I have the pleasure of having a guest post by talented and prolific author Cathy Clamp, who shares her journey...
Author Journey
Cathy Clamp
My journey to the release of Forbidden, which is my 20th novel since I started, is somewhat odd. So it makes sense to tell you a little about it.
Back in the mid-1990s, I was working at a law office in Denver, Colorado. A temp employee started working there and we became friends. Cie Adams was a writer. She had been writing novels and stories her whole life. While I did a lot of writing for the law firm, I’d never thought about writing fiction (or anything else for pay.) But the more we talked, the more I realized it might be fun. I actually started in magazine articles. My first article was a retelling of a funny camping trip I took with my husband. I read up about query letters and figured out what it needed to say. I sold the story after a few tries and started busily writing other articles and sold more of them. Fiction wasn’t on my radar for another year, but once the bug bit me, I started spending all my nights and weekends writing my first novel. It was a fan fiction novel in the X-Files universe.
At the time, Cie was writing a novel about shapeshifters who lived in Boulder, Colorado—just north of Denver. It was a very fun world, and I asked if I could create some characters in the world. She let me build a story in another city and I submitted it to an electronic publisher (remember this was the 1990s, when epubs were in infancy!) An editor loved the story, but wanted it to be a book. Except it wasn’t a book. It was a short story. When she said she would buy it if it was a book, I was sold! It took some months to come up with more of a plot, and a few rewrites to get it to where the editor loved it. But she did and the publisher agreed to publish it.
Fast forward a few months. The publisher closed shop after only editing 7 chapters! Talk about my heart stopping! Fortunately, my editor came to the rescue and called some friends and talked up the book. Another publisher agreed to look and eventually offered a contract. And then folded! Good grief! The book was cursed! Publisher #3 came to the rescue. We got all the way through edits and had a cover and then . . . you guessed it, rumors of closing started to rumble through emails. But the publisher swore they would stay open and get the book to the virtual shelf.
At about the same time, while I’m getting all excited to have a real book in my hands (and inbox), Cie and I went to a book signing for our favorite author, Laurell K. Hamilton. While we sat on the floor in line waiting for the author to arrive, we chatted with the person next to us. We told her all about the book we’d written and that it would be published soon. She asked if we could print out a copy of the manuscript so she could read it. We said “Sure!” and sent it the next day, by mail.
Fast forward a few months. The rumbles at the publisher were growing and making us nervous, but we kept getting assurances everything was fine. One morning, I opened my email and found an email from Laurell Hamilton! Eep! Turns out that the charming woman in line next to us was Laurell’s personal assistant, and had insisted her boss read the book that she’d fallen in love with. Laurell proceeded to tell us that she loved the book too, but thought it needed some serious editing and we really needed to get the book to a bigger publisher. So, she “hoped we didn’t mind that she sent the book to her agent to read.” (!!!) Um . . .wow! Sure!
Fast forward a few weeks. I get a phone call from a real New York agent, who also loved the book but wasn’t sure why she had it, since it was already being published. I said I didn’t know either and maybe it was to sell the next one in the series. The agent explained that it didn’t work that way, but if I could get out of my current contract, she could sell it very quickly to a New York house.
We really did have to think about it.We hadn’t had very good luck with the book until then, but the chance of a REAL agent and a REAL publisher was too much to pass up.
The agent was as good as her word. It wasn’t more than a few weeks that we had an offer from Tor Books. I’ve been there ever since and wouldn’t change a day of the journey. It’s been an amazing ride and has always been an inspiration to me, to never underestimate the random chance meetings in life. Sometimes, being friendly and outgoing makes all the difference. Oh, and study. I would never have made it to the point of that second book if I hadn’t listened to all the people telling me the rules of the game along the way.

Forbidden (Luna Lake)
hits the shelf just a few months after the 10th Anniversary of the release of that first book,
Hunter's Moon
—which will be re-released in a special edition this fall. Pick it up too and see how it all began. :)
Forbidden (Luna Lake)
Cathy Clamp
A Tor Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780765377203
/ 0765377209
352 pages / $14.99
Pub Date: August 18, 2015
Fear wasn’t something Claire Evans thought she’d ever feel again,
but an all-too-familiar buzzing filled her ears while bile rose into her
throat. Adrenaline raced through her veins, and her muscles flexed
involuntarily, as though striking at an invisible foe. The sensations were
hardwired into her from that time, long ago. But now she was just a passenger
in a car in rural Washington, with no enemy that she could feel or smell. Yet
she was alert and wary.
“You feel it too, don’t you? The dark tightens around your throat
like a hand.” Danielle’s tremulous whisper beside Claire made her start and
turn her head to look at the lovely African-American woman driving the car.
She tried to shrug it off. “I’m a Sazi … a wolf. The dark
doesn’t scare me.” So why is my heart pounding like it’s going to leap
out of my chest? She stared out the windshield where the bright
headlights barely held the night at bay, looking for something … anything
that would explain what she was feeling. Analyze the fear, Claire.
Force it to reveal itself.
Danielle Williams’s laugh held just a touch of hysteria. “It’s not
the dark, girlfriend. It’s what’s in the dark. Strange things
live in the forest here. Stuff that even scares those that hunt at night. It’s
why I’m the one driving you tonight.”
Claire turned in her seat to face Danielle more squarely. “Come
again?” Before the other woman could open her mouth to respond, Claire took a
deep breath through her nose and knew abruptly why fear had been tightening her
throat. It wasn’t her own fear filling the air … it was Danielle’s.
Underneath the thick scent of feathers that she expected to smell from an owl
shifter was the unmistakable sour scent of near-panic. An owl scared of the
dark? That was wrong on so many levels. There had to be something deeper at
work. “What’s wrong, Danielle?”
A long pause followed. Claire let it grow until the other woman
couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. “It’s my … little sister and …
brother.” The words were choked out with long gulps of air between. Claire
didn’t have to ask their names; though she’d just met Danielle tonight, she’d
done her homework on her host family. Nineteen-year-old Danielle was the oldest
biological child of John and Asylin Williams. Ten-year-old Kristy was the
youngest and fourteen-year-old Darrell was in the middle. But the Williamses
weren’t content to raise only their own children. They’d opened their home to
more than a dozen orphans from the plague and raised them as their own. Many
“after-plague siblings” of various races, families, and shifter species had
come and gone through their massive, hand-built home during the last decade,
making it the perfect place for Claire to stay and to gather information.
Danielle snuffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. “Kristy and Darrell have
been missing for three days now. Nobody knows where they are. I left college to
come home and help search.”
“Oh, man! What happened?” Three days? Why hadn’t she been told
yet? Or did Wolven not know about the disappearances?
“Kristy was supposed to spend the day at a friend’s house. When
dinnertime rolled around and she hadn’t come home, Mom sent Darrell to get her.
When neither one made it back after another hour, Mom called Isabelle’s family.
They hadn’t seen Kristy all day. Hadn’t seen Darrell either.” Danielle drummed
her fingers on the steering wheel. Claire felt the speed of the car increase and
began to push magical energy out in a wave in front of the car to hopefully
warn any prey animals to avoid the roadway. The last thing they needed was to
hit a deer and wreck the car.
Danielle kept talking, the words tumbling over themselves in a
rush. “Mama should have called me that day. I would have come to help look for
them. But she didn’t want to bother me. Damn it! Kristy’s only ten
and Darrell’s not much older. They haven’t even shifted for the first time.”
Tears glistened in the orange light from the dash. Danielle wiped them away
with an angry hand before clutching the wheel again, wrapping fingers around it
like talons around a snake.
Claire reached out to touch the other woman’s shoulder. “I’m so
sorry, Danielle. I understand just how you feel.” In fact, she understood more
than Danielle could imagine. She had once been one of the missing. Worse, to
many in her hometown, she still was. It’s why she was the perfect person to
send here to investigate.
I wonder if there have been other disappearances. Is that why
nobody is talking to Wolven? She was young to be part of the Sazi law
enforcement branch, and only a few people even knew she was active. But the
agent on duty in Luna Lake didn’t seem to be sending in reports of anything
abnormal … or at least, nobody admitted to getting them. She was being
planted in the town by the Sazi Council to find out what was happening. Her
primary task was to find out why people were missing from the official reports,
even though the town leaders claimed everyone was accounted for. While it was
likely just a clerical error, it could be dangerous if someone was hiding
something. Thankfully, because she was bound to the Texas wolf pack, she could
mentally contact her pack leaders, Adam and Cara Mueller—Wolven agents and
police officers both—in a crisis. She had to work hard to make the connection
work and it gave her a bad headache, but it was better than nothing.“Is there
anything I can do? Once we arrive, I mean.”
Danielle put up a helpless hand. The wet scent of sorrow filled
the car, smothering the sour panic. “I don’t know. Maybe. We can use every set
of eyes. Maybe, as an outsider, you’ll see something the rest of us are
An outsider. It seemed strange to be considered an outsider in a town that
was all Sazi. No shifter should ever be considered an outsider. That was the
whole point of the encampments that had been formed after the plague: to
welcome and protect Sazi of all species. Claire tried hard to project
confidence into the car. The gift of empathy was still new to her and she
wasn’t very good at projecting emotions yet. But the healer back in Texas had
told her it could be a valuable tool for investigating once she was more
skilled. She only knew she was succeeding when the hot metal scent of determination
rode up over the musty damp smell of fear.
“Anything I can do,” she said firmly.
They went back to watching the dark landscape slip by in a blur
while Claire struggled to keep Danielle’s fear from overwhelming her. She
couldn’t afford to become an amplifier of someone else’s negativity. She tried
to concentrate on the bits of roadside that were highlighted in the headlamps
for brief seconds: a speed limit sign, which they were presently exceeding by
at least ten; then red and yellow leaves that whisked into the air, swirling
around the hood and over the roof; even a bright bit of metal in the grass,
shining silver before disappearing. But it was no use—the more silence that
passed, the more time she had to dwell on possibilities, and the greater the
fear grew. Claire needed to take Danielle’s mind off the situation. “Tell me a
little about Luna Lake. Where might the kids have spent the day if they didn’t
go to their friends’?”
Danielle shrugged. “I’ve been wondering the same thing. There’s
not much to the town. There’s no arcade or anything and no mall. The nearest
town is Republic, but it’s too far to walk. There’s an ice cream store but
that’s the first place Mama checked. S.Q.’s a sucker for little kids with wide
eyes. Gives them so many free samples that they wind up sick in the morning. Of
course, that means every kid in town hangs out there.” She must have realized
Claire didn’t know the people in town, because she explained. “S.Q.
Wrill … with a W … owns Polar Pops on Main Street. She’s
a nice lady but you’d think a falcon would have more brains. I swear she’d
forget her head if it wasn’t attached.”
“S.Q.? That’s her real name? Just initials?”
“It’s sure what I’d call myself if I had her
given name. Everyone blends the letters and calls her Skew. Her mama should
have been ashamed.” Danielle shook her head as the road slipped by. She didn’t
continue until Claire prompted.
“Which is?”
“I’ll have to spell it. S-e-n-s-a-b-i-l-l-e. Her middle name is
Quille, with an e at the end. I mean … really? Her
mama must have been high as a kite when that poor girl was born.” She tsked,
clucking her tongue like a chicken, and then sighed.
Claire struggled not to laugh out loud. Wow.
Sensabille … Quille … Wrill. No kidding, poor girl. But this
was all great stuff. Not only would learning about the people in Luna Lake keep
Danielle occupied, but Claire would learn a ton about the town. Already the
scents in the car were lightening. “Interesting. What else is there to keep
kids occupied? Is there a playground?”
“Oh, sure. Back behind the school. The whole town pitched in to
build it. Monkey bars, teeter-totter, swings … even a climbing wall. But
they keep it fenced off so nobody uses it after school.”
Claire let out a small laugh. “Fences never kept me out when I was
a kid. I’d climb over, slip under. Nothing could keep me from the swings. Made
me feel like I was flying.”
The owl shifter flicked a glance her way. “Oh, swings feel nothing like
flying. Trust me.”
There wasn’t anything to say to that, and Claire was grateful
beyond measure she would never know. Her life would have been totally different
if she’d gotten wings instead of fur. Totally, frighteningly different. She
fought to keep from shuddering. “But the kids had never shifted, right? So they
couldn’t just hop over the fence?”
“Puleeze.” Danielle’s voice held scorn. “Sazi designed the
fence. We have birds of all sorts, cats that can jump two stories high, wolves
that can dig through near-solid stone. You can’t just hop over.
It’s no ordinary fence. You’ll have to see it to understand.”
Danielle slowed the car, flipped on the blinker, and made a turn
onto a much narrower paved road. There were no shoulders and no striping. But
there was a sign, the only indication of where they were. They would arrive in
Luna Lake in ten miles.
Claire asked, “Why bother to block off the playground? It’s not
like the kids will get hurt. They’ll heal.” It was the long-standing saying
among their kind. Nearly anything would heal. No wound was too bad. Head and
heart both had to be damaged to kill.
Danielle’s voice was surprised, but the underlying scent that rode
the air to Claire was haunted, filled with sorrow, fear, and pain. “Nobody
heals since the plague. Where have you been? Hardly anyone heals better than
full humans. We’re really cautious because we lost our healer last winter. We
don’t know why she died.”
Wow. Claire struggled to wrap her mind around that. When the Sazi
were attacked, nearly a decade ago now, by family members who had created a
magically-charged chemical that “cured” shapeshifters and made them human
again, it became a plague, devastating their kind. Exposure to the cure was
like a toxin and had killed many and caused madness in others. But what would
it take to kill a healer short of major injuries? “In Texas,
the kids run around like wild animals. It’s a rare day someone isn’t digging
cactus spines from their legs and arms, or getting treated for snake bites.”
Like Luna Lake, the Tedford Compound was remote, but they had the luxury of
several healers nearby and most of the pack was healthy. “Have you applied to
the Council for a new healer?”
Danielle let out a snort as she turned on the wipers to knock a
layer of dead bugs from the windshield. “You must have some sort of magic
potion down there then. That’s not how it works up here. We’ve applied for a
new healer dozens of times. I don’t think the Council even remembers we exist.
We haven’t had a Councilman visit or call in years.”
Again Claire felt a moment of shock. A member of the Sazi High
Council was through her town every few months. Was it really that different up
here, or were the townsfolk in Luna Lake being fed a line? She couldn’t smell
or sense any deception from Danielle. On first impression, it appeared she
really believed that they had been set adrift by the Sazi hierarchy.
“Of course,” Danielle continued. “It’s not that different from the
human government. The area struggles. So we have to be pretty self-sufficient.
We’re on the only road close to town that doesn’t need repairs. You need a jeep
for some of the back roads. We do the best we can with the money we have.” She
paused and then sighed. “But it would be nice if we could get a doctor. We
can’t take the kids to the hospital in Republic. What if they did a blood
We’ll check into it. Count on it.
Claire faintly heard the voice of her pack leader, Adam Mueller,
in her mind and it made her feel better to know they were there and could still
hear through her ears, even though the contact made her temples throb sharply.
She knew both Adam and Cara would take action on what she
observed. But Danielle … in fact, none of the people in Luna Lake could
know it was being worked on. She steeled herself for the pain that made nerves
scream through her skull and replied to her pack leaders the same way. Please
be discreet. Otherwise, it did no good to send me here.
One word rang through her mind, bearing the distinctive Tejano
accent she’d come to know from her surrogate mother. Duh.
It nearly made her laugh and Claire had to struggle not to let her
amusement show in her face or scent. So she immediately concentrated on what it
would feel like to have a child in the house who was injured where they
couldn’t go to a human doctor, and a Sazi one was days or weeks away. “Sorry to
hear about your healer. Are there a lot of elderly in town? How many kids?”
Danielle nodded. “A fair number. We just have one school in town,
K through twelve. There’s about fifty students. There’s probably two hundred
total Sazi in and around Luna Lake, scattered around. About half of the adults
are over forty. It was bigger right after the first attack, but not everybody’s
suited to life up here. The people who came from big cities wound up moving to
other compounds, closer to sewer systems and grocery stores.”
Claire nodded in agreement. “Yeah, same problem at the Tedford
Compound. Not everybody is up for the heat and cacti, or boiling well water to
drink and wash in, or using outhouses where we can’t even put in septic
A flash of light outside the car caught Claire’s eye and she
pointed out the windshield. “What in the world is that?” The green
glow seemed to pulse with a life of its own. It swooped and danced in the black
sky like dragon dancers at Chinese New Year. It disappeared and reappeared
through the towering treetops along the road.
“Ooo!” Danielle slowed the car and moved to the side at a spot
where there were fewer trees and they could see the sky. “It’s the northern
lights. We don’t see them often, and they always seem to be green when they
appear this far south.”
Claire had seen videos of the northern lights, but had never seen
them in person. It was surreal. Once the car was fully stopped, she opened her
car door, which made Danielle nervous. “We can’t stay more than a second. We
really need to get to town soon.”
“A second is all I need. I just want to see it without the glass.”
The image drew her, pulled her to stand up, one foot still on the floorboards
of the car. The scents of the night hit her nose in a rush, adding to the
frozen moment. The air was so incredibly clean. Crisp, powerful,
filled with pine and apples, and with a hint of far distant snow on the wind. A
variety of animal scents made her turn her head this way and that, but she
never took her eyes off the dancing lights. Deer in the deep brush, birds in
the trees, along with musky plant eaters she had no name for yet. Possibly elk
or moose. Or maybe even bear. She’d never smelled them before.
After a few moments, she was satisfied and started to get back in
the car. But movement in the darkness caught her eye. Whatever was pushing
against her senses was large—as big as the car, at least. But though she tried,
flaring her nostrils and inhaling deeply, she couldn’t smell a thing. It was as
though the rest of her senses were lying to her. Claire hadn’t been born a
Sazi; she’d become one after she’d learned to rely on senses other than her
nose. And what her eyes and the prickling hairs on her neck told her was she
needed to leave. Now. She slid back inside the car, grabbing her seat belt on
the way down. “We need to go. Hurry!”
“Wha—” But apparently the look on Claire’s face, her scent, or
maybe she’d accidentally pressed onto the owl shifter a bit of her own
urgency … something was enough to silence Danielle. She slammed the
gearshift down and hit the gas, hard enough that it threw Claire back against
her headrest.
The car lurched sideways when something impacted the back door on
the driver’s side. Danielle let out a small screech and tightened her grip on
the steering wheel until her knuckles were white. The car leaped forward. Claire
felt her own fingers tighten on the armrest. She kept checking the rearview
mirror, but there was nothing to see in the darkness behind them. That didn’t
stop her heart from racing or a low growl from building in her chest. The wolf
part of her wanted to turn and fight. The human side knew that anything capable
of making a moving car swerve was nothing to mess with. She glanced at the
instrument panel. Their speed was sixty and increasing. The little car’s engine
wasn’t very powerful and eighty was the best they could hope for. That should
have been plenty fast enough to outrun any animal on the planet, and any Sazi
short of a Council member.
It wasn’t.
The tires squealed against the pavement when an unseen something
hit the back bumper, pushing them forward and then sideways. Danielle turned
into the skid as though on an icy road and they shot forward again. They were
only a few miles from town now. Most predators, human or otherwise, wouldn’t
risk continuing an attack where they could be seen. “C’mon, c’mon. Move, you
piece of junk.” Danielle was whispering but the words seemed loud to Claire.
The landscape whizzed by as seconds passed. The sour, bitter scent
of panic burned her nose every time Claire inhaled.
Just when the lights of the town appeared around a bend, an
unearthly howl filled the car and the world upended in a rush of metal,
glass … and pain.
Copyright © 2015 by Cathy
My Review
4.25 out of 5 stars
Forbidden by Cathy Clamp is Book One of the ‘Luna Lake’ urban fantasy series. The story features Claire Evans, who has traveled to Luna Lake, in Washington State, to investigate disturbing occurrences. She is handicapped by her unfamiliarity with the rules and rituals in the town, but she has resources that they don’t know about as well. Unfortunately, the Sazil have had significant changes, and Alek Siska is still striving to deal with the repercussions. The last thing he expects is to not only be teamed up with Claire, but to be drawn into the complications that accompany her arrival. There are many dangerous undercurrents in Luna Lake, and if they’re not careful, both Claire and Alek may not survive the evil that threatens all of the residents.
This inventive and fantastical tale resumes the saga of the Sazi, in a very different world. The rich history that these shifters have shared has faded as their powers and alliances have altered and things are strangely dark in this part of the world. This is an intense and sometimes uncomfortable tale, with disconcerting violence and evil in both the present and the past, that captures one’s attention and draws one into the complicated world that has a plethora of intriguing individuals—who are closely linked to their animal natures. There are surprising twists to the relationships that form, and threads that link to the past and establish a framework for even more tales about these compelling beings. It would be nice to have a little more depth to the characters and I am not thrilled with the acceptance of the way the omegas are treated, but I definitely enjoyed following the mystery as it unfolded. The world presented is intriguing, and will appeal to those who like intense and somewhat dark paranormal tales that involve strong determined individuals who are not afraid to challenge evil and fight for those weaker than they are, but be forewarned, this is definitely not a tale for the squeamish.
A copy of this story was provided to me for review.