Friday, March 31, 2017

Demon Cursed by Karilyn Bentley (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Karilyn Bentley


GENRE:   urban fantasy



Gin Crawford, the world's newest demon huntress, just wants to enjoy a football game, but finds herself hunting a serial killer minion instead. When his victims turn out to be the local football star’s female fans, she must determine if the player has joined forces with the minion, but her efforts lead her deeper into danger. When her mentor, Aidan Smythe, is attacked, Gin resolves to go to any lengths to save him, even if it exposes her most tightly held secret. Minions and demons, however, aren't the only terrors she faces. Will she realize the greatest danger lies within—before it's too late?



Finally. I can relax, push the night’s activity out of my head, and go to sleep. Plenty of time to track down the minion tomorrow.

I step into my room, close the door, and flip on the light. And come to a heart-pounding stop. Sweat shimmies down my spine. A sinking heaviness settles in my lower belly.

Zagan, the demon of lies and deceit, sprawls on my bed, jean-clad legs crossed at the ankles, head resting on his hands, his biceps bunching in a mouth-watering manner. A tight, white t-shirt frames his muscular chest and abs, pulls tight around his arms. Hot as hell and just as freaking scary.

Instead of turning into a sword and showing the demon who’s boss, my stupid justitia jitters the happy-happy joy-joy dance on my wrist. The malfunctioning bracelet considers Zagan a friend.

And what does my esteemed employer, the Agency, have to say about that? My favorite line:
justitias don’t have friends.

Uh-huh. Tell that to my bracelet.

Soulless black eyes twinkle as he stretches out a hand toward me. “Hello, Gin.”

My name rolls off his tongue in that ancient Middle Eastern accent of his, and it’s not a shiver of fear skating across my skin. Damn it.

I ignore his hand. Last time I touched him skin-on skin my brain almost hemorrhaged. “What are you doing in my room, Zagan?”

“Why this”—he waves his hand between us—“animosity? Can friends not sit around and talk?”

“Sure. But we’re not friends.”

He drops his hand and pushes to a sit. “Nonsense. I help you. You help me. That is the human definition of friendship, yes?”

“Not exactly.” I refuse to debate the intricacies of friendship with one of Hell’s denizens.

Buy Links:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Karilyn Bentley's love of reading stories and preference of sitting in front of a computer at home instead of in a cube, drove her to pen her own works, blending fantasy and romance mixed with a touch of funny.

Her paranormal romance novella, Werewolves in London, placed in the Got Wolf contest and started her writing career as an author of sexy heroes and lush fantasy worlds.

Karilyn lives in Colorado with her own hunky hero, a crazy dog nicknamed The Kraken, a silly puppy, and a handful of colorful saltwater fish.

Where to find Karilyn:


The tour dates can be found here

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Lady Unveiled ~ The Cuckold Conspiracy by Beverley Oakley (Spotilight, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

(Final in the Daughters of Sin series, book 5)
by Beverley Oakley


GENRE: Historical Romantic Suspense (Regency)



Four very different sisters compete for love during an exciting London season: a celebrated actress with a heart of gold, a shy yet daring wallflower, and the artistic, illegitimate daughter of a nobleman.

Caught up in a high-stakes game of intrigue and deceit orchestrated by their sister, the ton's reigning beauty, each must play their part to bring a dangerous traitor to justice while finding a man deserving of their love and special talents.

The gentlemen of the ton are about to discover a woman made just for them.

If you enjoy Delilah Marvelle and Liz Carlyle, you'll love Daughters of Sin, a series that combines sensuous Regency romance with lashings of mystery and intrigue.


Exclusive Excerpt:

Kitty stared through a chink in the curtain at the three of them sitting in the cramped parlor: her elder sister, Lissa, together with Lissa’s faithful beau, Ralph. And there between them was her beautiful half-sister, Araminta, whose showy presence in this run-down hovel was so utterly unexpected.

She was horrified and fascinated in equal measure. Why had Ralph been so blunt about plotting against Araminta’s husband?

Ralph poured Araminta another brandy and pushed the glass across the table. “Debenham never professed to like me.” He leaned back and studied Araminta’s tense, mutinous face. “I sometimes wonder why he keeps employing me other than that he’s too lazy to find someone else to keep his affairs in order. I assure you that with regard to his financial matters I am entirely honest. But, by all means, tell him I have the letter and plan to use it against him, if you wish, Lady Debenham.” He raised his hands, palm upwards. “My belief, however, is that an outcome more conducive to your future security and happiness can be achieved through you joining your efforts with ours.”

Araminta’s shoulders dropped. She looked aghast, just as Lissa did, and Kitty felt.

Ralph put his head on one side. “Am I to infer that you want that letter so urgently now because you plan to use it as insurance against what you fear your husband might find out about you, Lady Debenham?”

Araminta did not react with the outrage Kitty had expected. After taking a deep breath, knocking back the brandy in one mouthful, she clasped her hands together and began calmly, “Debenham told me in idle conversation of a little matter he’d heard about… that he is fact, investigating which, he believes, could be of financial benefit to him since he knows that to reveal the truth would ruin…someone’s reputation.” Her mouth trembled and Kitty could see the sheen of sweat on her brow from her hiding place just a few feet away as Araminta went on, “Every hint he dropped suggested the person in question could be me. You’re in a position to discover what I need to know, Mr Tunley. You shall be well rewarded if you can tell me exactly who my husband is investigating and what he knows.”

Ralph betrayed no surprise though Kitty was astonished that Araminta would be so forthcoming. Still, if she wanted Ralph’s help, Kitty supposed she’d need to tell him this, and more.

Rising, Ralph began to pace, his brow creased in thought. “You’ve given me very little go to on, Lady Debenham, other than that you believe your reputation is in danger. You’ve also said nothing to my earlier suggestion.”

“What!? That I betray my husband on the promise of safeguards to ensure that I am not ruined in consequence?” Araminta looked perplexed. “Are you more than just my husband’s lowly secretary? This investigation… Are you involved, personally? You’ve intimated as much, yet you live here? Why should I believe your grandiose claims?” She was gaining confidence as she spoke, as if a plan was slowly forming in her mind. Kitty could read the signs. Araminta had always been devious. Suddenly she was afraid for Ralph.

Yet Ralph just lounged by the fireplace, watching her with interest as she went on, “I could tell Debenham you’re plotting against him and he would do his worst.” She smiled her calculating smile and added, “But if you help me, I won’t.”

“Oh, so you’re blackmailing me now, are you Lady Debenham?”

“Of course not! I’m just suggesting to you what you suggested to me earlier, but using different words.”

“Don’t be puerile, Araminta,” Lissa bristled. “You are threatening Ralph, if I ever heard it, yet Ralph is the only one who can help you, which is why you came here tonight.”

Araminta looked at her, outraged, then burst into tears. “Don’t be angry. I’m not blackmailing anyone. I’m just terrified of what Debenham will do to me…”

“Do you mean, if he uncovers the truth about you, Araminta?” Lissa supplied. Her nose twitched as if she’d suddenly come in contact with something very unpleasant. “And what, exactly, might the truth be?

And you can buy Lady Unveiled~The Cuckold Conspiracy here:


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

About Beverley Oakley
Beverley was seventeen when she bundled up her first 500+ page romance and sent it to a publisher. Rejection followed swiftly. Drowning one’s heroine on the last page, she was informed, was not in line with the expectations of romance readers.

So Beverley became a journalist.

After a whirlwind romance with a handsome Norwegian bush pilot she met in Botswana, Beverley discovered her “Happy Ever After”, saved her heroine from drowning in her next manuscript and had her first Regency romance published in 2009.

Since then, she’s written more than fifteen sizzling historical romances laced with mystery, intrigue and suspense under the name Beverley Oakley.

She also writes psychological historicals, and Colonial-Africa-set romantic suspense, as Beverley Eikli.

With an inspiring view of a Gothic nineteenth-century insane asylum across the road, Beverley lives north of Melbourne with her gorgeous husband, two lovely daughters and rambunctious Rhodesian Ridgeback, Mombo, named after the Okavango Delta safari lodge where she and her husband met.

She loves it when readers get in touch, and you can find out more on her website:

Or catch up with her here:

Twitter: @BeverleyOakley



The tour dates can be found here

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Purr M for Murder by T.C. Lotempio (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by T.C. Lotempio


GENRE:  Cozy Mystery



Sydney McCall left behind an ex-fiancé and a New York advertising job to return home to Deer Park, North Carolina and help her sister, Kat, run the local animal shelter, Friendly Paws. Determined to save the shelter from financial trouble, Sydney and Kat organize a cat café fundraising event at a local coffee shop. Things are looking up until their landlord, Trowbridge Littleton, threatens to shut down the event. When Sydney drops by his art gallery to make peace, she finds Kat--along with Littleton's dead body.

Local homicide detective Will Worthington--who just happens to be Sydney's old high school crush--is highly suspicious of the sisters' involvement. Desperate to clear their names from the suspect list, Sydney pounces on the investigation. With the help of one of the shelter cats, a savvy orange tabby named Toby, Sydney begins poking her nose into other local businesses whose owners may have benefited from Littleton's death--until the killer notices she's pawing a little too closely at the truth.


Will glanced up.  “Pretty observant of you, Syd. The ME will determine the cause of death.”  He tapped on his notebook with the edge of his pen.   “Why don’t you walk me through what happened.  How did the two of you come to be in Littleton’s shop so early?”

“We had something we wanted to discuss with Mr. Littleton, and we thought the earlier the better,” I said.

“I see.  And just what was the nature of this discussion?”

I shifted my weight to my other foot. “Friendly Paws has teamed with Dayna’s Treats & Sweets for a cat café event to benefit the shelter. For a nominal fee, people can have their coffee and goodies in a room with shelter cats that are available for adoption.”

Will glanced up, and I could see a light of interest in his eyes. “I’ve heard of those cafes. They’re mostly in Europe.”

“There are a few in the States, big cities mostly.  This will be the first event of it’s kind  in North Carolina. We’re hoping to increase revenue for both the café and the shelter.”

 “Let me guess. That idea didn’t sit well with Littleton?”

Kat and I both shook our heads in unison and Kat exclaimed, “I should say not! He was in the shop yesterday, and he made his feelings pretty darn clear.  He thought having the cats around would be detrimental to business. Heck, he thinks-thought-the shelter in general was a detriment to the town.”

“A sentiment you two didn’t agree with,” he said slowly.

“I should say not!” Kat returned, her cheeks starting to flame.  “Syd and I tried to reason with him yesterday but he dind’t want to hear it.”

“And that’s why you decided to come here this morning?”

I nodded. “Yes.  I put together a pretty good argument of pros for the event.  I was hoping to appeal to his sense of business acumen.”

“Why did you feel this was necessary? Had he threatened you?”

“Not in so many words,” I said carefully. “But he did say yesterday that he was determined to put a stop to the proceedings, and we hadn’t heard the last from him.”

“Um-hm.” Will murmured, scribbling some more.

“And Leila Addams – do you remember her, Will?  She’s a reporter for the Deer Park Herald now,” Kat chimed in.  “Leila said that she thought Littleton was inquiring about starting a petition against showing the shelter cats – and the shelter in general.”

Will made another notation in his book. “So when was the last time you saw Littleton?”

 “Yesterday around one-thirty.” I cleared my throat.  “If that’s all the questions you have, we need to get going.”

  He snapped his notebook shut.  “You’re free to go for now,” he said, “but I will probably need to talk to you some more later on.”

“That’s fine,” I said.  “We’ll be here.”

The corners of Will’s lips twitched slightly. “Good to know.” 

Once we were back out on the street, Kat hauled off and punched  me in the arm – hard.

“Yow!” I cried. “What was that for?”

“For thinking that you could come here and face Littleton without me, for one,” Kat said.  “I knew you had your fingers crossed last night.”

I rubbed at my arm. “Can’t put anything over on you, can I?”

 She gave me a shrewd look.  “So, how did it feel, seeing Will Worthington again after all these years!  I heard he was back in town, but I had no idea he’d become a detective – homicide, no less.”  She cut me a sidelong glance. “Funny, isn’t it, how you two came back to Deer Park almost at the same time.  Like Karma, or something.”

 “Well, I’d rather deal with Will than his partner, Colombo Junior,” I said. “Come on, let’s get my car and get to the shelter. I hope Maggie isn’t too worried.”

We walked through the alleyway and when we were almost at  the spot where I’d parked, I suddenly stopped short.  “Hey,” Kat cried as she ran full tilt into my back. “What’s wrong?”

I pointed to the empty space beside my car. “There was a white Lincoln there when I came, parked pretty badly.  The license plate read TLITTLE.  I thought for sure it was Littleton’s car, but if it’s gone…”

“A white Lincoln?  That’s his wife Petra’s car,” Kat said.  She glanced around, then pointed to the gym. “She must have parked it here instead of the gym parking lot, like she usually does. I wonder why.”

Another disturbing thought occurred to me as I slid behind the wheel.  It would have been impossible for Littleton’s wife not to have seen the ambulance and police cars parked in front of her husband’s shop.  Why hadn’t she come to see what was wrong?

Unless, of course…she didn’t have to. Because she already knew.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

While Toni Lotempio does not commit – or solve – murders in real life, she has no trouble doing it on paper. Her lifelong love of mysteries began early on when she was introduced to her first Nancy Drew mystery at age 10 – The Secret in the Old Attic.  She (and ROCCO, albeit he’s uncredited) pen the Nick and Nora mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime – the first volume, MEOW IF ITS MURDER, debuted Dec. 2, 2014. Followed by #2, CLAWS FOR ALARM. #3, CRIME AND CATNIP, was out this December. She, Rocco and Maxx make their home in Clifton, New Jersey, just twenty minutes from the Big Apple – New York. Catch up with them at and

Where to find them:





Monday, March 27, 2017

Cloak and Mirrors by p.m. terrell (VBT, guest post, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

It is my pleasure to share a guest post by author p.m. terrell, who shares fantastic information for authors...

ELF: What do you do to mentor others?

pmt: When I began my career in fiction writing, I was surprised at the lack of support I received from the writing community. When I came across successful authors and asked them for tips or advice on breaking into the industry, not a single one wanted to share their knowledge. When I attempted to participate in book events like those in Charlottesville, Virginia or Nashville, Tennessee I was informed that I was not invited, and even attempting to join organizations such as Mystery Writers of America, I was told I did not qualify.

All of these experiences led me to make a promise to myself: that when I became a successful author, I would assist other writers of all levels—from beginner through advanced. I began by co-founding The Book ‘Em Foundation and then helping to establish annual Book ‘Em Writers Conferences and Book Fairs in Virginia, New Hampshire and North Carolina. I chaired Book ‘Em North Carolina for the first five years and have recently turned over the event to Robeson Community College in Lumberton, North Carolina. I worked with authors from New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors (some had made the list sixty times over) as well as traditionally published authors with smaller publishing houses and even with self-published authors. I wanted to remove the barriers that I had encountered.

I also began mentoring authors nearly twenty years ago and this past year I started The Novel Business for more advanced writers who are expected to participate in marketing and promotional efforts. Each week I publish a video and documentation to help authors with everything from responding to negative reviews, using blogs as a hub for social networking, creating book trailers at no cost, creating landing pages and much, much more.

As I have become more successful, doors have opened for me, particularly with the longevity I have in this business now. I not only learn from my own experiences but have positioned myself so that I can witness and learn from others’ successes and failures. The publishing industry is changing at breakneck speed after dragging their heels into new technology, and those technological advances are transforming almost everything—from the publishers to production to distribution and marketing.

So if you have a question about the industry, please leave it below, and I’ll be happy to answer it!



Cloak and Mirrors
by P.M. Terrell


GENRE:   Suspense



CIA operatives Vicki Boyd and Dylan Maguire are back in the 6th book of the award-winning Black Swamp Mysteries Series. Vicki and Dylan journey to Ireland for their honeymoon and while they are there, they agree to pick up a package from a Russian spy containing plans for Russia's latest stealth technology. But when the Russian decides to defect, they find themselves trying to get him safely out of the country. They also discover the Kremlin has uncovered their identities and now Vicki and Dylan flee across the island. With breathtaking descriptions of Ireland's rugged coast and the Northern Lights, romance and suspense come together again.



The winds whistled and swirled in the frosty night like a chorus of apparitions dancing and bobbing, leaving soft whispers against Dylan’s ear, enticing, cajoling, flirtatious and deadly. Ah, but they could drive a man insane on a night like this, he thought, pulling his collar tighter about his ears. He wore an Irish tweed cap and still the winds licked at his hair like fingers running through it, soothing, insistent and treacherous.

The horse’s mane was grasped as well by the same invisible force, the long strands stretched as though they were being combed by an otherworldly creature that would not let go. They were nervous tonight and he imagined given their heads, they would turn about and leave the eerie foothills of the Blue Stack Mountains. He kept a firm hold on Dougal’s reigns as the horse snorted, the sound unnaturally shrill.

He could read a horse like he could read a man’s face, and tonight it didn’t bode well. Dougal’s ears were stiff and pitched forward, a sign of unease for sure, and every now and again they twitched and trembled as his haunches dipped low. Dylan peered through the shadows at the other horses, both as spirited as his; and yet their tails were clamped low, their voices constant.

In contrast, the men were hushed as they had been since leaving the manor house, the silence broken only intermittently as Jack announced a change in direction or a distant landmark for which he was aiming. Even then, his statements were terse as if he was reluctant to speak in the eerie terrain.

The ground beneath the horses’ hooves was uneven and unpredictable. As the night sky began to brighten with the first vestiges of the aurora borealis, he began to see why their progress had slowed since entering the mountain range; the horses had to pick their way around craggy rocks, the tall grasses obscuring whether the land was firm or soft until their hooves either landed on solid ground or they felt the disconcerting descent into boggy earth.

He inched the horse forward until it was nearly even with Jack. He rode a silver mare with a jet black mane and tail, a beautiful animal to be sure and under the stars her coat was mesmerizing as if it was aglow.

“Are you certain this is the way to Innisbarracar?” Dylan asked.

Jack glanced in Alexei’s direction before shifting his attention to Dylan. “You said you needed weapons, did you not?”


“Then we’d be taking a bit of a diversion.” He pointed at the mountain’s highest peak.

“Innisbarracar would be on the other side through the pass. We’ll be headin’ in that direction—” he pointed slightly to the left of the mountain “—where we’ll be arming ourselves first.”


They rode for a few minutes in silence before Dylan asked, “And what type of weapons would you be havin’ there?”

Jack looked at him out of the corner of his eye. “Whatever kind you’d be needin’.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

p.m.terrell is the pen name for Patricia McClelland Terrell, the award-winning, internationally acclaimed author of more than 20 books in several genres, including suspense, historical and non-fiction. Prior to becoming a writer, she owned two computer companies in the Washington, DC with a specialty in combatting computer crime. Her clients included the CIA, Secret Service and Department of Defense. Technology is often woven through her suspense thrillers. Terrell is of Irish descent, and Ireland often figures prominently in her books as well. She has been a full-time author since 2002 and currently travels between her home in North Carolina and Northern Ireland, the home of her ancestors. She is also the founder of Book ‘Em North Carolina’sWriters Conference and Book Fair and The Novel Business.



The tour dates can be found here

Saturday, March 25, 2017

California Readin' and Romance Slam Jam 2017

This was a busy week for authors and readers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area!

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet with authors A.M. Griffin and Eve Vaughn (and unfortunately learned I am not keeping up with what is going on at the Beverly Center--there are NO eating places there right now!)

(ADULT titles)


Then I attended California Readin' and had the chance to sit at a table with authors Nancy Sartor and Susan Mac Nicol

Both of these wonderful ladies traveled a considerable distance to attend this conference (Susan is from the U.K. and Nancy is from Tennessee)


I was able to get a few pictures of several authors but sadly I didn't win one of the fabulous baskets that were raffled off. Thanks to the effervescent Barbara Vey, this was a fantastic way for authors and readers to interact! I think there were a few hiccups that will undoubtedly be worked out the next time, and if you ever have the chance to attend one of these, do your best to come...they are loads of fun!

Susan Mac Nicol

Nancy Sartor

Robyn Carr

Tanya Stowe

                               Carol Ericson and Tessa McFionn                                


Louisa Bacio

JoAnn Ross