Saturday, March 25, 2017

California Readin' and Romance Slam Jam 2017

This was a busy week for authors and readers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area!

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet with authors A.M. Griffin and Eve Vaughn (and unfortunately learned I am not keeping up with what is going on at the Beverly Center--there are NO eating places there right now!)

(ADULT titles)


Then I attended California Readin' and had the chance to sit at a table with authors Nancy Sartor and Susan Mac Nicol

Both of these wonderful ladies traveled a considerable distance to attend this conference (Susan is from the U.K. and Nancy is from Tennessee)


I was able to get a few pictures of several authors but sadly I didn't win one of the fabulous baskets that were raffled off. Thanks to the effervescent Barbara Vey, this was a fantastic way for authors and readers to interact! I think there were a few hiccups that will undoubtedly be worked out the next time, and if you ever have the chance to attend one of these, do your best to come...they are loads of fun!

Susan Mac Nicol

Nancy Sartor

Robyn Carr

Tanya Stowe

                               Carol Ericson and Tessa McFionn                                


Louisa Bacio

JoAnn Ross    



  1. Awesome! It looks like you had a good time and have had a very busy weekend. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. Those are GREAT!!

  2. So good to meet you at this amazing event. I hope more groups will adopt the "readers first" idea for signings. Barbara McVey is changing the author-signing world one conference at a time.

  3. Such a fun event! Glad you could make it.
