p. 195 “His girl, he thought as hands and lips began to stroke the first embers of passion. His strong, complicated, and resilient girl. He loved every corner of her mind, her heart, even when she maddened him. There was nothing he wanted or treasured more truly, nothing he had craved or dreamed of in those dark, often desperate years of youth that was as rich or powerful as what she’d given him.
He’d believed in love despite the lack of it in those early years, or perhaps because of the lack. But it had taken her to show him what love meant, what it gifted, what it cost, what it risked.”
Sigh...these two people have been honed by the crucibles of their traumatic backgrounds but they have found each other. Who could ask for anything more? Well, his propensity to own the world and her ability to cut through bull-s**t doesn't hurt either, lol.
I love the creativity that is present in this series and can instantly be drawn into this world. I am constantly laughing or sighing at the imagery created...Eve's new coat is a source of instant lust for several people in this book and who wouldn't want Roarke choosing one's outfit for the night? Okay, enough gushing...go enjoy the book! My review on Amazon is at this link under ELF2060. I am always appreciative of a 'yes this was helpful' vote.
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