Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Releasing Rage by Cynthia Sax (ADULT title) Pre-release informatiom

Releasing in August!  Another exciting erotic series by Cynthia Sax...The first in the Cyborg Sizzle series!

 Releasing Rage

ADULT title


Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge? 

R-Rated Excerpt

“I serve you. You’re my cyborg.”

“I’m your master.” His eyes glowed with pride and passion. “You belong to me, are mine to do with as I will.”

“Yes, sir.” She couldn’t form a longer reply. Her breasts were alive with his touch, his nanocybotics working her like a thousand tiny tongues, concentrated where his mouth engulfed her skin. Her pussy warmed with the friction of his palm.

“Right now, I wish to repair your damage.” He laved her breasts with his tongue, covering her with his unique form of care, spreading his seduction across her entire chest, and she writhed against him, fighting her release, wishing to delay this delicious torture.

“I want my female in prime condition when I breed with her.” Rage pushed two of his large fingers inside her.

She whimpered, the fit tight, stretching her.

“You’ll take me, little engineer.” He spread his fingers, increasing the pressure. “Not today. You haven’t yet earned that reward.” He pumped her, his rhythm fast, hard, squeezing the breath from her chest. “But soon. I’ll fill your snug human pussy with my cyborg cum.”

“Yes, sir.” Joan wiggled, impaled on his fingers.

“I’ll breed with you whenever, wherever, however, I desire.” His lips moved against her as he thrust his fingers between her pussy lips, filling her again and again. “And you’ll deny me nothing because you serve me.”

“I serve you, sir.” Let me come, she wanted to beg yet didn’t dare. He was in control, would give her relief when, if he wished.

“When I tire of you, when you no longer satisfy my needs—”

She shook with want and need and an endless yearning. “You’ll kill me, sir.” Saying the words gave her some power and she wasn’t scared of death, only of not finding release.

“Yes.” He drove into her pussy with his fingers and nipped her breast with his lip-covered teeth.

She screamed, bearing down on his hand, taking him deeper inside her. Her inner walls constricted around him, as though trying to make their bond permanent.

His mouth tugged and pulled at her nipple, extending her orgasm until she had nothing left, sagging against him.

Rage drew her upward with one arm, this demonstration of his strength impressing her. “My female.” He licked the scratch on her face. His nanocybotics warmed her skin as they repaired her damage. His fingers remained inside her.

From the Author

This is dark SciFi erotic romance. If you're sensitive to violence (of ANY kind), please read one of my lighter SciFi erotic romances.

Releasing Rage IS a romance and has the expected romance ending.

There will be at least five stories in the Cyborg Sizzle series.

 Releasing Rage
Being Green (this is a short story with Green as the hero and will be in a yet-to-be named anthology)
Breathing Vapor (Vapor's story - he's one of the new K model cyborgs and had been assigned to Rage's battle station)
Crash And Burn (Crash's story)
Minding Gap (Gap's story)

I expect Intrepid, Vector and many of the other cyborgs will have stories also.

To be notified of when stories release and to hear insider information about the cyborg's world, sign up for my newsletter

If you ever have any questions (about the science behind the story, any of the characters, the future of cyborgs, anything), send me an email and I'll happily answer them. 
Cynthia's blog is Taste of Cyn 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Glimmer by Beth Kery (review) ADULT title

Fair warning...
For some reason, I didn't book tours this week...which is good and bad...bad, because I have no giveaways to offer, but good because I am not frantically trying to get things posted.  I will try to put in some of my reviews from the past few weeks and some of my musings...but, if you are looking for the tours, they will be back AFTER the 4th of July.  Have a lovely holiday weekend!

4 out of 5 stars

ADULT title
Glimmer by Beth Kery is the first book in the ‘Glimmer and Glow’ series and introduces MBA graduate Alice Reed, who has managed to obtain a position at a unique training camp that could be the key to securing her future. Her intense attraction to Dylan Fall, the CEO of the company that runs the camp, is inexplicably reciprocated, and their heated affair elicits multiple complications, including the issues from her past that threaten their future together. Dylan’s quest to help her become all that she can be, in and out of the bedroom, has frightening implications and Alice must decide whether the price to fully accept everything that is being offered to her is too high to pay.

This intensely erotic contemporary story has both eerie elements and a tantalizing mystery that combine in a mesmerizing story. The gradual flowering of the relationship between the suave, rich, self-assured, and somewhat kinky CEO and the naive, newly-minted graduate is a vaguely familiar theme but the mysterious twists in the story and the incandescent intimate encounters described remind one of the author’s dexterity at creating a sizzling and intriguing tale. I was a bit uncomfortable at some of the revelations that teeter on the bounds of unethical behavior, given the inequity of knowledge, but I can’t deny that I was drawn into the spell of the story. The pragmatic explanation for the almost paranormal occurrences is a nice twist, but I wasn’t quite ready for the story to end where it did and I am anxious to read the next in the series.  

© Night Owl Reviews 

I received a copy of this title in return for an honest review.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Queen's Guard: Rose by Traci E. Hall (review)

4 out  of 5 stars

The Queen's Guard: Rose by Traci E. Hall is part of ‘The Queen’s Guard’ series about a group of women who protect Queen Eleanor, who is also Duchess of Aquitaine. This particular story focuses on Lady Mamille de Rou (Mamie), one of the remaining bodyguards, who accompanies her liege on her quest to the Holy Land, despite many setbacks and the loss of her fellow bodyguards. Mamie is known as Rose in the queen’s bouquet of guards, and is adept at using both her warrior skills and her feminine wiles, but she is strangely attracted to the Templar Knight Dominus, and tempts him despite the strictures that forbid any relationship. Each of them must comply with their primary mission directives, but the swirling currents of political maneuverings and danger that overshadow the quest may bring about more than just their personal downfall if they cannot protect their respective charges, it may unbalance the fragile political accord and shift the balance of power with fatal consequences.

This medieval historical romance provides an intriguing portrait of an atypical and powerful woman at the heart of many of the political maneuverings of the time. The vivid descriptions of the machinations of various powerful figures are both enlightening and somewhat dismaying as they show how often the heart and political expediency are in opposition. The author does a wonderful job of evoking the difficulties of the journey, the constant fear of betrayal and chess game of manipulation, and the wonder of women who are just as loyal and adept at protecting their charge as their male counterparts. I am not an ardent fan of history, but these stories have a way of capturing one’s interests and investing one with a desire to see the characters succeed, although there are definitely both highs and lows of the journeys described. This is a story of both a foreign place and time that affected the balance of power in this part of the world and it was fascinating to get a glimpse of some of the players involved. An entertaining read for fans of history and the Crusades who like strong proactive women who are not afraid to fight for what they believe in.

© Night Owl Reviews 

I received a copy of this title in return for an honest review.


The other titles in this series are:



 The Queen's Guard: Violet
My review is at this link

The Queen's Guard: Peony
My review is at this link


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Various things...

Reposting this, in case you missed it...

The Assassin's Lover (The Elven Lords) is Released--$175 in Prizes up for Grabs, By Kathryne Kennedy

ENTER TO WIN $100, $50 OR $25 IN BLOG

Just copy and paste this entire announcement
onto your blog, then send an email to
kathryne@kathrynekennedy.com with the url to
your post. You can also earn additional entries
by: SHARING this on Facebook, by TWEETING
the url:
www.kathrynekennedy.com/TALBlogBlast.html ,
by DOWNLOADING the book and forwarding
the receipt. Be sure to include the number of
entries in the subject line of your email. Only
one entry per site or share. Prize is in the form
of an Amazon gift card. Three winners will
randomly be chosen, the most site entries
chosen first for the grand prize.

Download the novelette
for 99 cents at:


Until Jak meets his new mark. Since his job as
an assassin for the Rebellion results in saving
the lives of hundreds of Englishmen, Jak has
never had a problem fulfilling his orders. But
then he meets Minerva Overon, and she has
such an unusual request that he soon finds
himself more involved with the woman than he
wants to admit.

Because of her special magical gift, Minerva
knows that when Jak crawls through her
window, he is there to kill her. She is ready and
waiting for him, determined not to die a virgin.
But she harbors many secrets, and it takes Jak
several revelations before he figures out the
real truth.

A winner will be randomly chosen using
RANDOM.ORG. Your information will be kept
confidential. Contest ends June 30, 2015.
Winner will be notified via email provided. If
winner does not respond within seven
business days, a new winner will be chosen.
We are not responsible for any misdirection of
email. Rules are subject to change for any
reason without prior notification. Void where
prohibited by law. You must be 18 years or
older to enter. No prize substitution permitted.
Odds of winning are determined by number of
entrants. This contest is subject to all country,
federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
You accept all terms and conditions by
entering into the contest.



Time is running out for the Heatwave Giveaway Hop  (link), don't forget to visit all of the other participants as well!

Stanalei Fletcher is offering a print copy of her romantic suspense novel Proving Ground on Goodreads at this link.  This would be a good time to read it, as the sequel should be out in just a few months!



And...I got my PinchMe box!  If you haven't joined, leave me a message, I will be happy to refer you...and you can get started receiving great samples as well.  I was thrilled to get samples of Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Skin Therapy Lotion Aloe, Gold Bond Ultimate Skin Therapy Cream, Strength & Resilience, a sample of Fisher Nut Exactly Snack Bites (almond popcorn dipped in milk chocolate), Kraft Parmesan Grated Cheese, Italian, and Olay Fresh Outlast Cooling White Strawberry & Mint Body Wash
(which I have to admit is for sending to my soldiers, since I am sensitive to most body washes).


I got my sample from Smiley360 (again, leave me a message with your e-address in the comments if you want to sign up and I will be happy to refer you).  I have a sample of Nexium 24HR Capsules to try for my acid reflux!

Friday, June 26, 2015

A Fool for Love by Susan Lute (VBB, excerpt, and GIVEAWAY) GFT

by Susan Lute



When a gypsy caravan-style truck breaks down at Martha's curbside, the last thing Zach Barret needs is an impulsive pixie rocking his boat. The more determined he is to stay away from the free-spirited, green-eyed nomad, the more he finds one kiss is not enough. Uncovering Alice York's secrets in paintings of empty swings and merry-go-rounds puts a new priority in the top spot on his short list. But can he convince this stunning woman to park her truck permanently in his drive?



Zach turned his attention to Alice. Unfortunately he hadn't put his best foot forward when he'd first encountered the foxy owner of the Ford. “Where were you headed when your fuel pump gave out?”

“Longview, Washington. Got a job there.”

“What kind of job, if you don't mind me asking?”

“I don't mind.” She nestled her chin in the palm of her hand, the sparkle in her eyes snapping with wry humor. “I work on classic cars.”

Remembering his first sight of her, he asked, “You're a mechanic?”

“Does that surprise you?”

The subtle scent of vanilla coming from her side of the table sent rational thought on a long hike in the opposite direction from practical reason. It was a good thing he was a grown man who had the power to stand up to steamy distractions.

“No.” The stranger his granddad and Lucy had invited to stay in their basement, who said she slept in her truck when it broke down, could be anything from a burglar to a most wanted criminal. 

Stunning green eyes studied him. The punch to his gut wasn't that unpleasant.

Everything about the woman, the cut of her short, wispy, strawberry-blonde hair, the flowery dress that snuggled close to curves he couldn't help noticing, the energetic wave of slender hands when she talked with Lucy, all suggested an impulsive pixie who liked rocking the boat. He didn't like his boat rocked.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Susan is an award winning, multi-published traditional and Indie author. Her debut novel, Oops...We're Married? was a Reader’s Choice nominee and Holt Medallion Finalist. She describes herself first and foremost as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, dreamer, and novelist. An ardent student of human nature who loves ancient history and myth, she didn't grow up planning to be a writer. That didn’t come until much later, after her first publication – a little known article for Listen Magazine titled, Jessie’s Choice.

Other things you should know: Susan is the oldest child of a military family. She’s traveled to many places over the years, but has never been to Ireland, Paris, or Crete, an omission she hopes to someday correct. Her favorite places in the world are New York City, Sedona (Arizona), Ouray (Colorado), and Bath (England). And she believes the best things in life come in unexpected packages. She writes whenever she can. In between she works as a Registered Nurse, reads, gardens, takes lots of photos, travels whenever the opportunity arises, and remodels her house. She LOVES dragons. Currently she’s working on the next novel in her Dragonkind Chronicles, and dreaming up a new contemporary romance.



Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Funny Fruit by Grant and Gary Reed (VBT, guest post and GIVEAWAY) GFT

I have the pleasure of a guest post by Grant T. Reed as he answers the following question:

What do you think is the strongest attraction about the genre(s) you like to write in?

GTR:  Hi, and thanks for having me on your site today!

First off, I have always been attracted to the Fantasy genre as a reader. I loved being taken away to new worlds with dark and scary secrets around every corner. Of course the mythical creatures, dragons, ogres, trolls, goblins, evil wizards, gnomes etc have always made these worlds all the more richer (and scarier). The world just seems a grittier and tougher place to live in those settings, and this has always been something that has intrigued/attracted me.

As a writer, I started developing stories in the genre that I loved to read. It came naturally and just felt like a good fit. I also started writing when I was in my teens, so my own life experience was limited at the time. There was no way I could write a detective novel about a New York cop etc, so Fantasy it was!

As I have worked on my novels over the years and completed six of them – all in the same world, I also discovered a great bonus perk to writing in the fantasy genre, and more particularly about shaping my own world. It was just that – MY WORLD. If I wanted T.V in this type of setting, why couldn’t I have it? After all, the world is full of magic, and hey haven’t gypsies been using crystal balls forever? Voila, Global view (G.V.) was born!

I once had a test reader tell me, you may want to change this in your setting because paper wasn’t invented until blah blah blah….(Something like that anyway). I just smiled and kept the story the way I wanted to tell it. For the most part I do like to keep most of my characters' inventions in line with the 1800’s discoveries (our time), but when you throw magic and science into the mix along with a few genius characters, anything is possible! To name a few oddities you will find in my stories, I have G.V units on the go, time traveling devices, an automated robot, and magically cooled ice boxes!


Funny Fruit

by Grant and Gary Reed



After ninety years of warring, exploring, and saving the realm, brothers Yarl and Fonn, must take up the title of Master again. If they don’t, someone else will surely steal all the fame, glory, and fertile women. How will they ever train new apprentices, save the kingdom, and still find time to fit in that extra order of chicken wings? Make no mistake, the old Masters have a lot to pass on and only a short timeframe to do it.

Will young Garrett flourish as an apprentice Sworvei? Can his partner Azilda master the ‘Nesting Nightingale’? And who in hell invited the ogres?

Join this rag-tag group of ‘Protectors of the Realm’ to see if they can pull off the biggest upset of the Continental Games, by saving young King Renli from the clutches of the evil First General.



“His name is James Lacie. Once he was one of the top alchemists in Cassadia. He was highly sought after for his many time-saving inventions and numerous elixirs. At any given time his shop carried wart remover, air fresheners, love potions, and something closer to that which you seek.”

Miss Mia turned back to her mirror and dabbed at her rosy cheeks again, humming to herself. Milo reached to his belt and produced a small leather bag. Opening the pouch he emptied it into the palm of his left hand. A pair of opal earrings spilled forth. “Closer to that which I seek, you say?” he inquired.

“Yes, a chemical fruit that when eaten would unknowingly render the eater susceptible to suggestion. A great party favourite a few years back. The unsuspecting victim would eat the fruit and was then told to cluck like a chicken or act like a coconut. Its effects would sometimes last the duration of a good party.”

“Yes, the gag would be much funnier if the victim was unsuspecting,” mused Milo. “Tell me, where can I find this James Lacie’s shop?”

“He no longer has one,” replied Mia. “It had something to do with a potion mix up. The king’s cousin ended up falling in love with a sheep, as I recall. The royal family was not impressed, and you know how the Chronicle can be when it gets its hands on what it deems to be a front page story. Ruined the man’s career, or so I’m told. Anyway Mr. Lacie has been on the lam ever since.”

Buy on Amazon


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Grant Reed has a background in business management, computer programming, and computer networking. He would much rather be out fishing though, so he spends his time writing and exploring the lakes in his back yard of Canada. He lives in Lively Ontario, Canada with his wife Robin, and their two children Aidan and Megan.

Gary Reed, his wife Kerry and their two children, Hannah and Kailey also live in Lively Ontario, Canada. And yes, he spends his time exploring the countryside too. Photography, fishing, and playing with his girls are amongst his interests.




Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here