Saturday, May 12, 2018

Saturday Seven--Animal series I've enjoyed

Early Happy Mother's Day 
(to all of you who nurture--whether your "children" can talk to you in words or not!)

Sadly, this will be the last Saturday Seven organized by Long and Short Reviews, but it's been a fun way to discover other blogs and I thank them for such a great opportunity!

I started thinking about those of us who are or have been "parents" to furred or feathered or scaled "offspring" and decided I would feature series I have enjoyed that featured animals. I was surprised to realize how many of my favorite cozy mystery series featured multiple cats!


Mrs. Murphy Mystery series by Rita Mae Brown...the three animals arguing always cracked me up...from the chunky sidekick kitty whose name escapes me (something with a P?) to the stubborn Corgi (Tee).


The Cat Who series by Lilian Jackson Braun featuring Koko and Yum Yum, the two delightfully spoiled Siamese and their human, mustachioed Jim Qwilleran.


Midnight Louie mysteries by Carole Nelson Douglas...feline noir mysteries set in Vegas, a color for each letter of the alphabet, and the heroine has these snazzy cat stilettoes!


Joe Grey Mystery series by Shirley Rousseau Murphy features not only the sleuthing cats Joe Grey, Dulcie and the kitten who joins them later, but the cats are fully capable of calling in tips to help law enforcement solve their cases. The series got more and more mystical and this is one of the few sets of books that I paid attention to the covers, as the primitiveness of the drawings appealed to me.


Redwall series by Brian Jacques


Albert Payson Terhune penned a delightful series about Collies. I'm pretty sure this is why I REALLY wanted a Collie when I was young (of course, I wanted ANY kind of animal, lol)


The horse stories by Marguerite Henry. I still have never ridden a horse, but I was fascinated by the idea after reading "Black Beauty" by Anna Sewell and these stories about horses on an island appealed to my imagination.

What were/are some of your favorite animal stories?

Please visit Long and Short Reviews to find the links to other participants.


  1. I already know the Rita Mae Brown and Lillian Jackson Braun series. Definitely have to check out Shirley Rousseau Murphy!

    BTW my Saturday Seven is here:

  2. It's been so fun following your posts over the last few months, Elf. I've added your blog to my RSS feed, so you'll still see comments from me here occasionally.

    Black Beauty is one of the best animal books of all time. I also love "The Velveteen Rabbit."

    My Saturday Seven post:

  3. I just picked up a series by Sophie Ryan that involves cats, dogs and mysteries. Looks good. Haven't had a chance to read it yet. I will. ;)
    Here's the link to my post:
