Monday, February 29, 2016

Unstoppable by Lynn Crandall (excerpt, review and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Lynn Crandall


GENRE: Paranormal romance



Reeling from Project Powering, the recent battle between the evil Nexus Group and her colony of were-cats, were-lynx Lara Monroe is struggling with not only thwarting the group’s plans to take over the world and eliminate her colony, but also her own traumatic past and aching heart. Through her work as a veterinarian equipped with a special healing touch, she can help animals. Animals she can trust not to tear open her heart. As the colony’s unofficial go-to for help with emotional issues, Lara is eager to use her healing touch to help colony cat Booker Chase process grief and his PTSD. But as the focus of her unrequited love, Booker unknowingly beckons her to ask for more than friendship.

A formidable were-lynx and a physician, Booker nonetheless has his hands full helping patients who were seriously injured in Project Powering. Though his healing touch is powerful in healing physical injuries in his patients, it’s useless to help him heal from the loss of his wife or the retriggered PTSD he incurred while serving in Afghanistan. Now that his good friend Lara is standing by him in his emotional struggles, he is finding there is more to his connection with her than he realized. But dare he open his heart to her?

In the epic conclusion of the Fierce Hearts series, while the colony faces constant threats in attempting to end TNG, will Lara and Booker survive to take their second chance at love?



Each member of the colony had put their lives on the line to protect the city from the ravages of TNG. Each cat used their heightened were-lynx senses—stealth and agility—along with their individual special ability to fight for good. Casey, the leader, could see through objects. His fiancée, Michelle, though a human, was highly sensitive to others’ emotions and was psychic. Conrad had the ability to perceive solutions, whether a problem or directions to a location. His wife, Asia, could read minds and had expanded her skill from reading animal minds to human minds, as well. Casey’s sister, Kennedy, had procedural, photographic memory and was skilled in technology. Lara’s brother and Kennedy’s boyfriend, Asher, could control minds, what he called nudging. Genius Quinn could see parts of things in the context of visualizing a whole. His wife Tizzy could interact with surfaces and gather information through her feet from those surfaces. She also could leap very high and perform athletic stunts. And, like Lara, Booker had special healing power. All of them had used their skills and abilities in the colony’s attempts to thwart the malevolent activities of TNG and protect the humans.

And what had they gotten from those they were protecting? Fear and hostility.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lynn Crandall lives in the Midwest and writes in the company of her cat. She has been a reader and a writer all her life. Her background is in journalism, but whether writing a magazine or newspaper story or creating a romance, she loves the power stories hold to transport, inspire, and uplift. In her romances, she focuses on vulnerable, embraceable characters who don't back down.



The tour dates can be found here


My review: 

3.75 stars
Unstoppable by Lynn Crandall is Book 5 of the ‘Fierce Hearts’ paranormal series.  Lara Monroe, a veterinarian, is part of a colony of were-lynxes, and is trying to survive the society that includes The Nexus Group, TNG, which is determined to control the city.  Booker Chase, an MD, is also part of the colony, and like the rest of them has a special power that he uses to protect the colony and fight against the TNG, but he is unaware that Lara has always loved him and is waiting for him to get past his grief over his recent loss.  The entire colony needs to work together to counteract the monsters being created by the TNG, but there’s no guarantee they will be victorious and the price for success may be more than they can afford to pay.

This story features a class of shapeshifters I haven’t seen often in the paranormal romances I have read, and I enjoyed learning a little more about this class of felines.  The concept of an inimical group exploiting the innate abilities of weres to subjugate them as well as humans is a frightening premise, and the complicated relationship between some of those who have been taken into the colony and their enemies gets a little convoluted.  I suspect that a familiarity with the events that took place in the previous stories would help make things a bit clearer and more enjoyable, especially since this is the book that ties up all of the ongoing threads of the series.  There are very poignant moments as the pain-filled pasts of the main characters are revealed, and exciting fight scenes combined with a relationship that has to overcome both emotional and physical obstacles and I think that fans of shapeshifter tales would enjoy this story, but my advice would be to start with the beginning of the series for true appreciation.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Off the Clock by Roni Loren (review) ADULT title

This is an ADULT title

5 out of 5 stars

Off the Clock by Roni Loren is a contemporary erotic story that centers around Marin Rush, whose experiences during one week while she is an undergraduate student establish a pattern that will shape her future in a way she never imagined.  Dr. Donovan West has always had very definite goals and a single-minded determination to achieve them, but he doesn’t plan for the complications caused by the unforgettable Marin.  They will have to decide if the risk of their relationship is worth derailing all of their goals.  

This author never fails to enmesh me in her sensual and emotional tales that involve characters who creep into my heart and make me care about them.  I love the way each action that potentially could be ridiculed from a distance is perfectly logical as one is caught up in the situation that gradually snowballs until there is a danger of all the blocks tumbling down.  The angst and emotionalism that are hallmarks of these stories are masterfully portrayed, even as the sizzling hot intimate encounters provide more than enough explanation for the searing connection that forms between the lovers.  The remarkable ability to also have secondary characters who are intriguing yet don’t take over the story is also a plus for me, and I would love to see more about Marin’s brother and a couple of the other folks who are encountered in this story.  The bonus short story, "One Night Only", that provides a closer look at a couple of the secondary characters was a wonderful bonus but only whets my appetite for more!

One thing that intrigued me the most about this story was watching the characters mature from college to professionals and the evocation of the insecurity and exploratory attitude that one has at the cusp between student and graduate.  The glimpse of the challenges that hone the main characters gives excellent insight into their personalities and the desperation that shapes them and makes them vivid to me. This is a book that is definitely going on my keeper shelf, since it provides both a wonderfully spicy and emotionally wrenching tale that I will undoubtedly read over and over again.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review, which has been submitted to Night Owl Reviews

Friday, February 26, 2016

SAVED BY A SEAL (boxed set) by Lindsay McKenna, Chris Keniston, and Susan Stoker (TBB, excerpt and GIVEAWAY) TBT

Enter to Win a $10.00 Amazon eGift Card
and Grab a Copy of Saved by a SEAL for ONLY $0.99 

100% of Proceeds going to America's Vet Dogs

3 First-In-Series Novels

NOWHERE TO HIDE by Lindsay McKenna

ALOHA TEXAS by Chris Keniston


Released February 6th, 2016

Three New York Times / USA TODAY Bestselling authors have joined forces to give back to the military veterans who have given so much to their country. Lindsay McKenna, Chris Keniston and Susan Stoker bring you Saved by a SEAL, a first in series box set. Join these authors and their SEAL heroes from the very beginning of their bestselling romance series.

by Lindsay McKenna 
Book 1, Delos Series

Lia Cassidy left the Army scarred physically and emotionally after a vicious attack by two fellow soldiers. She turns to helping others, working at a Delos Home School Charity in Costa Rica that aids abused women and children. But when the deadly drug lord, La Arana, attacks the school, Lia finds herself on the run for her life. The only person she can trust is the ex-SEAL sent to protect her.

Cav Jordan is strong, honorable and gorgeous…and intrigued by Lia. He knows she has suffered pain in her past, and he is determined to break through her barriers and earn her trust. But as Cav slowly chips away at the walls Lia has built, ghosts from her past threaten to destroy their fragile relationship.

by Chris Keniston 
Book 1, Aloha Series

Former navy diver Nicholas Harper likes his new world as captain of a dive boat in Hawaii.

Powerhouse attorney Kara Lynn O'Conner's world revolves around her small Texas town where life is easy and safe.

Six year old Bradley Cooper is about to change everything.

by Susan Stoker 
Book 1, SEAL of Protection Series

Matthew “Wolf” Steel hated flying commercial. Luckily his job as a Navy SEAL meant he didn’t have to do it very often. He’d been unlucky enough to be assigned a middle seat on the cramped jet, but fortunately for him, the woman next to him was willing to switch seats with him. Hoping for a relaxing flight, Wolf was pleasantly surprised at the good conversation and sense of humor the woman had as they flew 36,000 feet over the countryside.

When Caroline boarded the plane to Virginia to move across the country for her new job she never expected to be seated next to the hottest guy she’d ever seen. She also never expected he’d be so easy to talk to. She knew he’d never be interested in talking to her if he hadn’t been trapped in the seat next to her, but it was a nice way to spend a long plane ride.

Neither Wolf nor Caroline were prepared for a terrorist hijacking of their plane, but if Caroline thought that would be the last time she’d see, or need, Wolf, she’d be sorely mistaken.


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America's VetDog's Mission: To help those who have served our country honorably live with dignity and independence.

America’s VetDogs® is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that serves the needs of disabled veterans from all eras who have honorably served our country. VetDogs provides guide dogs for individuals who are blind or have low vision; hearing dogs for those who have lost their hearing later in life; service dogs for those with other physical disabilities; facility dogs as part of the rehabilitation process in military and VA hospitals, and PTSD service dogs to help mitigate the effects of PTSD in an effort to provide the emotional and physical support needed.

In 2013, America's VetDogs (an affiliate of and managed by the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind) became the second assistance dog school (the Guide Dog Foundation is the other) in the United States to be certified by the International Guide Dog Federation and Assistance Dogs International.

For more information about this organization or how to donate go to


Lindsay McKenna lives her life as a risk taker, and it shines through the books she loves to write: romance, adventure and suspense. She started writing at age thirteen and continues to hone her writing skills to this day. She sold her first romance novel in 1981. The rest is history.

Because she went into the military, this experience became the backbone of her writing—she is credited with writing the first military romance novel (Captive of Fate, 1983, Silhouette Special Edition) and has created a thriving sub-genre within the romance field! As a New York Times Best Selling author, she has sold 23 million books and in 32 foreign languages in her career thus far. Her many experiences in the U.S. Navy are backdrop for her understanding of the military in general, and also her very successful Morgan’s Mercenaries, which is an ongoing series in Silhouette to this day! Forty-five books strong!

Lindsay has gone Indie in 2015 and has created a new family saga on par with Morgan’s Mercenaries It is known as the Delos Series. There will be paperback and eBooks created under Blue Turtle Publishing, her company for her fans. Readers who love Morgan and his family are bound to fall in love with the Culver family. Delos is romantic suspense, which Lindsay is well known for. It took her five years to create and bring DELOS to her readers. It was worth the wait, but we’ll let you decide that.

Lindsay loves to hear from her readers and loves to know what they’d like to see her write next. Stay up with the latest on the Delos Series here. Please visit her Website and be sure to sign up for her free quarterly newsletter. It contains exclusive content found nowhere else on the Net. Plus, giveaways and other surprises, to her loyal and faithful subscribers!

A native New Yorker, Chris Keniston was on her way to Australia when she fell in love with North Texas. Little did she know the balmy seventy-degree October days would turn into fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk heat in August!

Twenty years later, she started scribbling short stories about her favorite TV shows, giving them lives more to her liking - and the elusive happy ending. Not long after, a dear friend dragged her to a local writers’ meeting. After winning multiple writing contests and making the finals in the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious Golden Heart contest, she now spends her days, and nights, writing contemporary romantic fiction with lots of emotion, plenty of surprises, and, of course, the happily ever after.

Chris lives in suburban Dallas with her husband, two human children, and two canine children. Though she loves her puppies equally, she admits being especially attached to her German Shepherd rescue named Gunny. After all, even dogs deserve a happily ever after.

New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Texas where she lives, but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Indiana. She's married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.
She debuted her first series in 2014 and quickly followed that up with the SEAL of Protection series, which solidified her love of writing and creating stories readers can get lost in.

Fun Fact about Saved by a SEAL Boxed Set

Fabio, darling model of the romance covers during the 1980’s and 1990’s, before he retired, showed up on a total of 460 romance covers in our romance industry! An amazing amount!

In 2016 a very popular cover model is Jason Baca from Saratoga California, just broke Fabio’s long-standing record.  On 2.10.16, the San Francisco Chronicle did an article on how Jason is now THE top romance cover model in our Romance Industry! 

Jason has done 461 romance covers--breaking Fabio's record. Why should I care, you ask? Guess whose cover is number 461? That's right. Saved by a SEAL is the cover that broke Fabio's record! 

The authors of Saved by a SEAL, Lindsay McKenna, Chris Keniston and Susan Stoker, sure hope this sells more books for the Disabled Vets ! - It's rather cool that a charity anthology broke Fabio's record!


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fatal Impulse by Lori L. Robinett (spotlight, excerpt, review and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Lori L. Robinett


GENRE: Mystery (Cozy)



Did Andi Adams murder her husband?

Andi is married to a handsome, charismatic man. He’s a successful pillar of their cozy island community. She's a beautiful young wife devoted to him. From the outside, their life appears perfect.

But on the inside, she is constantly on edge, trying to keep him happy so she won’t suffer scathing words that hurt just as much as the occasional sharp blow from him.

Then she snaps. His abuse pushes her too far. In the blink of an eye, she becomes a widow and finds herself inextricably entwined in the web of lies he wove in the months before his death. Her small town neighbors whisper behind her back, as if the sensational death of her husband is the subject of a pulp novel. When a blackmailer threatens to expose her as a murderer, she must piece together her husband’s life to find the key to her own freedom.

Fatal Impulse is the first in an intriguing new mystery series, where each widow faces challenges that threaten to destroy her just as she begins to find her strength.




The telephone on the nightstand jangled and demanded her attention.


“I know what you did.”

"Who is this?" Her nerves tingled. “What do you want?”

"I want those documents." He breathed heavily into the phone. "You thought they were worth killing for and I have no problem doing whatever I have to do to get you out of the way. I'll be in touch.”

The phone went dead and she dropped onto the bed, her mouth hanging open. What the heck? That made no sense at all.

Martha hollered from across the hall, "Who was that?"

Andi blinked and stared at the phone. "I don't know."

"Do you need help picking out something?"

"No. No, I'm fine. I'll do it." Someone's idea of a bad joke?

She shook her head and turned to the dresser to open his valet box. He would want to be buried with his diamond cufflinks, even though no one would see them. Two rough pink and green rocks sat next to his cufflinks in a little velvet lined compartment. She frowned. Seemed like an odd thing for him to keep there. She scooped up the diamonds and clipped them to his dress shirt. She opened his top dresser drawer to get a monogrammed handkerchief for the suit pocket, then slammed the drawer shut, a bit harder than she intended. Something rattled. She frowned, opened the drawer again and rummaged through the contents. In the back of the drawer, tucked under the lining, she found a small brown envelope. She squeezed it open and a key on a beaded chain dropped into her palm.

What could it possibly open?

Buy Links:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lori lives in rural central Missouri with her husband and daughter. One very spoiled Miniature Schnauzer and Miniature Beagle allow Lori and her husband to live in their house, and the outside is patrolled by BK (short for Barn Kitty) and Patches (a sweet tom cat stray that missed his calling as a lap cat). She can often be found bouncing through rough gravel roads in her lifted yellow Jeep named Daisy.


The tour dates can be found here


My review:

3.5 out of 5 stars

Fatal Impulse by Lori L. Robinett is the first book in the ‘Widow’s Web’ series and follows an abused wife who has to live with her spur-of-the-moment action that both frees her and yet constrains her life even more.  The stress of dealing with an investigation into her husband’s death and dealing with multiple threats to her own safety is almost balanced by finding someone who is the opposite of her former husband, but she may not live long enough to truly appreciate her new widow’s status if someone actually follows through on the threats she is receiving.

One can’t help but ache at the situation this woman finds herself in over the course of this contemporary mystery but she is also frustratingly obtuse.  The author does a nice job of eliciting sympathy for the newly-minted widow and gives the reader a horrifying view of the hell she has been through but many of the subsequent events are pretty predictable and make one want to shake the poor heroine to get her to wake up.  This is a sometimes sad portrait of how pervasive abuse can be, to the extent that a battered person can’t function well professionally or personally, and I was dismayed that one bad decision after another characterized her life.  There are a couple of nice twists to the story and I was very surprised by a couple of events at the very end so one should beware that a definite suspension of disbelief will be needed to enjoy this story that reminds us of how quickly life can change because of one impulsive act.

A copy of this title was provided to me for review

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Georgie by Cherrie Mack (VBB, excerpt and GIVEAWAY) ADULT title GFT


by Cherrie Mack
is an ADULT title


GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance



Georgie Randall runs from town to town to escape her past. When she settles in Amityville, Long Island, she vows to be happy alone. But when the boss’ handsome son throws her kinky switch on, there’s no turning it back off.



Mr. Calvert raised one eyebrow. “Hello there. Georgie, is it?” He held out his hand to her in greeting.

“Yes. Georgina, but everyone calls me Georgie.”

“Uh huh.” His insipid style matched his boorish behavior.

Adam excused himself to the men’s room, leaving her alone with him. Feeling repelled by his presence, Georgie shook it off and offered a fake smile while struggling to make conversation.

“So, Mr. Calvert, how do you like Tampa? Have you visited anything in particular?” She winced when he turned and took her hand in his. He kissed her palm. It was a wet, sloppy, and somewhat vulgar gesture. She pulled her hand away and discreetly wiped it on her sweater. He ignored her question and asked one of his own.

“What do you do, Georgie?”

“I’m a paralegal for Tate and Bloom.”

His leer was quite obvious, making her uncomfortable.

“Very nice,” he growled.

Georgie glanced down, making sure her sweater was closed, and sat on a recently vacated barstool. She was served her usual Diet Coke with a lemon slice, fingering the glass with nervous energy and smirking at Calvert while she searched for Adam through the crowd. Sipping her drink like a medicinal drug to treat the ill-at-ease feeling in her stomach, she tried hard to ignore the lecherous stare from which she shied away.

When Adam returned, he placed his hand on her back and gently rubbed in a circular motion. This was his signature be-supportive request.

“Shall we get a table?” he asked. All her focus would be centered on Adam as she settled in for what looked to be a very long night.

Hours later, Georgie tried hard not to be completely repulsed by the drunken behavior of Joseph Calvert. His leering, when Adam’s attention was diverted, was causing her major anxiety and pulling her back into a past she wanted to forget. The situation was all too familiar. But Georgie reminded herself that she wasn’t drinking, and even if she was, Adam loved her.

Joseph Calvert, with a slight slur, announced he would buy one last drink and call it a night. A feeling of relief swept over her, but the prickly bumps on her skin reminded her she wasn’t out of the bar and away from Calvert just yet. Adam offered to retrieve the drinks from the bar, leaving her alone with Calvert. He leaned over and grabbed her hand again.

“Where did you say you went to college?”

Amazon buy link


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Cherrie Mack is a multi-published romance author who grew up in Flushing Queens NY, the youngest child of six. The city’s diversity gave her a great appreciation for many different cultures and lifestyles. After love finally claimed the girl from the city and dragged her to the suburban madness of Long Island, she settled into a quiet life with her new husband. Two children and one mini-van later, the family found themselves moving towards the sunny skies of Florida where they currently reside.

Cherrie is happiest sitting behind a keyboard doing the one thing she loves most—writing. However, when she isn’t writing, she is struggling to man her website, promote her books, keep up with social media and run a household. She loves to hang out with her 12 and 10 year old kids and spend time with her smart, sexy, fun loving husband. She struggles to master the art of meditation but with so many people living inside her head, demanding a story of their own, the task is daunting. She takes time to relax by playing with her best friends–Bailey and Simba.

Cherrie continues to flourish, writing contemporary erotic romance, romantic comedy, urban fantasy, paranormal romance and her latest venture into sci-fi. Her ability to cross genre’s fuels her imagination and gives her the desire to continue to push her boundaries and branch out as a writer. Although she hasn’t settled into any given sub-genre, she is confident her ability will lead her down the right path.

A member of Romance Writers of America, Cherrie is slowly spreading her wings as a romance author. Look for her books at all digital bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Bookstrand, ITunes, Nook, Kobo and many more.

Ready, Set, Blog
Author Facebook page
Amazon author page



The tour dates can be found here

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chaotic War by Lia Davis (spotlight, excerpt and GIVEAWAY)


Calling all fans of dragons AND Greek Gods. You do NOT want to miss Chaotic War, Sons of War book 3, by Lia Davis.  Lia gives you sexy dragons and Greek Gods in a sexy and thrilling story that you simply must read.


While Zavier Sullivan may be the calm, reserved brother, his dragon is not. Especially since the beautiful, unorganized demi-goddess, Danielle Roberts—a.k.a Elle—moved into the mansion and into his life. She disturbs his OCD and makes him yearn for things he shouldn’t, but he can’t stay away from her. Nor can he deny her anything. Including his blood.

Ever since arriving at the home of the Sons of War, Elle has been plagued with dreams of the past and future. The visions are taking a toll, causing her debilitating headaches and ruining her sleep, but she doesn’t know what it all means. Her mother, Nyx, the Goddess of Night, has never bothered to show up and explain things to her. Until she arrives and unlocks Elle's powers, promptly transforming her into a half-daimon, half-goddess. Now, Zavier may be her only hope of holding onto her humanity, but can she bond with him after everything she’s seen? Especially in the midst of everything the Sons and their mates are going through.


Elle’s breathing came quicker a moment before she jerked awake, sitting straight up beside him. She glanced around as if dazed. After a few moments, she glanced to him and frowned. “How long was I asleep?”

“Not long. Maybe twenty minutes.”

After scrubbing a hand down her face, she stood and walked to her side of the room. He let out a sigh at her attempt to put space between them. There was no amount of space that could stop him from smelling her, sensing her strength and passion for painting. He was betting she’d had another dream. What worried him was that he couldn’t tell how bad it was because she’d shut him out emotionally.

“I’m going upstairs to talk with Drake and Seth. I think I found Rayna.” He waited for her response, which was immediate.

“Really? That’s great.” She spoke through the curtain. Her silhouette moved toward the table, and a few moments later, she picked up her paint palette and a paintbrush.

“Did you need me to bring you anything?” he stood and moved to the door.

She sighed. “No. Just need some time alone.”

He almost argued that she spent too much time alone, not eating like she should and not sleeping. But he let it go, for the moment anyway. However, his dragon wasn’t going to wait much longer before the beast insisted they claim her.

But he couldn’t do that. Not yet.

Without another word, he forced himself to leave her and crossed the basement to the stairs. He’d work in Markus’s study for the rest of the afternoon so he wouldn’t be tempted to drag Elle up to bed. They’d only end up arguing. Elle clung to her independence like a security blanket. Every time he tried to help her, she got mad and they ended up in a fight.

How in Hades was he supposed to woo her into a mating?

Once on the first floor, he sent a telepathic request to Drake and Seth to meet him in the study. He wasn’t surprised that the males were already there. What did shock him was Seth’s hair standing on end. When Seth glanced up at him, Zavier narrowed his gaze. The male had dark circles under his eyes. Eyes that held his dragon in them. “You all right?”

A low growl rumbled from Seth, then he cursed and threaded his hands through his hair, fisting handfuls along the way. “No.” He stilled and cocked his head as he stared at Zavier. “You found her.”

Holding up a hand, Zavier said, “Possibly. What’s wrong with you?”

Seth was the playful one. Next to Zavier, the male was the calmest of the five of them. However, in that moment, he made Ty seem like the gentle dragon. Power fueled by his emotions swirled in the room and thickened the air around him. Seth got up from his seat at the small, round table next to the window and advanced toward him. “Give me the address. I have to go to her now. Before it’s too late.”

Zavier stood his ground. He didn’t like to be ordered around. And he typically liked to avoid conflict, but Seth clearly needed—or wanted—an ass kicking. “It might not be her. Then what? We waste time chasing a ghost?”

“Show. Me. The. Address.” Seth growled out each word, his eyes going complete dragon.

Snarling back, Zavier stepped forward, only to have Drake step between them and grab the front of Seth’s shirt. “Get your shit together. Don’t let your dragon think for you. It’s a lonely life having to hide from others because you let your dragon rule your emotions.”

Seth stared at Drake, blinked once, and then focused on Zavier. “Fuck.” He stepped back with his hands raised. He dropped his shoulders and paced the room, his body still tense and a little twitchy.

Glancing at Drake, Zavier raised a brow. That was the most the male had spoken at one time while not actively searching for Garrick. Drake especially didn’t talk about his past. Ever.

Available at:

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About Lia Davis

In 2008, Lia Davis ventured into the world of writing and publishing and never looked back. She has published more than twenty books, including the bestselling A Tiger’s Claim, book one in her fan favorite Ashwood Falls series. Her novels feature compassionate yet strong alpha heroes who know how to please their women and her leading ladies are each strong in their own way. No matter what obstacle she throws at them, they come out better in the end. While writing was initially a way escape from real world drama, Lia now makes her living creating worlds filled with magic, mystery, romance, and adventure so that others can leave real life behind for a few hours at a time.
Lia’s favorite things are spending time with family, traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, nature and hanging out with her kitties. . She and her family live in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers, but it’s her home and she loves it! Sign up for her newsletter, become a member of her fan club, and follow her on Twitter @NovelsByLia.

Connect with Lia:
 Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Authorgraph  | Amazon Author Page



Other titles in this series: