I have the pleasure of hosting Kimberly Quinton today. She is sharing her thoughts as well as an excerpt of her new release Hero Worship
Here's Kimberly...
What makes you so special?
by Kimberly Quinton
First let me say Hi! Thanks for hosting me today! Briefly, my love of romance started early and has been my number one love in reading since I was fourteen. Before that, I read everything paranormal I could get my hands on. And that meant a lot of horror thrillers like Stephen King and Dean Koontz. Between the books, television and movies my imagination stayed on overdrive and colored every memory I made growing up, so much so that I remember more about what wasn’t real than what was.
I’ve had a consistent fantasy most of my life—from elementary school and wanting to be invisible to reading little-known paranormal teen novels that I stumbled upon in the forgotten section of the library (this was way before YA became a thing.) through King, Koontz to Brooks and into romance—I want a superpower. I dreamt of it often, made up elaborate fantasies about being psychic or being able to astral project, about finding a twin that activated a special power and then about finding a boyfriend with powers. As you can see by the excerpt from Hero Worship, I haven’t outgrown the fantasy but now I write them down and try to turn them into a book.
Stick me in the paranormal/sci-fi section of a bookstore and I am a happy camper for hours and will leave with an armload and an empty wallet. I’ve discovered what it is about this type of fiction that appeals to me so much—the mystery of it all. Whether in a romance, a sci-fi or fantasy epic, urban fantasy, or horror; A good story makes you think you have the usual characters figured out, but then you find out they have this one thing that makes them special or unique and they will never be ordinary in your view again. Instant character fascination and I want to know more and see what the character does with his or her gift.
What draws you to paranormal or science fiction stories?
I’ve had a consistent fantasy most of my life—from elementary school and wanting to be invisible to reading little-known paranormal teen novels that I stumbled upon in the forgotten section of the library (this was way before YA became a thing.) through King, Koontz to Brooks and into romance—I want a superpower. I dreamt of it often, made up elaborate fantasies about being psychic or being able to astral project, about finding a twin that activated a special power and then about finding a boyfriend with powers. As you can see by the excerpt from Hero Worship, I haven’t outgrown the fantasy but now I write them down and try to turn them into a book.
Stick me in the paranormal/sci-fi section of a bookstore and I am a happy camper for hours and will leave with an armload and an empty wallet. I’ve discovered what it is about this type of fiction that appeals to me so much—the mystery of it all. Whether in a romance, a sci-fi or fantasy epic, urban fantasy, or horror; A good story makes you think you have the usual characters figured out, but then you find out they have this one thing that makes them special or unique and they will never be ordinary in your view again. Instant character fascination and I want to know more and see what the character does with his or her gift.
What draws you to paranormal or science fiction stories?
Hero Worship
By Kimberly Quinton
An Old Threat Returns….
After twenty years confinement on an island for crimes against
humanity, the last thing disgraced H.E.R.O. Cole wants to hear is the world
needs him. But the government’s sexy envoy peaks his interest and his honor.
Enhanced human and the government’s top negotiator, Caroline
Sparks’ only mission is to bring in the last H.E.R.O. at any cost. When he asks
for two months with her on his island when the mission is over, she can’t
refuse even if it means exposing a secret he might kill her over.
Battle to save the world….
With disaster looming at every turn, Cole must choose between
vengeance and duty. Can Caroline embrace her latent power and save her hero or
will saving the world cost them both everything?
Official Release Day~ February 21, 2014
Super Hero Romance
29k words, heat level: 3 flames
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princess, I don’t have a knight-in-shining-armor side. You need to get around
to my real side.”
teeth clicked together at princess; her tongue barely escaped the sharp
edges before she forced another breath through her nose.
what side would that be? Your, I-want-my-own-island-and-the-rest-of-
the-world-can-rot, side? Or how about your, I-need-a-new-woman-every-couple-
weeks, side? Which one of those should I appeal to?”
voice sounded strange to her ears, thick with frustration and on the brink of
screeching. I never raise my voice. Pursing her lips against the
tremble, she gripped the edge of her seat, doing her best to ignore his wide
smirk. She needed this conversation under her control.
leaned back and tilted his head to look beneath the table, eyeing her legs. She
stiffened but didn’t move further at his perusal of her from head to chest and
back. A negotiator couldn’t be easily offended.
my I-need-a-new-woman-every-couple-weeks, side. You could be that woman.”
Incredulity tightened her throat and her words sputtered out in a breathy puff.
“Are you insane?”
on who you ask.” He winked; a suggestive tilt broadened his smile.
way in hell. She
squashed the butterflies that flapped in her belly, determined to ignore the
temptation of his sun-kissed shoulders and golden abs, each muscle defined like
a sculpted masterpiece. A perfect Hero. Physically. Too bad, of all the Heroes,
only he remained.
cleared her throat. “I’m here to negotiate your chance at freedom, not feed
your lascivious appetites.”
Tell the AG the offer is rejected.”
of lives are at risk. We can’t combat a cyborg army under the control of a
terrorist on our own.”
my problem.”
“You used to be a hero. Now you’re heartless and cruel—pathetic.”
searched his face for a reaction, anything to tell her she’d gotten to him. He
gave nothing but a shrug under a steady gaze. Her insults seemed to roll right
off him.
brethren would be ashamed.”
flash of violence passed through his eyes as he thrust forward, shoulders
raised, in a shift from nonchalant to coiled aggression, ready to strike at the
next provocation. Here was the vengeance that cost a dozen citizens their lives
and damages in the billions to government assets. She struggled not to react,
but anger surged inside her, smothering her self-protective instincts.
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About the Author:
Whether she’s writing contemporary or
paranormal romance, Kimberly Quinton is a romantic at heart who strives to tell
stories about the power of true love.
Since a teen, she’s
loved romances and believes we can all live our happily-ever-after. Always a
people watcher, it wasn’t until Kimberly shucked her Accounting major for
Anthropology that her interest in people and cultures was nurtured.
Kimberly has combined her natural curiosity (nosiness) with her love of romance
for the sake of bringing the movies in her head to life on the page.
A wife
and mother of two, Kimberly spends her days chasing chores, wrangling
active kids, and writing. She also enjoys traveling, cooking, great wine and
sharing a laugh with friends and family.
You can usually find
her on Facebook or Twitter. Stop by for a chat.
Contact Details:
Email: kim@kimberlyquinton.com
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You and I started out reading much of the same type of books. The very first book I read for my own pleasure was Cujo by Stephen King. I read a lot of his books after than as well as Dean Koontz and didn't read a romance book until my mom brought over a book of them for me to read when I was in my 20's. I love paranormal books now, they are my first choice when reading.
ReplyDeleteHI Mary!
DeleteI still have binges where I re-read my favorites from then. I can't wait to introduce them to my kids but that's a few years away. I love that paranormal romance has so much to offer now! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Mary, thanks for visiting! I started with Westerns and animal stories but eventually expanded, lol.
ReplyDeleteMy 9yo started with animal stories and true facts kind of books but has graduated to all things Tolkien. I'm gifting him a copy of the Sword of Shannara beginning trilogy this summer. M-G fantasy that's appropriate for his age but as exciting as he wants is hard to find when he loves Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and Harry Potter of course. He doesn't want to read something that is to "kid-ish", LOL
DeleteWow, that brings back memories. That's tough...it's been awhile since I read them but you might want to skim through Anne McCaffrey's fire-lizard books or Mercedes Lackey's Joust series and see if they would be appropriate...I love Tamora Pierce but her Alanna series does have the heroine maturing through the books and I don't remember everything that the heroes get up to in Michael Sullivan's Riyria series but maybe for future reference. Thanks for visiting Kimberly and good luck with the release, it sounds like an interesting story!
DeleteI have always liked stories that involve witchcraft, I'm finding I like other paranormal books now. I enjoy all type of romance.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I like the lighter and more humorous witchcraft stories but I have found some others that I have enjoyed. I definitely do like my paranormal romance tales, though. Thanks for visiting, Crystal!