by Victoria Morgan was a delightful historical romance. It is my understanding that this is the author's first novel and it was a finalist in a prestigious contest under a different name. The allure of this beautiful novel is its focus on a hero who is a survivor of the carnage immortalized in Lord Tennyson's famous poem, The Charge of the Light Brigade. This war veteran suffers from PTSD and has tried to alleviate some of the suffering of his fellow soldiers who have been forgotten or ignored by society.
My Amazon review is at this link. I think this author is going to be a great addition to the field and I look forward to other works with her lovely voice.
I occasionally think that I suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder since I start so many things and don't get many of them finished! I finally realized that, although I have posted some of my recent Night Owl Reviews books on Goodreads, I thought I'd start keeping up with the books I was reading and post the reviews once I was done...ha, ha...that was back in October or so...and it has just now dawned on me that I neglected to ever go back and take care of those. Then, of course, there are all of the reviews that I haven't cross-posted on Amazon after writing them up. Hmm, maybe I need to find a better way to keep things scheduled, not to mention stop volunteering to read the beginnings of the series to catch up. Well, maybe after I reading the Linda Robertson 'Circle''s so much fun so far, lol.
And...speaking of ongoing things to keep up with, don't forget to go to Lisa Renee Jones' blog, read about nice recipes and enter the contest every day. If you mention that you were sent from my blog...if you win, I do too! Please go to this link.
Night Owl has a fun scavenger hunt that will lead you to lots of fun authors at this link.
Romance Books 4 Us has a new contest at this link.
Coffee Time Romance always has plenty of contests at this link, make sure you scroll through all of the pages.