Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Psychic Readings Done Here by Tanille Edwards (VBB, excerpt and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Tanille Edwards
This title is available for FREE for a very limited time.

GENRE:  New Adult Fiction, Romance



Three young girls go to a psychic after pooling their allowance money together. It’s been thirteen years and none of the prediction have come true until today. They face turbulent times in their lives that will make them stronger and bring them back together. The power of true, unceasing friendship and love conquers all. And the help of a psychic along the way doesn’t hurt. 

The predictions a psychic made thirteen years ago bring three young women at the height of the most critical moments in their lives back together. Through their friendship, these young women learn about love, life, and cherishing what matters most.


Vanessa is sitting in a restaurant with Melanie, a woman in her early twenties with curly, dark hair.

“So anyway,” Melanie says. She is wearing chic business attire and diamond-studded hoop earrings. “He stopped by my cubicle this morning and asked me if I wanted to go with him to a party on Thursday. I told him, calmly, that I have to check my schedule.”

“Oh yeah,” Vanessa says. “That was a good response.”

“So what’s going on in married land?”

“Nothing much.”

“Are you sure? You’re kind of quiet,” Melanie says.

“Well, something strange happened last night,” Vanessa says.

“Like what?”

“When I was putting away the clothes, I saw a note on Peter's tablet. There was a woman's name and phone number on it. And today's date was in tiny print in the corner.”

“Did you ask him about it?” Melanie asks.

“No, I mean, I figured it could belong to a classmate or something.”

“Girl, you should’ve asked about it,” Melanie says.

“Then I woke up in the middle of the night and he was gone. And so was his cell phone.”

“And you didn't ask him about that either?”

Vanessa clasps her wedding rings. “Well, we're married, and I trust him.”

“Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself? I think...”

“What really bothered me was that we had plans for dinner tonight. And when I reminded him this morning, he said he had a study group meeting tonight.”

“What?” Melanie says. “Did he just pull a study group out of his pocket? Since when does he have a ‘study group’?”

“That's what I said. Sort of. I asked what the study group was for.”


“He said it was for some big legal case study for one of his classes,” Vanessa says.

“Did he mention this case before?”

“No! I know you don't really care for Peter, but I need some advice. I'm starting to get suspicious. I mean, I do trust him. But something isn't adding up.”

“All right,” Melanie says. “I have a suggestion. Please just listen to it. I think that you should follow him tonight. See...”

Vanessa yells. “Whaaat! Are you serious? I need real advice, not advice on how to spy on my husband.”

Several restaurant patrons turn around to look at them.

Melanie whispers under her breath. “If he’s cheating, then?”

“He’s not cheating,” Vanessa whispers back.

“Then what are you suspicious of?”

“I don’t know.”

“Girl, if you want the truth you have to find it out firsthand.”

“What do you mean?” She stops for a moment. “You know what, this is absurd,” Vanessa says.

“Peter is not going to tell you the real deal. If he's at a study group, fine. But if he's not, you need to know.”

“I feel so wrong. How dare I follow my husband?”

“I hope we are wrong. I’ll tell you this: You better start wondering how he dare hold a phone conversation in the middle of the night, in your apartment, running up your cell phone bill.”

“I don’t know.”

The waiter comes over.

“You don’t share the bills, Vanessa.”

“How is everything, ladies?”

“Fine. Can we get the check, please?” Melanie asks.

“Yes,” the waiter responds.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tanille is the co-author and creator of the children's green book series Jordan &Justine's Weekend Adventures. She is also the author of the new media young adult novels with music Cameo by Tanille, and Broken by Tanille.

The Undercover Starlet Journal is a title Tanille created to inspire young women and has extended Undercover Starlet into brand extensions that appear throughout her novels.

Tanille has been writing music and books since age 16. She earned an MBA at 21 and graduated magna cum laude.

Readers of her latest young adult romance novel Broken by Tanille get free music downloads of her new Pop R&B hits "All of Me," "Feel It," "Baby Comeback to Me," "It's Not Okay," and "What's a Girl to Do" all written, performed and co-produced by Tanille.

The Undercover Starlet Reading Project is a new project we've launched, tasked with inspiring young teens in urban communities to reads and express themselves. We are committed to going above and beyond to reach youth with inspiring messages.


Buy Cameo by Tanille on Amazon
Buy Broken on Amazon 


The tour dates can be found here



  1. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

    1. Sorry, Mai, I don't think the author had time to come by and visit. I suspect that many factors play into the schedule, including whether a deadline is looming or not! Thanks for coming by!

  2. Sounds like a great review. Do you enjoy researching?

    1. Hopefully the author will get a chance to answer your question, Debby. Thanks for popping in!

  3. sounds great! thanks for the giveaway too!!

    1. Glad you think so, Danie! Thanks for the visit!

  4. Thank you so much for the giveaway and all the work put into it.

    1. I love giveaways, don't you? Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Great excerpt, I'm looking forward to reading this one :)

    1. Happy you like it, Victoria. Great to see you!

  6. Where is your favorite reading spot?

    1. I know you're not asking me, Becky...but it's either in the bed or in the bathroom where there is fantastic light!

  7. Replies
    1. Happy you think so, Rita. Thanks for dropping in!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks for coming by and reading it, Mary.

  9. Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity to win

    1. Good luck, James! Thanks for dropping by.

  10. Happy Thursday and hope it's a great one for you. Thanks for the giveaway and opportunity to win.

  11. Congrats on the new book and good luck on the book tour!

  12. I enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like such an interesting and intriguing read. Looking forward to checking out this book.

  13. Love what you're doing here guys, keep it up!..
    John Ryan

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