support our wounded veterans.  Link

Operation Paperback also helps provide books to both deployed soldiers and their families here at home.  Link


Those of you who attend the Night Owl Reviews weekly chat or the ones on Writerspace probably have 'met' the author and veteran, Jerry Race.  Unfortunately, he had a heart attack on Thanksgiving and needs to move into new housing, so there is a fundraising campaign for him.  If you can, please help spread the word as the campaign ends next week!

Above all, I wish you joy and contentment and of course, plenty of books to read!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Romancing the Holidays at Kensington (6 book spotlight and GIVEAWAY) TBT

Win Print/iBook Bundle of ALL Six Holiday Romances


Kismet, Michigan # 4
Released Oct 7th, 2014


In Kismet, Michigan, Christmas is special: big fluffy snowflakes, sleigh bells, carolers singing. It’s a picture-perfect holiday—you just have to choose who’s in the frame…

Jason Hamilton is on thin ice with the board of his toy company. The young CEO may be a kid at heart, but his party boy reputation requires damage control. So Jason’s off to Kismet to inspect a model store, stay on Santa’s Nice list, and stick to business—no goofing around. Which is too bad, because the store manager, Danielle Sharpe, is the definition of what makes Naughty fun…

Danielle is thrilled to show off her thriving little toy store—especially if it’s her ticket out of Kismet. The single mom is tired of manufacturing cheer solo while her ex-husband has all the fun. But if she’d known Jason was this hot, she wouldn’t have offered to host him. With Jason in her house, Danielle is getting warmer than spiked cider. She’s supposed to impress him with her expertise, not daydream about catching him under the mistletoe. Now whatever she does, she can’t get swept up in the magic…

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When she sat down to write her first book, LISA PLUMLEY expected the process to be easy. Three tries and several years later, she realized it’s not easy—but it is the most fun to be had outside of shoe shopping. Now the bestselling author of more than a dozen books, Lisa lives in sunny Arizona with her husband and two children. She invites readers to visit her website,, for previews of upcoming books and more.

Released Oct 7th, 2014

Lindsay Miller is knee-deep in Christmas cards and homemade fudge, but she’s never felt more like a Grinch.  Why can’t Christmas be full of magic, like in her favorite movie, A Christmas Carol…?

…Enter Fred, a sexy and eccentric stranger who arrives at Lindsay’s door out of the blue. Dressed like he just stepped out of a Dickens novel, complete with
British accent, Fred claims he’s a Messenger, sent from “Headquarters” to help
her discover the joy of Christmas. But is Fred an angel from above—or just
stone cold crazy? 

Fred’s used to dealing with skeptics. Telling a stranger you’ve been ordered to inspire holiday cheer is a tough sell. But there’s a further complication. Fred’s
mission is to help Lindsay right the wrongs from her past that have been
holding her back. But somehow along the way, they’ve become wildly attracted to
each other—and falling in love is not part of the plan. Fred only has ‘til the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve to guide Lindsay to the magical future she deserves—even if it’s a future without him…

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Sierra Donovan lives with her husband and two children in Victorville, California. Readers can visit her website at


Released Sept 30th, 2014

The greatest gift is love…

Ski instructor Annie Bennett doesn’t have time to miss the twinkling lights and
holiday parties in Aspen and Vail. With her older brothers gone and winter just
around the corner, her parents need help with their sprawling Colorado ranch.
The most wonderful time of the year isn’t always easy for a lot of the folks in
their town, but Annie does her best—until the tall, dark, and rugged surveyor
on their neighbor’s land becomes a potent distraction…

Wyoming born and bred, Marshall Stone is a practical man. But there’s something about Annie that’s as wild and sweet as the mountain wind. He doesn’t want to tame her. Just love her. Annie Bennett is all he wants for Christmas. And for
always. But she’s too wary to believe he means it. Until he takes her in his
arms and explains without saying a single word…

Buy Now

Janet Dailey’s first book was published in 1976. Since then she has written more than 100 novels and become one of the top-selling female authors in the world, with 300 million copies of her books sold in nineteen languages in ninety-eight countries. She is known for her strong, decisive characters, her extraordinary ability to recreate a time and a place, and her unerring courage to confront important, controversial issues in her stories.



Jennifer Beckstrand
The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill # 3  
Released Oct 7th, 2014

Now that they’ve happily married off two of their grandchildren, Anna and Felty Helmuth are ready for their next matchmaking challenge. What better way to celebrate the most heartwarming of seasons—and make Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin, the place for unexpected love…

A difficult marriage has left the Helmuths’ widowed great-granddaughter, Beth, finished with wedlock. She’s content to live with them and make a life for herself and her toddler son. But once she turns down handsome Tyler Yoder’s proposal, it
seems only fair to encourage him to find a suitable wife. Trouble is, his gentleness and generous ways are showing her how joyous a real meeting of hearts can be. . .

After a failed courtship, Tyler thought the best he could hope for in a wife was mere companionship. But spirited Beth is the one he longs to protect, and hold
close. Earning her trust is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. And soon,
both will discover that forgiveness and understanding are gifts that only
rekindled faith—along with the happiest of holidays—can bring.

Buy Now

Jennifer Beckstrand is the bestselling author of The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series and the Forever After in Apple Lake series, set in two Amish communities in beautiful Wisconsin. She has always been drawn to the strong faith and the enduring family ties of the Plain people and loves writing about the antics of Anna and Felty Helmuth. Jennifer has a degree in mathematics and a background in editing. She and her husband have been married for thirty years, and she has four daughters, two sons, and two adorable grandsons, whom she spoils rotten. Readers can visit her website at



Serenity Woods
Released Dec 1st, 2014
Kensington Books

Will the magic still be there when they wake on Christmas morning?

Having long since lost his Christmas spirit, Rudi comes to Santa’s Secret Village looking to sell the resort. His seven-year-old daughter already knows the truth about Santa, and neither of them is particularly in the mood for the festive season.

Practically a recluse since the death of her husband, Eva’s not looking for romance. Her trip to Santa’s Village is for the sole purpose of making Christmas more festive this year for her young son. But Eva brings an unexpected sparkle to
Rudi and Isabel’s lives that renews their belief in the spirit of Christmas.

As the weather grows colder, things heat up between Rudi and Eva. But will the magic still be there when they wake on Christmas morning?

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Serenity Woods lives in the sub-tropical Northland of New Zealand with her wonderful husband and gorgeous teenage son. She writes fun, flirty, sweet and sexy contemporary romances. She would much rather immerse herself in reading or writing romance than do the dusting and ironing, which is why it’s not a great idea to pop round if you have any allergies.



Lynn Cahoon
A Tourist Trap Mystery # 3
Released Nov 10th, 2014

The tourist town of South Cove, California, is a lovely place to spend the holidays. But this year, shop owner Jill Gardner discovers there’s no place like home for homicide…

As owner of Coffee, Books, and More, Jill Gardner looks forward to the hustle and bustle of holiday shoppers. But when the mayor ropes her into being liaison for a new work program, ‘tis the season to be wary. Local businesses are afraid the interns will be delinquents, punks, or worse. For Jill, nothing’s worse than
Ted Hendricks—the jerk who runs the program. After a few run-ins, Jill’s ready
to kill the guy. That, however, turns out to be unnecessary when she finds Ted
in his car—dead as a doornail. Detective Greg King assumes it’s a suicide. Jill
thinks it’s murder. And if the holidays weren’t stressful enough, a spoiled
blonde wants to sue the city for breaking her heel. Jill has to act fast to
solve this mess—before the other shoe drops…

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Amazon | Barnes | iBooks | Kobo

Lynn Cahoon is a multi-published author. An Idaho native, her stories focus around the depth and experience of small town life and love. Currently she lives in a small historic town on the banks of the Mississippi where her imagination tends to wander. She
lives with her husband and two fur babies. 


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