B&B Billionaire Romance Series
(Book 1)
(Book 1)
Madison Michael
ADULT title
Madison Michael
ADULT title

“Inside or out?”
The maître’d and Grant were
both looking at Stevie expectantly. Usually assertive, she demurred to Grant.
“You know the place better; you choose.”
“If you would like the
patio, Dr. Harris,” the host suggested in a heavily accented voice, “I have a
lovely corner table.”
The couple acquiesced and
were seated in the back corner of the enclosed patio. The music was fainter,
but still audible accompanied by the tinkling sound of a fountain. Stevie
glanced across the patio. There were about eight tables outdoors, all for parties
of two. High bushes of hibiscus and roses bursting with blooms surrounded the
patio. The fragrance was wonderful, the table incredibly intimate.
“You like it?” Grant asked
with a hint of uncertainty.
“I love it.”
“Wait until you taste the
food,” he promised, his confidence restored.
They hid behind tall menus,
selecting dishes to share along with a carafe of sangria. After giving their
order to the server they were finally alone.
“It’s beautiful here,”
Stevie breathed. “Thank you for suggesting it.”
“Now that I finally have
you alone,” Grant teased only to be interrupted by the server arriving to pour
their drinks. “So much for my sinister plans.”
“Do you have sinister
plans?” Stevie queried in a low, husky voice.
“Do you want me to?”
“No answering a question
with a question,” Stevie responded. She watched conflicting emotions waver
across Grant’s face and waited quietly. She would not give him an out. She had
learned from business that silence was a powerful tool.
“Yes, in fact, Stevie. I
have very sinister plans.”
The words were out,
electric between them like a live thing. Stevie sucked in a breath, surprised
by how quickly and matter of factly Grant had stated his desires. She reached
her foot forward under the table closing the few inches that separated them.
She rubbed her foot slowly up his leg, allowing her movements to acknowledge
what she failed to say with her lips.
“Have I shocked you?”
“I guess that depends on
just how sinister you can be. Mostly you have pleased me,” Stevie admitted. No
shy wallflower, she gave Grant a bold smile and placed her hand in his. “I’m
looking forward to finding out.”
Grant pressed a soft kiss
on the back of her hand then released her as course after course of Latin
inspired small plates arrived. For the next hour they spoke of the food, the
atmosphere, the music, everything but each other and what lay ahead. After
assuring that he ordered something to satisfy Stevie’s sweet tooth, Grant
requested the check. When it arrived, Grant automatically reached for it and
Stevie reveled in the moment. Too often she was the one who paid for the date.
Not tonight.
“We could go dancing?”
Grant asked. “Perhaps a salsa club in keeping with our theme?” Stevie believed
he was just making a polite offer but couldn’t quite tell.
“Are you a good dancer?”
“Not on a dance floor.”
Grant offered her a wicked smile and reached to help her from the chair. “But
in a bedroom…”
“Am I?”
“Shall we find out?”
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